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Yes, congratulations are in order, and celebrations are to be held after such a long and bitter struggle. I watched the swearing in today. It is a sense of great relief. President Ali will do well to heal the nation. It is worth remembering that the de facto president Granger did not attend the swearing in and still questions the results.

My point is: Indos should not display ethnic triumphalism and denigrate the losers. Guyana needs to heal...and the PPP must govern in the interest of all Guyanese. 

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@VishMahabir posted:

Yes, congratulations are in order, and celebrations are to be held after such a long and bitter struggle. I watched the swearing in today. It is a sense of great relief. President Ali will do well to heal the nation. It is worth remembering that the de facto president Granger did not attend the swearing in and still questions the results.

My point is: Indos should not display ethnic triumphalism and denigrate the losers.

Guyana needs to heal...and the PPP must govern in the interest of all Guyanese. 

Not done in 23 yrs ,what makes you think it can be done now ?

@Ramakant-P posted:

How can it be done if you never try? In the 23 years of PPP rule, there were disruptive elements who dedicated their lives to make the country ungovernable.  The PNC will continue to do the same, I hope not.  Jagdeo felt the same way Obama felt. Don't you think?

So now everything will be honky dory ,with President , Vice President and Prime Minister.  Which part of the world have such head of government make up.

Burnham Constitution comes in handy.

@Former Member posted:


Where was the election reform as promised in 5-1/2 years that Granger squatted in office like a clueless idiot ? It was a part of AFC PNC election manifesto !

PNC gave Guyana two Jackasses, Granger and Basil Top Breed Jackass Williams. 

How can you compare 23 yrs with 5.5 yrs ,all the PPP did was patch work to Burnham Constitution. Later will tell what will play out.


Guyana once again will be great. The first priority is to clean up the voter's list. Only the people who are on the list will be allowed to vote in any General Election. Migrants who are US citizens would not be allowed to register.

There will be Jobs created in the Agriculture sector, Housing, Manufacturing, fishing, forestry, commerce, trading, Transportation, tourism, land development, and mining.

Jagdeo's computer project will play a vital role in the development of the country along with investing in people through higher education.

God Bless the PPP.

@Django posted:

Not done in 23 yrs ,what makes you think it can be done now ?

Reminder: PNC regime never accomplished national unity in 28 years. After getting power in 1964 Burnham had promised to "heal the nation". By 1992 the nation was so sick it could barely stand on its feet. 

In 2015, after PNC Leader Granger was elected President, he promised national unity and social cohesion. He created a special Ministry of Social Cohesion. He put PNC doberman Amna Ali in charge. By 2020 Amna's terrifying barks turned social cohesion into a bad dream. And Granger's national unity promise turned into a disunity unprecedented in Guyana's history.

The PPP/C is taking on a Herculean task to restore the nation to some semblance of unity. Not for nothing did Dr Irfaan Ali assure the nation that he intends to be President for ALL GUYANESE.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Reminder: PNC regime never accomplished national unity in 28 years. After getting power in 1964 Burnham had promised to "heal the nation". By 1992 the nation was so sick it could barely stand on its feet. 

In 2015, after PNC Leader Granger was elected President, he promised national unity and social cohesion. He created a special Ministry of Social Cohesion. He put PNC doberman Amna Ali in charge. By 2020 Amna's terrifying barks turned social cohesion into a bad dream. And Granger's national unity promise turned into a disunity unprecedented in Guyana's history.

The PPP/C is taking on a Herculean task to restore the nation to some semblance of unity. Not for nothing did Dr Irfaan Ali assure the nation that he intends to be President for ALL GUYANESE.

It's your right to defend and sweep under the carpet the governance of the PPP of marginalizing half of the population during the 23 yrs,removing all Afro Ambassadors when came to office in 1992 . Perhaps the same will be done again.

Guyana had a new beginning from 1992 ,when Democracy graced the country ,harping on PNC 28 yrs and the Coalition Government 5 yrs from 2015 doesn't cut it.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

It's your right to defend and sweep under the carpet the governance of the PPP of marginalizing half of the population during the 23 yrs,removing all Afro Ambassadors when came to office in 1992 . Perhaps the same will be done again.

Fact: regime change always entails changing of the guards. All political parties in all countries do that. In the  US the first ones to go are political appointees in the White House. Democrats don't retain Republicans and vice versa. No different in Guyana. You mentioned what the PPP/C did after 1992 but not what APNU+AFC did after 2015. All PPP/C ambassadors, high commissioners, consular generals and other Foreign Affairs staff had to go. Only Bayney Karran was retained. The same pattern in the Office of the President and government ministries. 

@Django posted:

It's your right to defend and sweep under the carpet the governance of the PPP of marginalizing half of the population during the 23 yrs,removing all Afro Ambassadors when came to office in 1992 . Perhaps the same will be done again.

Guyana had a new beginning from 1992 ,when Democracy graced the country ,harping on PNC 28 yrs and the Coalition Government 5 yrs from 2015 doesn't cut it.

The US had to twist the hands of Desmond Hoyte to hold a free and fair election in 1992. Since then there was a free and fair election all the time.

@Django posted:

Not done in 23 yrs ,what makes you think it can be done now ?

Django Bhai, don't be so negative. We all do have some sort of experience that makes us think and reflect on our past actions and attitude. Dr. Irfan Ali and Brigadier Mark Phillips with guidance from Presidential advisor Dr. Bharat Jagdeo will put Guyana on a path to progress. Let's give them a chance as you did with the PNC. I will be the first one to call them out if they screw up. We have seen the ills of 5 years of PNC rule.

@Django posted:

So now everything will be honky dory ,with President , Vice President and Prime Minister.  Which part of the world have such head of government make up.

Burnham Constitution comes in handy.

It’s a good start.  PNC has just received a good lesson in the rule of law. If they don’t want to play, the can sit on the fence with their 10% extremists.  The world is changing right under their feet. 

@VishMahabir posted:

Yes, congratulations are in order, and celebrations are to be held after such a long and bitter struggle. I watched the swearing in today. It is a sense of great relief. President Ali will do well to heal the nation. It is worth remembering that the de facto president Granger did not attend the swearing in and still questions the results.

My point is: Indos should not display ethnic triumphalism and denigrate the losers. Guyana needs to heal...and the PPP must govern in the interest of all Guyanese. 

The swearing in was simple and elegant. No pomp and circumstance. I didn’t even hear a blo blo blow.

Bibi Haniffa

The swearing in was simple and elegant. No pomp and circumstance. I didn’t even hear a blo blo blow.

No time for celebration. It's time to get down to work and start planning how to pull Guyana out of misery, all the debts, and deterioration. No sport up and wine down. No money for that. Address the needs of the people, COVID-19, school children, poverty, and jobs.

@Former Member posted:

No time for celebration. It's time to get down to work and start planning how to pull Guyana out of misery, all the debts, and deterioration. No sport up and wine down. No money for that. Address the needs of the people, COVID-19, school children, poverty, and jobs.

The PPP will create 50,000 jobs as promised in their manifesto. Loans will be provided for the creation of small businesses. Definitely, poverty will be addressed. A safe environment will be provided for the COVID-19 environment. This is up to the people. all they have to do is listen and obey the rules of the medical officers. Every need of the People is well documented in the PPP 2020 manifesto. If you want a miracle, I give you the PPP.

@Former Member posted:

It’s a good start.  PNC has just received a good lesson in the rule of law. If they don’t want to play, the can sit on the fence with their 10% extremists.  The world is changing right under their feet. 

Burnham's institute for law studies should be closed down and be replaced with Nandalal's Law College.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP will create 50,000 jobs as promised in their manifesto. Loans will be provided for the creation of small businesses. Definitely, poverty will be addressed. A safe environment will be provided for the COVID-19 environment. This is up to the people. all they have to do is listen and obey the rules of the medical officers. Every need of the People is well documented in the PPP 2020 manifesto. If you want a miracle, I give you the PPP.



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