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Today, December 3 marks the first anniversary of the swearing-in of President Donald Ramotar. Below is an invited review from an observer

Today marks one year since the November 28, 2011 Regional and General Elections in Guyana which undoubtedly ushered in a new political era for our fledgling democracy.
A new Head of State in President Donald Ramotar of the People’s Progressive Party further cemented that party’s dominance over the political landscape of Guyana ever since the restoration of free and fair elections in 1992.
President Ramotar would be the fifth leader from the PPP to take the seat of the highest office in Guyana.
However, his term would also usher in a new political dimension with the combined opposition of the Alliance for Change and A Partnership for National Unity having a one seat majority over the PPP in the National Assembly, Guyana’s Parliament.
Just like his predecessor faced a barrage of criticism from the opposition when he was took up the mantle of leadership, President Ramotar feared no different.
It is here that a famous statement from US General Colin Powell takes effect, “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.”
One year since the last elections, President Ramotar has stood out as a beacon of hope for our nation. Someone, who cuts across all barriers real or perceived, he has reached out to all his people in a matured approach. Not one to rush into decision but move with a calm and assured presence in managing the affairs of the nation.
A social commentator recently stated that the first year of the Presidency of Mr. Donald Ramotar has been met with a baptisms of fire and brimstone from the opposition. Indeed there has been a lot of both as the nation witnessed first in Linden and then on the Agricola public road.
It was clear that the AFC and APNU leaders were convinced that fanning the flames of violence would undermine the Head of State and his Government, making it easier to run roughshod over Government both in the parliament and in dictating their agenda.
They failed miserably.
President Ramotar in his deliberate style did not rush into making any irrational decisions and after careful assessment with a clear understanding on how the nation would be best served me made his decisions.
His move to set up an Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Linden situation was greeted with much fanfare by the opposition only for this to turn into utter dread when they realized that the full extent of their involvement would be exposed.
Opposition supporters have been left in a quandary after seeing their leaders swear oaths on a Bible only be exposed during the inquiry for issuing misleading statements or outright lies. There is a quiet soul searching now as their supporters slowly come to the realization that if their leaders could do this with not an inch of hesitancy at such a public forum what more have they been misled about.
But even before this, a move was made to strangle the effectiveness of Government though wide ranging budget cuts at the start of the year.
Guyanese will never forget, especially the hundreds from all walks of life in the public sector who came out to protest against the move by APNU/AFC to slash funding for their jobs and put them on the breadline. They will forever remember the cold and utter evil demeanor of AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan when he told them they were mere ‘collateral damage’ in the opposition quest to undermine the PPP/C Government.
Contrast this leadership style with that of President Ramotar who pledged to ensure his Government does all it can to protect those workers, some of whom who had publicly admitted voting for the AFC and APNU is the last elections.
Similarly, Guyanese will remember how APNU leader David Granger was forced to deny any involvement in an agreement he made on the Linden electricity issue. Granger and a team had been debriefed by officials in the Government and those in the power generation sector about the unsustainable nature of the extremely low tariffs Lindeners were paying for electricity compared to all other areas in Guyana which necessitated heavy subsidies over the years from the Government to keep electricity in the homes of citizens in the mining township.
If the about turn on his agreement with Government’s position was not enough, his denial of making such an agreement was confirmation for some political commentators of a weak character, unfit and unable to command such a leadership position.
Then we have the Agricola unrest where continuing what they started in Linden, AFC leaders Moses Nagamootoo and Nigel Hughes issued a 24 hour ultimatum to President Ramotar to fire his Home Affairs Minister on their contention that they had evidence that Minister Rohee had ordered the shooting of protestors in Linden. Guyanese never say this evidence these AFC leaders had claimed to have in their possession but they will remember when the AFC stated that ‘it was not calling for peace’ in Guyana and several hours later violence and utter destruction ensued on the East Bank corridor.
We would later find out that these AFC leaders never had the evidence that they told the public they were in possession of and even more so questions began to arise as to who actually shot at the protestors when the opposition ballistic expert revealed that it was not the Police.
In all of this President Ramotar was hailed for his calm approach to the situation and not being rushed into making a decision based on pressure from the opposition and ultimately being vindicated by the revelations coming out of the Inquiry.
But the failing leadership of the opposition continued as is evidenced in the recent missteps of House Speaker Raphel Trotman, himself a former AFC Presidential Candidate.
The mockery being made of our National Assembly by the opposition is not only being sanctioned by the speaker but he is also an integral part now as he had first ruled that based on legal advice he had no power to prevent Minister Rohee from speaking in the house only to go back on his ruling on November 22.
To further compound his dilemma Speaker Raphel Trotman is quoted in the media as saying that Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee has not been sent to the committee of privileges, but rather it is the issue on whether the house has the powers to sanction Rohee.
Based on this revelation and his previous admission it is most astonishing that the Speaker has now taken it upon himself to issue a ruling preventing the Minister from speaking and tabling bills.
Thus, it was no surprise that President Ramotar publicly stated that he has lost confidence in the speaker.
In all of this however, one year on despite these orchestrated challenges to his Presidency by the opposition – President Donald Ramotar has managed to effectively navigate our nation through these troubled waters and has focused on an aggressive programme to improve the effectiveness of his Government and the political party he leads.
He has reached out to Guyanese all over our nation and even abroad while ensuring that Guyana’s continued growth and economic development continues apace.
On the international stage he has been very vocal on a number of topical issues, including the plight of the Palestinian people and other 3rd world nations calling for peace and dialogue instead of the resort to violence in settling disputes.
He has already been recognized by the United Nations for his leadership qualities with UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon selecting him to sit on a special select committee to review the global education system.
His open and conciliatory approach to solving our nation’s problems and good natured mannerism, including his hallmark smile and commitment of family confirms without a doubt that Guyana’s future is indeed secured with Donald Ramotar at the helm.
Congratulations Mr. President and may you continue to work tirelessly for your people.

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Originally Posted by Chief:

This review was done by a PPP observer.


I am not insulting your intelligence. Do you expect the APNU/AFC opposition to write anything positive towards the government or any PPP member? Did not the PPP restore democracy in Guyana? Was there freedom of speech? 


Well received?  the Guyanese are too kind.


The sugar workers smile with him but they know who bruk up Guysuco.



Moh kick in his back side in 4 years time.


Next Lick up project - Amaila Falls Hydro.  It cost about $500 million to build a smilar hydro in other countries but the lick up got to happen that is why the taxpayers get hit with a bill of $840 million.


Every body get them turn, wha happen to the DUCK, goat bite him?


"Donald Ramotar, a man for all seasons...

One year since the last elections...affairs of the nation."

Truly uplifting words.  Guyana needs a strong leader like him.  Here's wishing all the best to Guyana and its citizens.   


Now the Truth



An absence of transformational and decisive leadership

December 4, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters



Dear Editor,

Since assuming office a year ago, President Ramotar has squandered the opportunity to start afresh and lead this nation to prosperity. But his drifting leadership style has established a lasting political legacy which began with his immediate predecessor. He has not demonstrated an appetite or taken any firm decision to fight corruption and illegal trafficking of drugs, reduce crime, and of course, set the nation on a course of sustained economic stability and robust growth.


The government pledges to continue spending billions on public works projects but much of that will end clandestinely into the pockets of the unrighteous and greedy among us. So far this year, many projects have been paid for multiple times over the real value by the taxpayers.




 All the countries that have successfully completed transformational projects have had to attack corruption frontally, whether the corrupt ones are pro-government, party members or not.


The PPP continues to make the cardinal mistake of thinking that the more it spends, the more money will trickle down to the poor and the working class, but they are so wrong.


Over the past five years or so, Guyana’s economy developed by less than an average of five per cent a year yet the administration has borrowed heavily, mostly from the Chinese, to fund the construction of several shady projects, all of which were signed secretly during the Jagdeo regime.


If one is to observe all of the projects – Marriott Hotel, Amaila Falls, ICT Cable, Hope Canal, One Laptop Per Family, the Skeldon Sugar Factory, CJIA expansion etc., they have all faced funding crises, low support from the people, lack of trust and transparency issues, and long delays in implementation.



 It is clear for all to see that the international donors and financing community, and even the local private sector, do not trust the government and are very skeptical in working with them. 


 The PPP has spawned a bureaucracy comprised of their relatives and friends that is inefficient and, in perception and fact, extremely corrupt from top to bottom.


 These failures are further manifested in Guyana’s poor educational, health and security sectors, a socially, economically and politically dysfunctional system, and the abuse of power and contempt for the people and the rule of law. But no matter what it does, the PPP knows that it can count on the race card to bail it out of all the mess. 


 All it has to do it try to drive fear into its constituents and provide some of them with projects and hence jobs.



Mr. Ramotar’s chance for personal redemption and to gain the trust and confidence of the people rests on the convergence of two factors: He must forcefully tackle corruption and crime forthwith and implement a sustainable economic programme that will create jobs for the youths and all those who want to work, as well as improve the welfare of the poor and the working class.


Both factors are significant to pulling Guyana from the brink of economic and social disaster. It is beyond debate that such programmes are urgently needed.


The government must begin to attack these problems by lowering VAT and the toll on the Berbice River Bridge, increase pensions for the elderly from $10,000 to $15,000 per month, and provide a 10 percent wage/salary increase across the board for civil/public servants.


This is a start that may provide some political support for the minority regime and may translate into some semblance of trust for Mr. Ramotar. No one in the PPP Government is better endowed for this task than Mr. Ramotar. But does he have the will for it?



We have said it before and will say it again, we do not believe that Mr. Ramotar will summon enough courage to ‘bell the cat’ in a way that will lead to the reduction of corruption and crime.


Guyana needs decisive and transformational leadership. The most decisive actions by the regime so far have been to do nothing about corruption and protect a questionable few from the laws of the land.


Decisive and transformational leadership is something that the PPP does not possess. The cabal is all about power and self-enrichment; not about the welfare of the people or the country. Just take a look at the mess in Georgetown, the nation’s capital, the high unemployment, the power blackouts and constant floods. How sad!

 Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Originally Posted by Observer:

"Donald Ramotar, a man for all seasons...

One year since the last elections...affairs of the nation."

Truly uplifting words.  Guyana needs a strong leader like him.  Here's wishing all the best to Guyana and its citizens.   

Hail to the Chief!



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This review was done by a PPP observer.


I am not insulting your intelligence. Do you expect the APNU/AFC opposition to write anything positive towards the government or any PPP member? Did not the PPP restore democracy in Guyana? Was there freedom of speech? 

What sort of lie is that, the one that revisionist peddle on an unthinking populace? The PPP were a communist party and their only concept of democracy is that of the old soviet model not western liberal democracy


 Democracy was won by people revolting against the dictatorship. It was synthesized out of the struggles from the christian churches, independent groups of individuals and the PPP was simply a boat caught in the tide and swept along with it. Their mental orientation could never have framed democracy in terms of a western European tradition. Theirs was the old vanguard party model with democratic centralism at its core.


With the fall of the Soviet Union, they had no  recourse to the soviet model so they were beneficiaries  of glasnost and not agents of change. Note they have not advanced our democracy one iota since coming into office. They fully understand the pitfalls of a racially bifurcated electorate in a Westminster system but that kind of totalitarianism is the closest they can come to the soviet model and still maintain the facade of a democracy.


They maintain the internal model of democratic centralism and externally co opt all power per the executive presidency and have nary an inkling of how to function in a deliberative and consensus system. They remain petrified old communists.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This review was done by a PPP observer.


I am not insulting your intelligence. Do you expect the APNU/AFC opposition to write anything positive towards the government or any PPP member? Did not the PPP restore democracy in Guyana? Was there freedom of speech? 

What sort of lie is that, the one that revisionist peddle on an unthinking populace? The PPP were a communist party and their only concept of democracy is that of the old soviet model not western liberal democracy


 Democracy was won by people revolting against the dictatorship. It was synthesized out of the struggles from the christian churches, independent groups of individuals and the PPP was simply a boat caught in the tide and swept along with it. Their mental orientation could never have framed democracy in terms of a western European tradition. Theirs was the old vanguard party model with democratic centralism at its core.


With the fall of the Soviet Union, they had no  recourse to the soviet model so they were beneficiaries  of glasnost and not agents of change. Note they have not advanced our democracy one iota since coming into office. They fully understand the pitfalls of a racially bifurcated electorate in a Westminster system but that kind of totalitarianism is the closest they can come to the soviet model and still maintain the facade of a democracy.


They maintain the internal model of democratic centralism and externally co opt all power per the executive presidency and have nary an inkling of how to function in a deliberative and consensus system. They remain petrified old communists.

Same sh*it; different day! Blah Blah! Blah! Mr. Know it all!

Originally Posted by warrior:

skeltonman if you start acting like a spoilchild you will get bugger

Namaste warria. God bless you. Really miss your religious greetings. Seems like your religious education was done in a catholic school. Looks like the word of the day was "to bugger".

Originally Posted by warrior:

this is how you greed thief,in all your debate here did you ever one day say that the ppp need to do some thing about all these couruption,even one little one.

I don't doubt there was stealing in the PPP during the Jagdeo regime. No one can prove that anyone in the Ramotar stole or stealing. These are just allegations. Where's the proof? Take them to court and let them have their due process. Jail them if they are convicted. We should all make an honest living.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Same sh*it; different day! Blah Blah! Blah! Mr. Know it all!

The willfuly ignorant is not open to facts  or new understanding of any kind. That would be too traumatic to their barnacle like clinging to false beliefs. Such imperiousness to understanding is the incubator for morons.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

President Ramoutar is a President for all , he's well received in every facet of the Guyanese society.

He was not selected by the majority so on its face the above is a falsehood. Some 60% of the society willingly did not participate to make him the president.


President Ramoutar was endorse as a presidential candidate by all three county conferences, were a wide cross section of the party supporters endorse him to carry the mantle of Presidential candidates, delegates from near and wide, supported him

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Same sh*it; different day! Blah Blah! Blah! Mr. Know it all!

The willfuly ignorant is not open to facts  or new understanding of any kind. That would be too traumatic to their barnacle like clinging to false beliefs. Such imperiousness to understanding is the incubator for morons.

Who gives a rat's behind about your daily rants?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Same sh*it; different day! Blah Blah! Blah! Mr. Know it all!

The willfuly ignorant is not open to facts  or new understanding of any kind. That would be too traumatic to their barnacle like clinging to false beliefs. Such imperiousness to understanding is the incubator for morons.

Who gives a rat's behind about your daily rants?

 Was it a rant or an analysis? I do not write for you. As stated, willful ignorance has no cure. I write for those who care to know a difference.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

President Ramoutar is a President for all INDIANS , he's well received in every facet of the INDIAN society.

I agree because clearly he doesnt have African or mixed support a sthere is no way that APNU would have gotten so many votes with its base confined to those two blocs.


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