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Today is dress up day

Aug 01, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News,

People gun dress up today like if dem live in Africa. Nuff of dem gun wear wraps wid some nice print. Women gun wear head wraps that got nuff meaning. People does tie dem head but dem don’t know that how dem tie dem head is a sign.

Dem boys seh that in this country when de people don’t know nutten bout dem African culture is trouble. But Guyana got some Africans. One of dem get cuff last year because he respond to a woman who was walking wid she husband.

De woman tie she head and send de message that she looking fuh a man. De African man from Ghana spot it and mek he move. That is how de lady husband cuff him. When de dust settle de man from Ghana tell de husband that de woman send out a message wid de way she tie she head.

People gun cook food like Metem and cook-up and conkie. Africa is a place wheh de people love corn suh look out fuh nuff boil corn in de National Park.

But wha got dem boys thinking is that all who dress up gun either dress like Nigerian, or Ghanian or Guinea or Senegal. None of dem dressing like de man from Kalahari. He is a man who does wear little more than a string round he waist. Dem boys certain that dem wouldn’t see a man or a woman dress like that.

De man does put he penis in a shaft like how people des put knife in a sheath. No Guyanese gun dress like that because none of dem ain’t come from that part of de world.

Most of de people come from Ghana and from Senegal pun de West Coast suh dem should wear clothes from that region but of course dem don’t know.

Whatever de case, is a time to remember that nuff of dem ancestors get kill. And to think that de old people lose dem life while some of dem descendants wasting dem own.

Talk half and spare a thought fuh de cruelty of slavery.

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Demerara_Guy posted:

Today is dress up day

Aug 01, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News,


De woman tie she head and send de message that she looking fuh a man. De African man from Ghana spot it and mek he move. That is how de lady husband cuff him. When de dust settle de man from Ghana tell de husband that de woman send out a message wid de way she tie she head.


Which is my point. Specific African ethnic groups have specific cultures.  It wouldn't surprise me about the head ties because I know that in Suriname, the French Antilles (including St Lucia and Dominica), as well as Curacao head ties are used to send out a message as to whether a woman is single (so available) or married (so not available).

This may well be a joke but it ought to be a warning that we are no longer African nor are we Indian. We are Guyanese, and a Caribbean people with ancestries in various regions, including India and West/West Central Africa. We no longer behave as did our ancestors 150+ years ago.

caribny posted:

We are Guyanese, and a Caribbean people with ancestries in various regions, including India and West/West Central Africa. We no longer behave as did our ancestors 150+ years ago.

Nationality == Guyanese first and foremost.

Background = Respective ancestry secondary.


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