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Albert Baldeo sentencing deferred after hospitalised with chest pains


The sentencing of former Guyana magistrate Albert Baldeo on seven counts of obstructing justice was deferred this afternoon in a New York city court after it was reported he had been taken to hospital suffering from chest pains.

This afternoon after Baldeo was a no-show, U.S. District Judge Paul A. Crotty said he could not pass sentence without him being present and deferred the matter at United States Courthouse 500 Pearl St NYC until tomorrow. His attorney was present and said Baldeo would have to do an ECG and be cleared by the hospital before he could face the court. But the government prosecutors were skeptical and asked for independent corroboration, remarking that Baldeo has a brother who is a doctor.


Baldeo was found guilty of seven counts of obstructing justice related to irregular financing practices for his 2010 campaign to become a city councillor.

SN gives the background:  â€œBaldeo, 55, was convicted of seven counts of obstruction of justice in Manhattan federal court after a two-week trial before U.S. District Judge Paul A. Crotty. He was acquitted of three fraud-related counts relating to approximately US$15,000 in claims for city matching funds. a release on August 11, 2014 on the conviction from the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York said that according to the Complaint, Indictment, and Superseding Indict-ment and evidence presented at trial, in the fall of 2010, Baldeo, then a Queens District Leader of a political party and attorney, took part in a scheme to defraud New York City which involved the funnelling of multiple illegal campaign contributions to his eventually unsuccessful campaign for City Councilâ€Ķ.


After learning of the FBI’s probe of this matter, the release said that Baldeo obstructed the investigation by ordering some of the straw donors to provide false information to, or not cooperate with, the FBI agents.


In one case, the release said that after Baldeo learnt that one straw donor was going to refuse to lie, a threatening letter was faxed from Baldeo’s office to the office of this straw donor’s attorney.


Further, a co-conspirator of Baldeo’s made false allegations to the New York City Administration for Children’s Services that this straw donor was abusing his grandchild.”

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Looks like baldeo did not show up to court for sentencing.


He might be on the run to Guyana.

You din read, the man had belly wuk and they were gonna send him to the doctor, but is not Guyana we dealin with here, dem lawyer say, nah, we want a independent doc pon dis here case, they know the banna got a brother who's a doctor, ketch what woulda gone on?

The doctor brother woulda try oneadem prorogue and have the court case push back forever.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Looks like baldeo did not show up to court for sentencing.


He might be on the run to Guyana.

You din read, the man had belly wuk and they were gonna send him to the doctor, but is not Guyana we dealin with here, dem lawyer say, nah, we want a independent doc pon dis here case, they know the banna got a brother who's a doctor, ketch what woulda gone on?

The doctor brother woulda try oneadem prorogue and have the court case push back forever.


heheheehe this chap baldeo think he in GY..


Two days ago I spoke to one of Baldeo's client who paid him US$30,000 to do her immigration papers. She did not get through with her papers and no money was refunded. She took a different attorney and paid an additional US$10,000 to file her immigration papers and now she get her Green Card. In another case, a woman from Baldeo's village in Guyana went to him for consultation and Baldeo told her to bring US$3,000 and come back. This is highway robbery. I never know he was that crookish.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Two days ago I spoke to one of Baldeo's client who paid him US$30,000 to do her immigration papers. She did not get through with her papers and no money was refunded. She took a different attorney and paid an additional US$10,000 to file her immigration papers and now she get her Green Card. In another case, a woman from Baldeo's village in Guyana went to him for consultation and Baldeo told her to bring US$3,000 and come back. This is highway robbery. I never know he was that crookish.

You think he and Jags is good good fren?  I'll say Yes, anything crookish and sleazy is freinds to dem bannas.

Originally Posted by Chief:

There was a girl in her late teens  who was illegal that worked for Baldeo as a receptionist. Baldeo worked her for two months and did not pay her and when she asked he said he will report her to immigration. Today that girl is legal has her masters and is working at a big hospital.



Hope he runs into her again when his ass gets reamed in jail...wanna say Karma again?

Originally Posted by Chief:

There was a girl in her late teens  who was illegal that worked for Baldeo as a receptionist. Baldeo worked her for two months and did not pay her and when she asked he said he will report her to immigration. Today that girl is legal has her masters and is working at a big hospital.



Kudos to the young lady, Chief. All these nasty things caught up with Baldeo. I hope he pay for his deed.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

There was a girl in her late teens  who was illegal that worked for Baldeo as a receptionist. Baldeo worked her for two months and did not pay her and when she asked he said he will report her to immigration. Today that girl is legal has her masters and is working at a big hospital.



Oh skites ah only hope he doan run into her at the hospital dem sey pay back is a she dagg

Last edited by ball
Originally Posted by Chief:

There was a girl in her late teens  who was illegal that worked for Baldeo as a receptionist. Baldeo worked her for two months and did not pay her and when she asked he said he will report her to immigration. Today that girl is legal has her masters and is working at a big hospital.



Lets take a similar case scenario to Berbice.

Innocent young women apply for jobs at government offices, but they have to put-out first before an interview and they don't get the job.

Result : Some had surgeries and many will have mental problems for the rest of their life.

Yet they start out innocent enough and in some cases a virgin.

What a rotten place Guyana has become.    

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Chief:

There was a girl in her late teens  who was illegal that worked for Baldeo as a receptionist. Baldeo worked her for two months and did not pay her and when she asked he said he will report her to immigration. Today that girl is legal has her masters and is working at a big hospital.



Lets take a similar case scenario to Berbice.

Innocent young women apply for jobs at government offices, but they have to put-out first before an interview and they don't get the job.

Result : Some had surgeries and many will have mental problems for the rest of their life.

Yet they start out innocent enough and in some cases a virgin.

What a rotten place Guyana has become.    

The perps are then given a nice raise.

Originally Posted by Chief:

There was a girl in her late teens  who was illegal that worked for Baldeo as a receptionist. Baldeo worked her for two months and did not pay her and when she asked he said he will report her to immigration. Today that girl is legal has her masters and is working at a big hospital.



There is a God after all.  It is good to see this girl overcome all these obstacles.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

"The Prosecutor is demanding an Independent Doctor".



IF, BallsDEO lied, should he be given extra jailtime 


Mr. Vishnua it would be something if Baldeo tells the Judge that he became sick when he heard of Vish and his karma was waiting for him in the court room.  That Judge may send you also to jail. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:

I don't know the guy, but I do recall he was getting plenty support from GNI when he was running for office.  Is he a reflection of a typical Guyanese? Hehehe

You talking bout chief? Note I told you folks that he was a crook. His and Amhad's problem began right here. Ask little birdie who beat him up.At that time I said they two of them are just jail birds waiting their turn.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Anand Persaud, the mortgage broker was the last person that went to Guyana and can't come back. Nehru should know who I am talking about. I once thought he was clean, but what I heard would surprise you. He too embezzled millions from poor people and now he can't come back to America. Karma is a bitch.

Can I take the Building at 101 Ave and 120 Street???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Anand Persaud, the mortgage broker was the last person that went to Guyana and can't come back. Nehru should know who I am talking about. I once thought he was clean, but what I heard would surprise you. He too embezzled millions from poor people and now he can't come back to America. Karma is a bitch.

Can I take the Building at 101 Ave and 120 Street???

All belong to the young wife. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by TI:

I don't know the guy, but I do recall he was getting plenty support from GNI when he was running for office.  Is he a reflection of a typical Guyanese? Hehehe

You talking bout chief? Note I told you folks that he was a crook. His and Amhad's problem began right here. Ask little birdie who beat him up.At that time I said they two of them are just jail birds waiting their turn.




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