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Today is Nomination Day

Elections bids

PPP calls for criminal charges if forgery detected on lists

At least 19 political parties will be making submissions of their lists of candidates and nominators to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) today in their bid to contest the upcoming March 2 elections but the Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has made a stern call to the elections body to institute criminal charges against any party or individuals who present lists carrying forged names.

Guyana Elections Commission

This call was made on the heels of a previous situation on Nomination Day ahead of the November 2018 Local Government Elections (LGE), whereby dozens of names on the lists and signatures purporting to be backers of candidates were palpably defective because of forgeries.
In fact, some the 50 persons of the Whim-Bloomfield Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) in Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) had their names fraudulently affixed to the backers’ lists for LGE in the Ancient County. They claimed that they were tricked into signing an Alliance for Change (AFC) nominators’ lists to contest the Local Government polls.
This led the PPP to file legal actions to have the names removed. However, High Court Judge, Justice Navindra Singh, dismissed the cases saying that after investigations, he did not find any evidence to convince him that the nominators were forced to sign the list.
As such, PPP Executive Member and former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, is urging GECOM to take the necessary criminal actions anyone who is implicated in such acts.

Anil Nandlall

“I call upon GECOM to report to the Police any and all incident(s) of unauthorised/forged names, either on the candidates’ lists or on the list of backers for the upcoming National and Regional Elections, with firm instructions to institute criminal charges against those implicated, including, the intellectual authors,” Nandlall stated.
Today’s Nomination Day proceedings will be held at the Umana Yana in Kingston, Georgetown, commencing from 13:00h until 17:00h. Each party is required to submit their lists of candidates for the election of a President, members of the National Assembly and members of the Regional Democratic Councils to the Chief Elections Officer.
The law prescribed that the submissions of the lists of candidates and nominators will have to be done strictly on Nomination Day and within the timeframe set – no time earlier or later.
Each parties’ National Top-Up List should comprise of 300-330 nominators, 42 candidates (persons to be elected to sit in National Assembly) who all need a singed statutory declaration form in the presence of a Commissioner of Oath or Justice of Peace, and include the name of the Presidential Candidate.
The Statutory Declaration form is what candidates sign to indicate that they are Guyanese and conform to other requirements set out in the law.
Meanwhile, the Geographical Constituency (Administrative Regions) List must include 150-175 nominators from each constituency and no more than 45 candidates.
With regards to the Regional Elections, the Regional Democratic Council List must comprise of 150-175 nominators for each constituency – all residing in the said region, and 12 to 36 candidates also from within the region. They too are required to sign a statutory form.
Candidates and Nominators can only appear on one party’s lists – both National Top-up and Geographical Constituency Lists – but only on one of that party’s geographical lists.
These requirements, as well as others, will be examined by the Chief Elections Officer and those parties’ whose lists do not meet all the requirements will be deemed defective. However, the CEO will inform of the defective list(s) and the respective parties will one day to make corrections and resubmit the lists.
Nomination Day proceedings began last month when political parties had to submit their party symbols to GECOM by December 13, 2019. This, according to GECOM’s Public Relations Officer Yolanda Ward, was to allow the Commission to examine the symbols and give approval to avoid issues such as duplication. It all ows parties to be informed and make the necessary adjustments before today’s Nomination Day process.
However, parties are also allowed to submit their symbols today as well.
GECOM had previously reported that 19 political parties have submitted symbols thus far and of these, 14 are new parties.
While the two main political parties – PPP/C and the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) coalition – have been gearing up for the upcoming polls, there has been the formation of several new and small parties over the past months.
These include: A New and United Party (ANUG), Federal United Party (FED UP), Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), Citizenship Initiative (CI), Change Guyana, The New Movement (TNM), People’s Republic Party (PRP), Kingdom Liberal Movement (KLM), Destiny to Oneness, National Congress of Progressive People’s Alliance, the Cooperative Republicans of Guyana and the Guyana United Democratic Party (UDP), Guyana National Service Party (GNS), the Democratic National Congress (DNC), the United Republic Party (URP), Horizon and Star and Organisation for the Victory of the People.

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Sean posted:
Amral posted:

Nominate Irafan  for Pig Mouth, Jagdeo for Jackass man and Granger for the Jockey position

Dont forget Ramkarran, ANUS man party, free ride for Jockey Granger.

But his law degree from England is real and he never thief no money from nobody.

Bibi Haniffa

Today is Nomination Day – Parties, contingents converge on Umana Yana today

Jan 10, 2020 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...on-umana-yana-today/

The countdown to the May 2, 2020 general elections has officially begun.
Nomination Day activities slated for today will see representatives of nineteen political parties – 14 of which are new ones – and their contingents assembling at the Umana Yana for the submission of lists to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). roads lead to the Umana Yana today

In anticipation, representatives of at least three parties have been camping outside the Umana Yana for the last 48 hours to get a head start in the proceedings. Their aim is to ensure that they are first in line to present their list to GECOM’s Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield.

The New Movement (TNM), United Republican Party (URP), and A New and United Guyana (ANUG) have all reserved parking spaces and banners in front of the Duke Street, Kingston facility.

Today, the leader of each political group is expected to present a list of candidates to Lowenfield for approval. touches being put on the venue and its surroundings yesterday afternoon

The parties will be given 24 hours to inform the CEO of any changes to the list of candidates/nominators, in the event of deaths or withdrawals. On Tuesday, GECOM’s Public Relations Officer, (PRO) Yolanda Ward outlined to media operatives some of the requirements for each political group contesting the elections.

According to Ward, the parties may submit three lists; the National Top-Up list, the Geographical constituencies List and the Regional Democratic Councils List.

She noted however that each party contesting the general elections is expected to present a National Top-Up List, which should comprise the names of 300-330 nominators countrywide.

For those parties contesting the general election, she said each list must include 42 candidates /persons eligible to be elected to sit in National Assembly.

In this regard, candidates are required to submit a statutory declaration form sworn in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths or Justice of Peace. The declaration form warrants that each candidate provides information on his /her citizenship/allegiance to Guyana or any other country.

In the meantime, Ward noted that parties contesting at the regional level must provide the list of candidates along with the names of 150-175 nominators for each of the geographical constituencies/ten administrative regions who are also required to sign statutory declaration forms.

However, she stressed that it is not mandatory that the parties contest both the regional and general elections.

“It is not necessary that a party must contest both the regional and general elections because a party may decide that they only want to be represented at a regional level. That is permissible.”

Ward stressed nonetheless that the Regional Democratic Council List must also comprise 150-175 nominators for each constituency – all residing in the said region, and 12 to 36 candidates also from within the region.

Further, she noted that parties are not mandated to contest in all 10 geographical constituencies, but they must contest in at least six of those regions.

Additionally, each party is required to have one-third female presence on their National Top-Up list and the regional lists.

Following the submission of the lists, GECOM’s CEO will examine the data to determine which party has met the eligibility requirement to contest the elections and which lists have been deemed defective.

Those not in conformity will be notified within 24 hours and will be granted until January 14 to make and submit corrections for approval.

By January 15, all parties will be notified of approval or non approval of the list. Parties desirous of having an adjoining list will also be given until January 17 to notify the CEO of their intention.

GECOM is expected to finalise all the titles and symbols of the approved lists of each party by January 19. The approved list will thereafter be published in the gazette along with the names of the candidates.


TUF not contesting elections

Jan 10, 2020 News, Source -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ontesting-elections/

The United Force (TUF) has announced a decision not to contest at the Regional and General elections.

This would represent the first time since its formation in 1960 under businessman Peter D’Aguiar, that the party would not be participating. leader, Marissa Nadir

In a statement yesterday, TUF leader Marissa Nadir said that while it is the party’s view that this particular election is extremely crucial and of utmost importance, the decision not to contest was taken following several discussions with the executive, stakeholders and supporters.

In the meantime, Nadir said “The TUF strongly encourages all parties to demonstrate tolerance, decency and dignity, to encourage their supporters to be respectful of every person’s democratic right to support any party of his/her own choice.”

“This right is enshrined in our country’s Constitution.”

Notwithstanding this, Nadir said that TUF is calling upon the Guyana Elections Commission, (GECOM) to allow all observers and stakeholders to view every step of the elections process, not only of the voting and counting of votes, but also the input of data into the respective databases while cross checking the output data to determine that the results remain accurate.

Moreover, she said “there must be transparency and accountability of every step.”

Nadir, in conclusion, urged all Guyanese to be respectful of each other.

“We pray that our beloved nation has a free and fair election and of utmost importance, that the results of said elections be respected by all parties and their supporters.

“To our nation, at this time, let us not be divided as bitter peoples, but unite in our respect of different views and in decency. We must remember that we are one people, one nation with one destiny.”

Demerara_Guy posted:

TUF not contesting elections

Jan 10, 2020 News, Source -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ontesting-elections/

The United Force (TUF) has announced a decision not to contest at the Regional and General elections.

This would represent the first time since its formation in 1960 under businessman Peter D’Aguiar, that the party would not be participating. leader, Marissa Nadir


Oh rass, datt lil Coolie gyal now heading up the Putageeze party?  All dem Putageeze join PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

TUF not contesting elections

Jan 10, 2020 News, Source -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ontesting-elections/

The United Force (TUF) has announced a decision not to contest at the Regional and General elections.

This would represent the first time since its formation in 1960 under businessman Peter D’Aguiar, that the party would not be participating. leader, Marissa Nadir


Oh rass, datt lil Coolie gyal now heading up the Putageeze party?  All dem Putageeze join PPP.

Bai dem Putegee gane fuh channa. The Cainman lef since 1974 when Burnham banned aloo. He couldn't live without fries. 

Sean posted:

Boss can you delay it until Mid March ?  We want to have a victory celebration before some of up hanging up our hats. 

If I operate like GECOM counting the ballots, you just might get your wish. 


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