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Here is the PPP record after 23 years that APNU+AFC inherited.

  •  Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
  •   Broken health care system;
  •   Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
  •   Poorest country in the hemisphere;
  •   Most corrupt country in the region;
  •   Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state   sponsored;
  •   Broken transportation system;
  •   Broken electricity system - random and prolonged black outs;
  •   Broken road works & bridges - crippling the movement of goods and people;
  •   Broken water and sewage system - no and sometimes unsafe piped water;
  •   Country in state of dictatorship with the closure of parliament;
  •   Rolling back of press freedoms with media being threatened;
  •   Extra judicial killings and disappearances on the rise;
  •   State sponsored demoralizing of armed services;
Cobra posted:
antabanta posted:
Cobra posted:

Here are some of (PNC/AFC) accomplishments after 9 months in office. 

1.Murder 2. Robbery 3. Rape 4. Suicide 5. Unemployment 6. No Job Creation. 7. No Jobs for young graduates. 8. Poverty 9. More Laid Off in the works. 10. Racial division need to address. 11. Waste inquiries and investigations that leads to nowhere. 12. Democracy is struggling to survive. 13. Repackaging all PPP ideas. 14. Painting Yellow & Green on National Buildings. 15. $300 Million taxpayers money allocated to drink rum, dance and have a good time. 16. 50% pay raise in six months for incompetent government ministers.

 We must stand and salute them for their failure.





Oh lawd oh gawd.. abie kyant teef nuh mo ... abie guh talk any shit now.

Is that the way you intended to ignore the 16 listed problems that still exist? Not everyone agrees with the PPP then, and not everyone agrees with the coalition now. It's healthy to have opposition views to remind government that they're working for the people and their interest. 

Your incessant, unethical, dishonest, racist, and mostly, downright asinine attempts at defaming the ruling government are supposed to be healthy reminders?

baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

There is a sense of despair in the air. The government's actions has triggered off memories in the people's heads about the past.

Except for a very few [the new 1%er club] most Guyanese [of all races] looking into the future with great trepidation.  The older folks remember the hardship times, the shortages, deprivation and great discontent, pre-1992.

The first few months of the PNC was a rude awakening.  Baseman always said you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, and the PNC was pregnant with "old dogs" who know to do things a specific way.  And doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, is the definition of madness!!

Well said.

I would like to quote Baseman:

"Baseman always said you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, and the PNC was pregnant with "old dogs" who know to do things a specific way. And doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, is the definition of madness!!"

Cobra posted:

If by sharing the unsolved problems of Guyana makes me a racist then so be it. You ought to be living in a box if you think the government of the day is the best thing that ever happens to Guyana. Good luck!

Your posts are completely unrelated to the unsolved problems of Guyana. Your second statement makes no sense, but that is not unusual.


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