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Todd, Edghill, Phillips seen as top contenders for PPP PM spot

With the long-awaited process to select a prime ministerial candidate for the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) getting underway, UG lecturer Hugh Todd, former Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill and former GDF Chief of Staff Mark Phillips are seen as the leading candidates.


The PPP has not yet laid out the process through which the selection will be made but it is expected that the interested contenders will be interviewed by the party’s executive committee before the recommendations are taken to the central committee for ratification.

With the selection of for former housing and commerce minister Irfaan Ali as the party’s  presidential candidate not gaining overwhelming support even in the party, analysts say  the PPP will be aiming to ensure the broadest national acceptance possible of its number two candidate.



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Well, unlike you, we don't have inside information of the PPP, so we go with public information and pronouncements!  We remember how "unsurprised" you were at Dr_Irfaan Ali_PhD for Prezzy!!

Dave posted:

Bibi watch how you rubbing it rass at Base gal .. Like you need company for old years nite gal . Come in Base come in ... old fire wood a catch quick quick bhai 

Bai, me in Canada for old years!  Dem fish look too maaga anyway, me like me lil plump whale!!


I am always bothered about why the PPP/C and the PNC/APNU or what you want to call it have to name a Blackman or an Indian as its Prime Ministerial Candidate. Why not name an Amerindian as the PM candidate or are the Parties saying that they shouldn’t have or will never have a seat at the table.

Last edited by Former Member

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