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Former Member

…family says negligent system caused his death

A TWO-year-old baby boy on Wednesday morning lost his life after he was stung by a scorpion at his Mabaruma home.

According to reports, the child, Romero Lucian, was admitted at the Mabaruma Hospital on Wednesday morning, after he started vomiting severely as a result of the scorpion sting.

A close relative of the child said that he was admitted in a stable condition, and was given gravol for the vomiting, and saline and oxygen. However, there was no antidote at the hospital for the poison, only medications to ease the pain. “That was all they had, and they said that he would have to go to Georgetown Hospital. So they told his mom to go back home and come back around 12:00hrs to catch a flight to go down.

But the plane never came till around 15:00hrs, and got to town [some time] after 16:00hrs,” the relative said.
The relative further added that there were other planes leaving the region before the other plane arrived, but the situation was not treated with much urgency. The relative said when the plane arrived at Ogle, there was a further delay because there was no ambulance there to collect and start treating the child.

It was when the ambulance came and moved off from the airport, the child’s grandmother saw him take his last breath. “When we arrived at the hospital at the emergency unit, that’s when they pronounced him dead,” the relative said. The family believes if the situation was treated with more urgency and interest in saving a life, the baby would have still been alive.

“The first issue was that the hospital is not fully equipped to save lives, then there was a negligent system in how they treated the case. The first thing the plane took long to come, and they had other planes there to use. Then there was no ambulance waiting there at the airport so that means there was no proper coordination in the health system,” another relative lamented. Now the family is left grieving at the innocent loss of the baby’s life.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

In China those ppl would have been shot, just to make an example. I worry about all these brown black ppl coming to the West and hustling to tek white ppl jobs-their attitudes of doan care comes in their genes. Born here or there.

Went to get a stress test a year and half ago, the nurse gal looks like Guyanese, what a sour puss.

About a week ago, I took another stress test. This time was a young white girl, what a difference. I was comfortable to be on the treadmill for the 12 minutes. Wid that coolie lil gurl after 3 minutes I demanded, stop de machine.

Sad for the parents.

No kind of money can save Guyanese ppl, dem razz heartless. All dat oil money would be useless to dem.


Sad indeed for the parents. I bought my 16 years old a car on Friday and my greatest fear is if he will be able to make the right judgment in a traffic situation. I am not concerned about him making the right decision regarding right and wrong as he has already demonstrated that he is a constructive thinker. He proved it in some way by being able to skip 11th and 12th grade so he can start college. Us parents want the best for our children and that child’ parents would be no different from the rest of us. Unfortunately Guyana has yet to evolve into a society where it takes the welfare of its citizens seriously. And this is not an isolated incident.

ksazma posted:

Very sad indeed. They could have arranged for the plane that took Jagdeo to Miami or the one that takes Granger to Cuba to get this child to GH. 

A plane for every emergency is not a viable proposition.  These remote hospitals need to have all sorts of antidotes for known poisonous creatures. The MoH needs to do a readiness review of all their institutions.  

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Very sad indeed. They could have arranged for the plane that took Jagdeo to Miami or the one that takes Granger to Cuba to get this child to GH. 

A plane for every emergency is not a viable proposition.  These remote hospitals need to have all sorts of antidotes for known poisonous creatures. The MoH needs to do a readiness review of all their institutions.  

I know. I was just being facetious. The hospital should have the proper medication pertaining to that area. The fools are blowing taxpayers money left right and center fighting an NCM that is unfightable.

Last edited by Former Member

I had an argument with a woman who is a scorpion expert this afternoon.  She was refusing to believe that the child had died from a scorpion bite.  According to her there are only about 4 to 7 species of scorpions that have venom to kill a human.  Eventually she gave in and said that the child may have died because his body was not old enough and developed enough to fight off the venom.  

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

I had an argument with a woman who is a scorpion expert this afternoon. 

So what kinda expert is she the following afternoon?

This is very sad, I feel for the parents. Guyana's hospitals have always been quite pathetic.

Last edited by cain
Prashad posted:

I had an argument with a woman who is a scorpion expert this afternoon.  She was refusing to b  According to her there are only about 4 to 7 species of scorpions that have venom to kill a human.  Eventually she gave in and said that the child may have died because his body was not old enough and developed enough to fight off the venom.  

Maybe she is like some dem expert on GNI who help select the head of GRA but cannot fill out their own 1040!

One key factor is toxin load. At 2, his body was just too small to handle the quantity of venom.  She should know this!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Very sad indeed. They could have arranged for the plane that took Jagdeo to Miami or the one that takes Granger to Cuba to get this child to GH. 

A plane for every emergency is not a viable proposition.  These remote hospitals need to have all sorts of antidotes for known poisonous creatures. The MoH needs to do a readiness review of all their institutions.  

They could have sent the antidotes with the plane. 

Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:

I had an argument with a woman who is a scorpion expert this afternoon.  She was refusing to b  According to her there are only about 4 to 7 species of scorpions that have venom to kill a human.  Eventually she gave in and said that the child may have died because his body was not old enough and developed enough to fight off the venom.  

Maybe she is like some dem expert on GNI who help select the head of GRA but cannot fill out their own 1040!

One key factor is toxin load. At 2, his body was just too small to handle the quantity of venom.  She should know this!

Prash reminds me of the Eminent Yugi. 

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:

I had an argument with a woman who is a scorpion expert this afternoon.  She was refusing to b  According to her there are only about 4 to 7 species of scorpions that have venom to kill a human.  Eventually she gave in and said that the child may have died because his body was not old enough and developed enough to fight off the venom.  

Maybe she is like some dem expert on GNI who help select the head of GRA but cannot fill out their own 1040!

One key factor is toxin load. At 2, his body was just too small to handle the quantity of venom.  She should know this!

Prash reminds me of the Eminent Yugi. 


This is why Guyana will remain a shithole, regardless of oil and whatever. And what I say goes for the PPP too. They only realize there are people after the lost. 

After a week, where the system failed this kid, the president said not a word.  All these shithole leaders thinking about power, money and wealth.  They don’t give one shyte about the people.  A society is defined by how it treats its most vulnerable, its least powerful.

People is what make a country, not oil, gold and all that.  That will all come and go. People remain. 

Granger is like any other callous, careless, selfish, power hungry like all the rest.  Them who trying to get back in are the same.

Last edited by Former Member

Politicians are the same everywhere. They are all worthless. Same thing over here. The endless emails we get for donations. Then they get elected and you don't hear from them again until they need more donations. Preachers to a lesser degree are the same too.


I don’t agree.  Here they address things.  At least at the governors level.  If the system fails and someone dies, especially a kid, people, media go all over it.  

In the Whitemans society, it’s about people. In Black and Browns it about natural resources.  The people are mere chattel.  That’s why White societies are much better developed and have more humanity.  

Baseman posted:

I don’t agree.  Here they address things.  At least at the governors level.  If the system fails and someone dies, especially a kid, people, media go all over it.  

In the Whitemans society, it’s about people. In Black and Browns it about natural resources.  The people are mere chattel.  That’s why White societies are much better developed and have more humanity.  

Okay, I stand corrected. A few days ago, a bison at the Yellowstone National Park picked up a 9 year old child and tossed her into the air where she ended up getting injured. Immediately, Yellowstone National Park implemented new safety rules for the park. 

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t agree.  Here they address things.  At least at the governors level.  If the system fails and someone dies, especially a kid, people, media go all over it.  

In the Whitemans society, it’s about people. In Black and Browns it about natural resources.  The people are mere chattel.  That’s why White societies are much better developed and have more humanity.  

Okay, I stand corrected. A few days ago, a bison at the Yellowstone National Park picked up a 9 year old child and tossed her into the air where she ended up getting injured. Immediately, Yellowstone National Park implemented new safety rules for the park. 

We move here not only for a job and living.  We move here because of the value placed on human beings.  We know, even with its short comings, you have a fair chance of living in dignity and in the worse of times, you will be provided the support.

GNI is a microcosm of the shithole that is Guyana!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t agree.  Here they address things.  At least at the governors level.  If the system fails and someone dies, especially a kid, people, media go all over it.  

In the Whitemans society, it’s about people. In Black and Browns it about natural resources.  The people are mere chattel.  That’s why White societies are much better developed and have more humanity.  

Okay, I stand corrected. A few days ago, a bison at the Yellowstone National Park picked up a 9 year old child and tossed her into the air where she ended up getting injured. Immediately, Yellowstone National Park implemented new safety rules for the park. 

We move here not only for a job and living.  We move here because of the value placed on human beings.  We know, even with its short comings, you have a fair chance of living in dignity and in the worse of times, you will be provided the support.

GNI is a microcosm of the shithole that is Guyana!

I agree. Guyana's politics brings out the worst in us. No doubt there are some people who are still stuck in living somewhat similar to how living was in Guyana but for the most part, we have learned to assimilate into a more productive and beneficial system. Although some are still inclined to poke their noses into other people's business or gossip about others, the vast majority of us don't wake up seeking to cut the legs out from under others. We are more gentle and helpful and we are able to reap the rewards of our efforts. People in Guyana hustle too to make ends meet but unfortunately for them, the powers that be seem to always have some punishment in store for them. And while the PNC has been the worst party that ever governed Guyana, the PPP also has a lot of blame for their failures while in government. That wouldn't change until all the shitholes are buried and rotted out.

seignet posted:

In China those ppl would have been shot, just to make an example. I worry about all these brown black ppl coming to the West and hustling to tek white ppl jobs-their attitudes of doan care comes in their genes. Born here or there.

Went to get a stress test a year and half ago, the nurse gal looks like Guyanese, what a sour puss.

About a week ago, I took another stress test. This time was a young white girl, what a difference. I was comfortable to be on the treadmill for the 12 minutes. Wid that coolie lil gurl after 3 minutes I demanded, stop de machine.

Sad for the parents.

No kind of money can save Guyanese ppl, dem razz heartless. All dat oil money would be useless to dem.

I noticed with these India Indian women they love to play important especially when they see a brown person.

Prashad posted:
seignet posted:

In China those ppl would have been shot, just to make an example. I worry about all these brown black ppl coming to the West and hustling to tek white ppl jobs-their attitudes of doan care comes in their genes. Born here or there.

Went to get a stress test a year and half ago, the nurse gal looks like Guyanese, what a sour puss.

About a week ago, I took another stress test. This time was a young white girl, what a difference. I was comfortable to be on the treadmill for the 12 minutes. Wid that coolie lil gurl after 3 minutes I demanded, stop de machine.

Sad for the parents.

No kind of money can save Guyanese ppl, dem razz heartless. All dat oil money would be useless to dem.

I noticed with these India Indian women they love to play important especially when they see a brown person.

They say the same thing about you. 


When the little Black kid got run over by a truck, all politicians ran for photo ops even though it was an unfortunate accident. 

This is a total breakdown of the system and an Amerindian kid died. They seem not too hot to jump on this as it’s s small voting block.


When Prashad lived in Guyana there was a man named Van Sertima. His was some type of kung Fu expert. He had about 200 snakes in his house. He produced venom from these snakes to make antivenom. Maybe that is the business Guysuco should get into. Venom making from snakes, spiders and scorpions. There is a German company that specializes in venom products. The prices for venom especially spider venom is very high.



Baseman posted:

When the little Black kid got run over by a truck, all politicians ran for photo ops even though it was an unfortunate accident. 

This is a total breakdown of the system and an Amerindian kid died. They seem not too hot to jump on this as it’s s small voting block.

The parents should start a class action against the Toshao for failing in his fundamental duty to make sure these serum are in place. 

Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

When the little Black kid got run over by a truck, all politicians ran for photo ops even though it was an unfortunate accident. 

This is a total breakdown of the system and an Amerindian kid died. They seem not too hot to jump on this as it’s s small voting block.

The parents should start a class action against the Toshao for failing in his fundamental duty to make sure these serum are in place. 

That whole society is upside down. People don’t matter!

Prashad posted:

When Prashad lived in Guyana there was a man named Van Sertima. His was some type of kung Fu expert. He had about 200 snakes in his house. He produced venom from these snakes to make antivenom. Maybe that is the business Guysuco should get into. Venom making from snakes, spiders and scorpions. There is a German company that specializes in venom products. The prices for venom especially spider venom is very high.



That's my ole sensei, banna, he is into judo.

Last edited by cain
Prashad posted:

When Prashad lived in Guyana there was a man named Van Sertima. His was some type of kung Fu expert. He had about 200 snakes in his house. He produced venom from these snakes to make antivenom. Maybe that is the business Guysuco should get into. Venom making from snakes, spiders and scorpions. There is a German company that specializes in venom products. The prices for venom especially spider venom is very high.



When u get a chance, check out a national geographic show on snakes venon. Guy in florida name Van Sertima who raise snakes and got bit by one. Might be the same fellow. He's Guyanese.

Sheik101 posted:
Prashad posted:

When Prashad lived in Guyana there was a man named Van Sertima. His was some type of kung Fu expert. He had about 200 snakes in his house. He produced venom from these snakes to make antivenom. Maybe that is the business Guysuco should get into. Venom making from snakes, spiders and scorpions. There is a German company that specializes in venom products. The prices for venom especially spider venom is very high.

When u get a chance, check out a national geographic show on snakes venon. Guy in florida name Van Sertima who raise snakes and got bit by one. Might be the same fellow. He's Guyanese.

That's him, check here

Last edited by Django

Im not sure, but it's not often we hear about people being bitten by snakes in guyana, even tho the place is crawling with them. Govt. Should put plans in place to have antivenon distributed in the hinterland just in case. It's a sure way to buy some time for the victim until they can be transported to the nearest hospital.

The antivenom biznis doesn't seem like a bad idea either, providing u have a knack for milking snakes. There's no shortage of them. We have a serpent on the board. Maybe he could give a shot.


An estimated 95 persons have died over a five year period as a result of being bitten by venomous snakes, the Ministry of Public Health noted.

“From accessible statistics (2010–2014), documents show that there were 1, 190 cases of snakebite resulting in the death of 95 persons,” the Ministry said a in statement today.

The statistics show that adult males are more more vulnerable to the lethal bites from these dangerous reptiles.

In an effort to improve its response protocol to snakebites, the Ministry purchased anti-venom treatment from Costa Rica which is currently available at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC).

cain posted:
Prashad posted:

When Prashad lived in Guyana there was a man named Van Sertima. His was some type of kung Fu expert. He had about 200 snakes in his house. He produced venom from these snakes to make antivenom. Maybe that is the business Guysuco should get into. Venom making from snakes, spiders and scorpions. There is a German company that specializes in venom products. The prices for venom especially spider venom is very high.



That's my ole sensei, banna, he is into judo.

I heard Van Sertima was working in Florida with some of the world most deadly snakes and he got bitten by an inland Tipan. The world second most deadly snake on September 11.It was very hard to get antivenom to the hospital for him because planes were not flying. His reputation as a venom extractor was so good that other snake handlers made sure that his hospital got the Tipan antivenom.

Last edited by Prashad
Mitwah posted:

An estimated 95 persons have died over a five year period as a result of being bitten by venomous snakes, the Ministry of Public Health noted.

“From accessible statistics (2010–2014), documents show that there were 1, 190 cases of snakebite resulting in the death of 95 persons,” the Ministry said a in statement today.

The statistics show that adult males are more more vulnerable to the lethal bites from these dangerous reptiles.

In an effort to improve its response protocol to snakebites, the Ministry purchased anti-venom treatment from Costa Rica which is currently available at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC).

Guyana probably had to pay Costa Rica US currency for the venom.

Prashad posted:
Mitwah posted:

An estimated 95 persons have died over a five year period as a result of being bitten by venomous snakes, the Ministry of Public Health noted.

“From accessible statistics (2010–2014), documents show that there were 1, 190 cases of snakebite resulting in the death of 95 persons,” the Ministry said a in statement today.

The statistics show that adult males are more more vulnerable to the lethal bites from these dangerous reptiles.

In an effort to improve its response protocol to snakebites, the Ministry purchased anti-venom treatment from Costa Rica which is currently available at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC).

Guyana probably had to pay Costa Rica US currency for the venom.

Why is the Anti-Venom stored only at the GT hospital? How many people got bitten by a snake in GT?


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