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Former Member

Ok Tola,

You have been on a rant lately attacking members on GNI with one post in particular about being an impediment to assisting Guyanese.

You also seem to create an impression that you are currently on the ground with a specific NGO in helping youths in Guyana. Kudos if it is true.

Can you please clarify:

1. The name of the charitable organization that you represent ?

2. You claim that that the Canadian and American organizations were involved in assisting your cause, can you please specify which particular organization ?

3. Can you name specific programmes and projects that are in place today in Guyana ?

4. Has the current government of Guyana assisted and recognized your organization ?

5. How can people get a hold of audited financial statements from your charitable organization so that they can feel confident in donating ?

I await your response.


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I said this once and I am saying it again. Tola NGO is tied in to the AFC to spread propaganda among Berbicians. He is not really there to prevent suicide. How can he prevent suicide when he never cut a rope on someone's neck and save that person life? Tola oral suicide prevention is like a derailed thread on GNI. He started with suicide and end up bad mouthing Jagdeo and the PPP. Jagdeo seem to have a big impact on Tola's life that he can't think straight. 


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