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September 3,2020


Dear Editor,

I like Lenox.  What is there not to like?  Runner?  Joinder?  Party leader?  Negotiator?  Adviser?  And, of recent, Deputy Speaker?  I must say the man is a go-getter.  Let me see what I am missing.  I don’t think this proud son of Guyana is a seller, not even a private wheeler and dealer anymore.  Yeah, but sometimes the runner stumbles, a rather public parliamentary bumble and tumble.

And the next time I hear that word uttered by Guyanese political players I am sure I will retch.  It is ‘impartial.’  The word is rendered profane.  Good luck, Guyana.  Welcome Guyanese to the world of democracy.  I congratulate the PPP for making a patsy out of parliament.  It makes a mockery of tyranny when it engages in this kind of asininity and tomfoolery.  And that ought to tell the world how sickly we are.

Yours faithfully,

GHK Lall

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I don't remember GHK Lall complaining in 2011 when the ruling party was denied their nomination for Speaker by the colluding APNU/AFC. I do agree with Lall that he is indeed morally sickly.

@Former Member posted:

I don't remember GHK Lall complaining in 2011 when the ruling party was denied their nomination for Speaker by the colluding APNU/AFC. I do agree with Lall that he is indeed morally sickly.

He is there to sell his newspaper. Whatever he sees that will sell, he will publish. He did the same thing to the PNC.

@Former Member posted:

He is there to sell his newspaper. Whatever he sees that will sell, he will publish. He did the same thing to the PNC.

It is not the same Lall. This one is a Coalition brown noser.


A few days ago I said the PPP is doing stupidness. They cannot govern like a government, dey always trying to buy influence and then marginalize them. THey coerce Sam Hinds under CIVIC, TUF with its slightly one seat enter their bossom. Now dey trying to isolate Shuman. I hope he smart enough to know those ppl.


@seignet posted:

A few days ago I said the PPP is doing stupidness. They cannot govern like a government, dey always trying to buy influence and then marginalize them. THey coerce Sam Hinds under CIVIC, TUF with its slightly one seat enter their bossom. Now dey trying to isolate Shuman. I hope he smart enough to know those ppl.


The PPP continually do the same with their voters, but the voters  are too dumb to understand the PPP  trickery. 

@Former Member posted:

Clearly the PPP is doing the right thing. PNC kicking up dust. That’s a good sign.  Even their petition is a smoke screen.

Good thing PNC lost.

Tell me, what has Mazoor Nadir done politically before coming to the PPP fold. Perhaps, just knowing the right ppl. The man became Speaker, a position for a principled Guyanese Person. Do you remember what he did to TUF after he resigned the leadership?


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