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Three (3) options remain for Ms. Claudette Singh/GECOM:

1. Declare on Tabulation of Votes, resulting in a PPP/C win.

2. Declare on GECOM's CEO report of valid votes. The CEO indicates that only 40% of tabulated votes were valid. Guyana's Constitution calls for declaration on valid votes. This will result in a APNU+AFC win.
3. Pronounce that the March 2, 2020 elections were not credible and therefore GECOM cannot make a declaration.
Options 1 and 2 will result in civil war. Option 3 saves Guyana.
See you all tomorrow. 

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@Rochelle posted:

Three (3) options remain for Ms. Claudette Singh/GECOM:

1. Declare on Tabulation of Votes, resulting in a PPP/C win.

2. Declare on GECOM's CEO report of valid votes. The CEO indicates that only 40% of tabulated votes were valid. Guyana's Constitution calls for declaration on valid votes. This will result in a APNU+AFC win.
3. Pronounce that the March 2, 2020 elections were not credible and therefore GECOM cannot make a declaration.
Options 1 and 2 will result in civil war. Option 3 saves Guyana.
See you all tomorrow. 

Nah, civil war?  Don't think it will be that straight forward.  It will be option 1.  There is no option to either throw the election out of declare a win for the PNC.

PPP will take the reins and PNC will file a petition and it will be fully investigated by Deloitte or PWC.  If it's discovered there is enough doubt as to the outcome of the election, then new elections in 90 days.

Last edited by Former Member

Mrs Singh will declare PPPC the winner and Guyana will move forward without a civil war, will there be problems .. YES!! because the thieves and looters wants to fill their pockets.

 There is no three option Rochelle, but three top dog in this election.



3.The international community.

The above three will be guided by the Caricom report. A declaration would have to satisfy any two of these three top dogs. Make your pick Rochelle.  

Ayo agreed that APNU/AFC had won the election on March 4th when Mingo made the fradulent declaration. Protest erupted and ayo agreed to a recount of 10 regions to buy time and plan the next fraudulent move when only Region 4 was the issue. Now the recount proves ayo / APNU lost by 15,000 votes, ayo backpedal and say 80,000 voters were disenfranchise. It has been proven ayo is  not the sharpest tool.

Last edited by Django
@Rochelle posted:

Three (3) options remain for Ms. Claudette Singh/GECOM:

1. Declare on Tabulation of Votes, resulting in a PPP/C win.

2. Declare on GECOM's CEO report of valid votes. The CEO indicates that only 40% of tabulated votes were valid. Guyana's Constitution calls for declaration on valid votes. This will result in a APNU+AFC win.
3. Pronounce that the March 2, 2020 elections were not credible and therefore GECOM cannot make a declaration.
Options 1 and 2 will result in civil war. Option 3 saves Guyana.
See you all tomorrow. 

Option 1 and 2 will result in a civil war, eh,? u seem to take much delight in writing this, Be careful what u wish for.

@Rochelle posted:

Three (3) options remain for Ms. Claudette Singh/GECOM:

1. Declare on Tabulation of Votes, resulting in a PPP/C win.

2. Declare on GECOM's CEO report of valid votes. The CEO indicates that only 40% of tabulated votes were valid. Guyana's Constitution calls for declaration on valid votes. This will result in a APNU+AFC win.
3. Pronounce that the March 2, 2020 elections were not credible and therefore GECOM cannot make a declaration.
Options 1 and 2 will result in civil war. Option 3 saves Guyana.
See you all tomorrow. 

if there is any "civil war", it will come from option 1, largely because the bullyism will kick in.

@Totaram posted:

In many parts of the world by now the Army would have taken over to allow the politicians to sort things out.

Correction: They take over and run the country.

In Guyana:  The GDF is on the side of the riggers.  The Police Force is also on the side of the Riggers.    These two organisations are controlled by the PNC. You don'r want the army to take to the streets.

Your people, your family will suffer greatly.

@Ace posted:

In those parts of the world, are the armies owned by the government. In Guyana, what is your prediction if the army takeover? Do you think the PPP will be allowed to govern?

There have been worldwide statements including CARICOM, USA, Canada, OAS, and the EU to honor the will of the people. These are not just statements but a warning to put it mildly. Like saying, "Nah play you rass hey, abie ah watch ayoo".


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