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THE Alliance for Change (AFC), following the announcement that Guyana has been referred to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) yesterday, contends that the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Amendment Bill, whose enactment could have prevented the country’s international blacklisting, can be passed in 72 hours.

The AFC is now willing to compromise, by amending Section 54 of the Procurement Act so that Cabinet’s right to raise an objection on the award of contracts is enshrined, something it had previously objected to.

The Procurement (Amendment) Bill 2013 was read the first time in the National Assembly last November, and aims to amend the 2003 principal Procurement Act by making changes to section 54 by deleting subsection six – effectively restoring Cabinet’s no-objection role.

Section 54 deals with Cabinet’s involvement in reviewing the award of procurement contracts and the phasing out of its functions with the establishment of a Public Procurement Commission (PPC), in the interest of decentralising the procurement process.

Currently, the procurement process is decentralised at the level of Ministry, Regions, District Tender Boards and the Ministry of Finance’s Tender Board. Contracts above the $15M mark are taken to Cabinet for its no-objection statement.

Sub-section Six states that: “Cabinet’s involvement shall cease upon the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission except in relation to those matters referred to in subsection one which are pending.”

Without the Procurement (Amendment) Bill 2013, once the PPC is established, Cabinet’s no-objection role will no longer be effective.
Government’s position is that if Cabinet is clothed with the responsibility to be accountable to the National Assembly for public spending and to be held accountable, the Cabinet must have a role in the procurement process.

The AFC had premised its support for the enactment of the critically important AML/CFT Bill on the establishment of the PPC, which the Government agreed to, provided that Subsection 54 was amended to maintain Cabinet’s no-objection role, but for over 12 months the latter was rejected by the Party.

Additionally, the AFC had endorsed the many conditions of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and neither Opposition party budged on its positions leading to a political stalemate that resulted in the non-enactment of the AML/CFT Bill, which languished in the Parliamentary Special Select Committee that was reviewing the legislation.

The AFC, in a statement yesterday, now proposes a road map to fast-track the operationalisation of the PPC, and the passage of the AML/CFT Amendment Bill.

The Party said: “The AFC proposes that a process to fast-track the operationalisation of the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) be implemented with the government naming two nominees to the Procurement Commission, APNU naming two, and the AFC will name one.

“These five names would be submitted to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to ensure they meet the criteria for the Procurement Commission. This could be done within 24 hours.

“The next stage of the process would see the National Assembly approving the nominees. Given the Government’s demand for Cabinet to retain a role in the award of contracts, the Alliance For Change has already indicated its willingness to compromise by amending Section 54 of the Procurement Act so that Cabinet’s right to raise an objection on the award of contracts is enshrined.

“Once the House approves the nominees they could be sworn in. Following this the Alliance For Change would have no hesitation in giving its support for the passage of the AML/CFT Bill. The Party believes that this can be accomplished within 72 hours. It is time to cut the rhetoric and let us move things along. The people of Guyana demand no less of their leaders.”

Asked by the Guyana Chronicle yesterday to comment on this latest development, Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh expressed his dissatisfaction at the timing of the proposal by the Alliance for Change.

“The AFC’s offer is too little too late,” he said, before going on to explain that the AFC’s proposal is an impossibility in the time-frame stipulated, since the Procurement (Amendment) Bill 2013, which ensures Cabinet’s no-objection role, has to be passed in the National Assembly; after which the nominations by each Party have to be approved by the PAC.

More importantly, he said, even if the proposal was to be seriously considered, the establishment of the PPC requires a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly, and the AFC and the ruling party only constitute a 60 per cent majority.

As for Attorney-General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Anil Nandlall, his initial response was to question the timing of the position change.
“This is a tragedy whose consequences are yet to be assessed,” he said. “Certainly the financial climate and environment in Guyana will be different; certainly financial transactions across borders will be severely affected.
“Ultimately, it will result in added economic and financial burdens to every citizen of Guyana.
“Those in the Opposition and other cynics, who accused us in the Government of engaging in scaremongering tactics, should now be called upon to answer for their irresponsible and utterly foolish assertions.
“Significantly, this disaster has been brought about upon the people singularly by the arrogance, stubbornness and greed of the combined Opposition for political power.
“They (the combined Opposition) should now take a bow because this is what they have delivered to Guyana and its people as a 48th independence anniversary gift, blacklisting as our country’s birthday gift. I hope they feel a sense of fulfillment.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“Those in the Opposition and other cynics, who accused us in the Government of engaging in scaremongering tactics, should now be called upon to answer for their irresponsible and utterly foolish assertions.


The people will decide their faith in the next election - 2016.


The PNC/AFC supporters are calling for snap election as though they understand what it means. It not in the PPP best interest to call a snap election because the president has better things to do during his first term in office. Election is just two and a half years from today. The PPP has been patience and that is virtue. A positive quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PNC/AFC supporters are calling for snap election as though they understand what it means. It not in the PPP best interest to call a snap election because the president has better things to do during his first term in office. Election is just two and a half years from today. The PPP has been patience and that is virtue. A positive quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle.

The only election the opposition wants is the local govt election, but you all will rather dump PPP cronies on people than letting them select their own representatives.


The PPP can wait  for national elections but they need to speed up Local Elections. Local Elections are the foundation of Guyana's democracy. Let us get it over with and let the people's voices be heard.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

What a jackass retort? Only from Baseman the jacko.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

Dumbass  Baseboard. Typical doorknob.


Scramble to pass AML…Bill can be passed in 48 hours – Granger

May 31, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

- Opposition Leader and President to meet by Monday

By Kiana Wilburg The man-in-the-street is even more worried by the recently issued advisory by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) and its implications for his money. CFATF has called on its members to further distance itself from conducting business transactions with Guyana. Failure to pass the legislation on required deadlines has left the regional body with no choice but to refer Guyana to its parent body, the Financial Action Task Force, which can see Guyana being possibly blacklisted on the international level.

Brig. David Granger, Leader of the political Opposition.

Brig. David Granger, Leader of the political Opposition.

The political opposition party, The Alliance For Change (AFC), which remains committed towards having a stronger Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill (AML/CFT) has made it clear that even though the regional body has taken that action, the Bill can be passed within 72 hours. But A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has gone further to state that 72 hours is simply too long; that the amended Bill can be passed within 48 hours. The leader of the political coalition, Brig. David Granger made this assertion yesterday at his head office on Hadfield Street during a press conference. Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, beat the Member of Parliament to the punch in the “blame game” Thursday last. He said that the political opposition is solely responsible for the action taken by the regional body. Granger, however, sought to make it pellucid to citizens at the press conference that the Opposition does not accept responsibility and blamed instead, the People’s Progressive Party Administration for the advisory that was issued. The CFATF in the advisory called on its members to consider implementing further counter measures to protect their financial systems from the ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing risks emanating from Guyana. This advisory was issued due to the fact that Guyana has, failed to meet certain deadlines, the last being May 29 for the passing of the amended Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill. As such, the regional body has indicated that Guyana will now be referred to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). He added, “Now we have been discussing the AML Bill for 13 months and government is aware of our position and the conditions. I met with President Donald Ramotar on May 12 where similar sentiments were expressed during our discussions. “But while the AFC which I support in its call for the Public Procurement Commission has said that it would only take 72 hours, I would reiterate that it would only take 48 hours. APNU demands that the amendments be accepted and that Government put in place some process of getting the non assented Bills, assented to by the President.” He said that his partnership repeatedly called on the government to abandon its “winner-takes-all” attitude to governance. Granger also mentioned that the results of the November 28, 2011 general and regional elections should have made it clear that an “inclusionary” approach was needed to promote the national interest. He added that the current “dispensation” in the National Assembly requires consultation and cooperation between the legislative and executive branches of Government instead of confrontation. The politician stated that greater national unity will bring greater national benefits including; the elimination of a one-party domination of the government, the encouragement of dialogue within the formal councils of government, the enhancement of multi-ethnic space and the elimination of ethnic insecurity, the enrichment of cultural life and national consciousness and pride. APNU, the Leader said, renews its commitment to “inclusionary democracy” as enshrined in the Constitution. “We have stated previously that Guyana has had the legislation for 14 years and not a single prosecution was done. In May 2011, exactly three years ago, Guyana was placed on a list of jurisdictions with strategic Anti Money Laundering deficiencies that have not made sufficient progress in addressing them and requires Guyana to take steps to address it and correct it by November 2013.  Government has been delaying and has been taking its own time. Government has called for Parliament to resume on June 19. It has no interest in strengthening the Bill and it is asking us to pass it unconditionally? That will not happen.” Granger has said that while the President has not made contact with him since the CFATF announcement, the two are expected to meet by Monday to speak on the amended legislation and the way forward. “I am concerned about the consequences of not passing the amended AML Bill. I am, also, about not strengthening the governance of it. To pass it unconditionally would mean that the country is going to suffer. We want good governance. I believe the public appreciates our position in protecting our economy from dirty money and we know where it is coming from.” As it is now established that both government and the political opposition remains fixed with their positions, Granger was then asked if mediation by the members of the Caribbean Community is still being sought at this stage. The Opposition leader said that he wrote to Ralph E. Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines who is also the Chairman of CARICOM and to two other CFATF officials. He added, “I spoke with them last Thursday and we asked the same thing about mediation and whether it is likely to be given… But the solution is simple and that’s why the thrust of this press conference is national unity. “We must, as politicians, be able to sit at the table and discuss our issues. It doesn’t have to go to the Bahamas or Trinidad and Tobago.  We can solve this by Monday night.” On Thursday, the Finance Minister said that the action by CFATF was the inevitable consequence of the opposition’s refusal to enact the CFATF compliant bill. When questioned about the mechanisms the government plans to put in place to cushion the effects of the blacklisting, he said that Government’s instruments to address this are finite. He said that he wished not to speculate about the possible effects that the foreign exchange rate will suffer but stated that the government however, remains open to dialogue with the opposition on the way forward.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

What a jackass retort? Only from Baseman the jacko.

Like Granja selling out under the instructions of Cde Carbin.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

Dumbass  Baseboard. Typical doorknob.

Wow, what a doorknob of a response!

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

What a jackass retort? Only from Baseman the jacko.

The truth burn you guys up.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

What a jackass retort? Only from Baseman the jacko.

The truth burn you guys up.

If you see the truth, you shall fall blind instantly.  You were conceived in a LIE, you live a LIE and you shall die a LIAR Base Baord.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

What a jackass retort? Only from Baseman the jacko.

The truth burn you guys up.

Dumbass, you are a slave to your racist mentality. Why is Ramotar scrambling to have urgent discussions with the opposition?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

What a jackass retort? Only from Baseman the jacko.

The truth burn you guys up.

If you see the truth, you shall fall blind instantly.  You were conceived in a LIE, you live a LIE and you shall die a LIAR Base Baord.

He is a congenital racist.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

What a jackass retort? Only from Baseman the jacko.

The truth burn you guys up.

If you see the truth, you shall fall blind instantly.  You were conceived in a LIE, you live a LIE and you shall die a LIAR Base Baord.

Wow, how touchy.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Why Asni do not haul his azz.

The AFC, once again, overplayed their hand and has again realized they are championing the PNC's strategic agenda.  The AFC Indians are so filled with vile and blind hatred toward the PPP, they will be used and kicked aside by the PNC.  They have the same shortsightedness as during the 2011 election.

What a jackass retort? Only from Baseman the jacko.

The truth burn you guys up.

If you see the truth, you shall fall blind instantly.  You were conceived in a LIE, you live a LIE and you shall die a LIAR Base Baord.

He is a congenital racist.

Mmm, did I offend you somehow?

Originally Posted by albert:

THE Alliance for Change (AFC), following the announcement that Guyana has been referred to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) yesterday, contends that the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Amen

Who give a sh!t what Asni thinks.  Guyana will be alright irrespective of the poor adminitration of the nation by the PPP.


Yet today that DUMBO Granger ready to LIE down with these people who continue to batter him.


He should respond to them in KIND - never miss the water till the well run dry.  THE APNU should reject the PPP and force them into elections.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Yet today that DUMBO Granger ready to LIE down with these people who continue to batter him.


He should respond to them in KIND - never miss the water till the well run dry.  THE APNU should reject the PPP and force them into elections.

Very risky for the AFC and, by default, the PNC.


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