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Too many broken promises from the PPP regime


Dear Editor,
The PPP has been in power for the past 20 years and despite their constant criticism of the Burnham government, this regime is the worst regime ever to rule Guyana. Today, Guyana has become the disgrace of the Caribbean region and that disgrace has now accentuated in the last decade under the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime.
The only thing the Jagdeo/Ramotar administration has mastered in their more than twelve years in power is that they have become world class “cuss birds,” evil, vindictive, plunderers of the Treasury for self-enrichment, contempt for the constitution and absolute disrespect for the rule of law and the people of Guyana.
To expose the deceitful personal agendas of these misfits, the General Secretary of the PPP said in a newspaper article of March 11, 2010 that “the party [PPP] is working towards the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission”.
The General Secretary of the PPP who is now the holder of the most powerful office in the land, promised the people that his party [PPP} will soon be “shortlisting names to be submitted for consideration for the Commission.”
It has been three years now and the PPP has not submitted any names and has done very little work to support the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission.  If an ordinary person had promised such and did what was done by the PPP, in common parlance they would have been deemed a liar, a custodian of falsehood and a purveyor of deceit and deception. Needless to say we are dealing with a cabal that has lost all their senses, their ability to reason and govern this nation and they have broken their promises to the people.
I want all Guyanese irrespective of their party affiliation to know that a party that breaks its promises to them cannot be trusted to govern this nation. In 2012, not only did President Ramotar broke several of his promises to you, the people, but also ministers after ministers have done so on numerous occasions.
These people are so selfish and corrupt that they would do only what would yield them personal gains and this means ignoring the wishes of the people.  I encourage the Guyanese public to listen and read the major news papers, especially Kaieteur News and pass judgment on this group of charlatans and their nefarious acts. The time has come for all Guyanese to say publicly to the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal that “enough is enough.”
In May 2012, a Government Minister, in response to Ms. Deborah Backer in Parliament said the Public Procurement Commission would be established by the end of June 2012. Another broken promise, and coming from this particular minister it is no surprise to us because her response was staged since this is not her portfolio! However, it is prudent for the Minister to maintain her integrity and come forward and tell the people the real reasons for the delay and not to indulge in propaganda which others in the party have and continue to do.
This is one way for her to maintain her credibility which at the moment is at the lowest level just like several others in the cabal. How can the Minister be trusted to negotiate on behalf of Guyana with foreign governments when her honesty, integrity and credibility are in doubt at home?
Why this Public Procurement Commission is so important? Since the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal came to office, close to G$40 billion per year is leaked from the Budget from legitimate activities into corrupt private pockets.
The Public Procurement Commission will be a constitutional Commission independent of the PPP control to ensure that the Guyanese people secure the best value for their money on all public procurements.  That is G$40 billion a year that the PPP can re-direct towards paying the workers decent living wages and provide a substantial increase to pensioners rather that the meager $12.500 per month.
How could the administration justify paying our senior citizens such a skimpy amount but has agreed to pay the former president the lucrative amount of $3 million per month? I have no choice but to conclude that the cabal does not care a damn about the youths, the poor and the working class and our senior citizens whom they have abandoned a long time ago.
A government that cannot take care of the most vulnerable in society—seniors and the extremely young—must be condemned. A government that does not govern in the interest of all is unfit to govern. A government that uses the state resources for self-enrichment should not only be voted out of office but also charges of alleged theft should be instituted against its members.
A government that acts vindictive, spiteful and cuss-down its citizens is not only reckless but has taken the people for granted. A government that is corrupt cannot be trusted with the taxpayers’ money.
These are the trademarks of the current leaders of this anti-working class regime. Their vile acts have not only resulted in Guyana becoming a disgrace to its neighbours in the Caribbean but they have also stifled human development and economic growth.
This anti-working class regime is more interested in building Taj Mahals for their princelings than they are about raising the workers’ wages.  They are quite satisfied with paying a sugar worker the meager amount of G$47,000 a month, but at the same time paying a Presidential Advisor the huge amount of G$989,000 a month, provides a very lucrative Pension Package of G$3 million a month to Jagdeo, and is currently paying the first son G$3 million a month to manage one of their PONZI Projects.
This cabal is more interested in giving radio/TV licenses to their friends, relatives and their party than to share them out equitably among those who are qualified. They are more interested in placing their cronies in positions for which they do not have the necessary qualifications and experience. The cabal is more interested in giving contracts to Chinese companies that have refused to hire Guyanese workers.
No hope for the people. The time has come for some serious decision-making. As an example, the Public Procurement Commission should be established and some of the sticky fingers princelings should be made an example and we can start with the NDIA and NCN. The time has come for change in Guyana and it must start at the top.
Name withheld

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Such a FOOL is wise to not provide name. What an ASS. He is totally confused. One example cause I don't have time with a FOOL of this caliber, the Seniors will be getting Increases in their Pension. He/she needs to learn to READ AND UNDERSTAND.


There's no government who ever fulfill all its promises he/she made to the nation. Promises can only be fulfilled by granting the government the full estimated budget that is required to run the country's programs and its Ministries. Government programs are like your home. If you daddy drink out half money and bring home half, you will only eat one meal and go to bed. But nobody don't question that. The PPP is fulfilling 98% of all its promises but the 2% will never said that is an A+. Belly full and them still hungry. 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

There's no government who ever fulfill all its promises he/she made to the nation. Promises can only be fulfilled by granting the government the full estimated budget that is required to run the country's programs and its Ministries. Government programs are like your home. If you daddy drink out half money and bring home half, you will only eat one meal and go to bed. But nobody don't question that. The PPP is fulfilling 98% of all its promises but the 2% will never said that is an A+. Belly full and them still hungry. 

Thank you Sir for your contribution.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

daddy drink out half money and bring home half, you will only eat one meal and go to bed.

Malnutrition retards brain development. That explains why you're a dumbass today. 


"They are quite satisfied with paying a sugar worker the meager amount of G$47,000 a month"


This is the Guyana that these PPP fools brag about. A sugar worker, policeman or teacher making $50,000 a month and rent alone is $50,000 a month. With a family including a wife and children, these people would starve if they didn't have relatives sending them a remittance every month.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Nehru, you do the cussing for me today.  BTW, do you think them parents should plant coconut trees instead of giving life to these neemakarams?  

WellDEm Drap pun Coconut tree but wearing shirt and Pants. No need to lower ourselves to their Uncivilized way. Dem Baan Suh.


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