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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Especially Kwame and his many demons on GNI like YUJI and Conscience.

Kish, when you see yuji and Conscience staring at the ground to look for AFC litter, you must know that desperation time has set in for the PPP.


PPP will celebrate early christmas. The AFC is now begin choka.


8 supporters at the AFC "massive" Protest


50 supporters a their political meeting


87 Delegates at their disgracefully organized conference with delegates eating from an uncertified food vendor from the back of a minivan.





Last edited by Former Member

At the political level, the AFC leader said that it will continue to expose corruption. Not doing so comes with a cost to the life of the nation.
“And what do we do with corrupt officials?” Ramjattan asked. The crowd yelled, “Jail them.”
The politician said that the party has maintained a watchful eye on officials but the time has come to include a cracking whip. He said too that even when the AFC gets into office and it is by any chance corrupt, the electorate has a responsibility to “crack the whip.”
“You must be fearless and fry the big fish,” he added. This was greeted with much approval and had members shouting, “We will jail the PPP and we will fry them.”


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