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Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Iguana posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am stretching my imagination to unbeknownst limits and I still can’t picture either Hinds or Freddie in a white shade of anything.

Perhaps in addition to stretching your imagination, look high, low and every where in-between; you might see something black, black, black. suggesting Bibi got a blackpot? Baseman or Bibi current bai friend should tek away yuh used diaper and slap yuh wid it.

Current bai friend has no interest in any of this stuff.  He saw me posting one day and asked what is GNI.  He read some of it and said all of this stuff is garbage.  His interests are cricket games around the world and the latest sports cars.  No interest here.

Good, so leave me alone and don’t be trolling my ex’s FB page and hounding every woman I speak to!  And at least pretend to be busy!

Who gives a rat’s ass about you and your lowlife?  Every body is laughing at your sideways cyanting.  Girls half your age and married women are not interested in stroke victims.  Your health and drug rehab projects should be your utmost concern, not other people wives whose names you are scandalizing.


Allyo look how Queeny is  partaking in GARBAGE! Well done, Queeny! Citibank's Krish got a hot white gal now. He paid for those nice trips to Cricket Games in England.

Whose battle are you fighting?  And whose lies are you telling?  You always with some antimanish behavior.  Go and run you mouth in the AFC and Leh dem boys buss you nose.

Some know how to catch a man but dem na know how fuh keep de man. It's my right to respond to any post on this forum. GFY.

But don’t put your ugly daughter story on GNI.  Have some privacy.  It’s my right to respond to any story on GNI.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

That's you bhai, check your likes comparable to mine. I man don't contribute to too much sussur-pussur, that's for the girly boys.

Posters children shouldn't be discussed on GNI, STICK TO THE TOPIC.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

That's you bhai, check your likes comparable to mine.

You loosing your mind bhai. 

My comment was referring to you because YOU DJANGO are the one who posted the subject .. WTF. You made my day dude

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

That's you bhai, check your likes comparable to mine.

You loosing your mind bhai. 

My comment was referring to you because YOU DJANGO are the one who posted the subject .. WTF. You made my day dude

Read your statement, pay attention to "like" here is an example

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

That's you bhai, check your likes comparable to mine. I man don't contribute to too much sussur-pussur, that's for the girly boys.

Posters children shouldn't be discussed on GNI, STICK TO THE TOPIC.

Gud you admit you don’t contribute to “too” much sussur - pussur. so you are a girly boy.. appreciate your honesty. 

Love you DJ you are the best. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

That's you bhai, check your likes comparable to mine. I man don't contribute to too much sussur-pussur, that's for the girly boys.

Posters children shouldn't be discussed on GNI, STICK TO THE TOPIC.

Gud you admit you don’t contribute to “too” much sussur - pussur. so you are a girly boy.. appreciate your honesty. 

Love you DJ you are the best. 

Have some problems reading ???

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

That's you bhai, check your likes comparable to mine.

You loosing your mind bhai. 

My comment was referring to you because YOU DJANGO are the one who posted the subject .. WTF. You made my day dude

Read your statement, pay attention pay attention to "like"

I am not denying I don’t like.. but it wasn’t me who call out posters for being personal .. it’s YOU DJANGO.. Give yo head a shake bhai. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

That's you bhai, check your likes comparable to mine.

You loosing your mind bhai. 

My comment was referring to you because YOU DJANGO are the one who posted the subject .. WTF. You made my day dude

Read your statement, pay attention pay attention to "like"

I am not denying I don’t like.. but it wasn’t me who call out posters for being personal .. it’s YOU DJANGO.. Give yo head a shake bhai. 

Done because it's uncouth .

Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

You are a jackass for liking her post. I am coming after you.  I do not take money from people and not show up to do their work. That's a crime; yuh bloody hypocrite.

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

You are a jackass for liking her post. I am coming after you.  I do not take money from people and not show up to do their work. That's a crime; yuh bloody hypocrite.

Your daughter gets paid for the service she provide you forcker 

I dare you to come after me, I am a few meters from you yo . as I have said before choose your ****ing fight .. I swear to god I will not let you go  this time 

Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

You are a jackass for liking her post. I am coming after you.  I do not take money from people and not show up to do their work. That's a crime; yuh bloody hypocrite.

Your daughter gets paid for the service she provide you forcker 

I dare you to come after me, I am a few meters from you yo . as I have said before choose your ****ing fight .. I swear to god I will not let you go  this time 

Banna, Just the other day you said you ran scared from Blackman barking in Guyana.  Now here you are, talking about another Indian man’s daughter and threatening to fight up!

I bet you would never mess with a Blackman, even a feeble one!  Typical canecutter action!

If you want, go after the man, leave his daughter or anyone else out!  Grow some balls!!

Leonora posted:


[Verse 1]

Until the philosophy which hold one race superior And another Inferior Is finally And permanently Discredited And abandoned Everywhere is war Me say war

[Verse 2]

That until there no longer First class and second class citizens of any nation Until the colour of a man's skin Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes Me say war

[Verse 3]

That until the basic human rights Are equally guaranteed to all Without regard to race Dis a war

[Verse 4]

That until that day The dream of lasting peace World citizenship Rule of international morality Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued But never attained Now everywhere is war - war

[Verse 5]

And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes That hold our brothers in Angola In Mozambique South Africa Sub-human bondage Have been toppled Utterly destroyed Well, everywhere is war Me say war

[Verse 6]

War in the east War in the west War up north War down south War - war Rumors of war And until that day The African continent Will not know peace We Africans will fight - we find it necessary And we know we shall win As we are confident In the victory


Of good over evil Good over evil, yeah! Good over evil Good over evil, yeah! Good over evil Good over evil, yeah!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

You are a jackass for liking her post. I am coming after you.  I do not take money from people and not show up to do their work. That's a crime; yuh bloody hypocrite.

Your daughter gets paid for the service she provide you forcker 

I dare you to come after me, I am a few meters from you yo . as I have said before choose your ****ing fight .. I swear to god I will not let you go  this time 

Banna, Just the other day you said you ran scared from Blackman barking in Guyana.  Now here you are, talking about another Indian man’s daughter and threatening to fight up!

I bet you would never mess with a Blackman, even a feeble one!  Typical canecutter action!

If you want, go after the man, leave his daughter or anyone else out!  Grow some balls!!

I scared of no one base. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

You are a jackass for liking her post. I am coming after you.  I do not take money from people and not show up to do their work. That's a crime; yuh bloody hypocrite.

Your daughter gets paid for the service she provide you forcker 

I dare you to come after me, I am a few meters from you yo . as I have said before choose your ****ing fight .. I swear to god I will not let you go  this time 

Banna, Just the other day you said you ran scared from Blackman barking in Guyana.  Now here you are, talking about another Indian man’s daughter and threatening to fight up!

I bet you would never mess with a Blackman, even a feeble one!  Typical canecutter action!

If you want, go after the man, leave his daughter or anyone else out!  Grow some balls!!

I scared of no one base. 

Well don’t attack the man’s daughter.  He never did that!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

You are a jackass for liking her post. I am coming after you.  I do not take money from people and not show up to do their work. That's a crime; yuh bloody hypocrite.

Your daughter gets paid for the service she provide you forcker 

I dare you to come after me, I am a few meters from you yo . as I have said before choose your ****ing fight .. I swear to god I will not let you go  this time 

Banna, Just the other day you said you ran scared from Blackman barking in Guyana.  Now here you are, talking about another Indian man’s daughter and threatening to fight up!

I bet you would never mess with a Blackman, even a feeble one!  Typical canecutter action!

If you want, go after the man, leave his daughter or anyone else out!  Grow some balls!!

I scared of no one base. 

Well don’t attack the man’s daughter.  He never did that!

Yes you are right my apologies. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

You are a jackass for liking her post. I am coming after you.  I do not take money from people and not show up to do their work. That's a crime; yuh bloody hypocrite.

Your daughter gets paid for the service she provide you forcker 

I dare you to come after me, I am a few meters from you yo . as I have said before choose your ****ing fight .. I swear to god I will not let you go  this time 

Banna, Just the other day you said you ran scared from Blackman barking in Guyana.  Now here you are, talking about another Indian man’s daughter and threatening to fight up!

I bet you would never mess with a Blackman, even a feeble one!  Typical canecutter action!

If you want, go after the man, leave his daughter or anyone else out!  Grow some balls!!

I scared of no one base. 

Bai cuss Mits how much you want but keep his family out. They are not members here. Don’t be like that other loser who does cuss people about their mother. He was brought up in the slums so he is not expected to know better.

ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

This is funny rass, the author of this subject - Django would “ like “ the comments from his associates  who posted personal attack on members.. man oh man ..speaking of hypocrisy. 

You are a jackass for liking her post. I am coming after you.  I do not take money from people and not show up to do their work. That's a crime; yuh bloody hypocrite.

Your daughter gets paid for the service she provide you forcker 

I dare you to come after me, I am a few meters from you yo . as I have said before choose your ****ing fight .. I swear to god I will not let you go  this time 

Banna, Just the other day you said you ran scared from Blackman barking in Guyana.  Now here you are, talking about another Indian man’s daughter and threatening to fight up!

I bet you would never mess with a Blackman, even a feeble one!  Typical canecutter action!

If you want, go after the man, leave his daughter or anyone else out!  Grow some balls!!

I scared of no one base. 

Bai cuss Mits how much you want but keep his family out. They are not members here. Don’t be like that other loser who does cuss people about their mother. He was brought up in the slums so he is not expected to know better.

My anger gets the better of me. 


Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

You have to be like me Dave.

Cool calm and collected.

I can slit your throat, look at you, smile and tell you to Rest In Peace. 😎

What you have collected thus far, Ksazma?


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