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April 11, 2016 Source

The concentration of various powers in Minister Joseph Harmon was last night cited by the Alliance for Change (AFC) as the key reason for difficulties that have flared up around the government and it plans to raise this issue at Cabinet as a matter of “national importance”.

In its first major statement since the APNU+AFC government took office in May last year, the AFC also said the report of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI)  into the death of WPA Leader Walter Rodney provides an opportunity for national healing and reconciliation. This would put it at odds with coalition partner, APNU whose Leader, President David Granger, has repudiated the report.

The AFC has come under pressure in recent weeks to speak out on major issues that have arisen and following a previously unannounced leadership retreat yesterday it issued a statement on Harmon’s problems, the Rodney CoI and the raft of audits that have been done of state entities.

It said that “key” leaders of the AFC yesterday attended the retreat as part of an ongoing effort to review the party’s performance and to discuss a number of issues of concern to the party.

“Principally the AFC reviewed and considered internal matters with regard to the party’s operations and structure along with its role as part of the Coalition Government of Guyana.

“Also, among the matters discussed at the retreat was the issue of the appointment of a Ministerial Advisor on Business Development by the Minister of State (Harmon) and other revelations in the public domain.

“The Alliance for Change is of the opinion that the current difficulties which the government has encountered in the continuing revelations arising out of the appointment of the Advisor on Business Development and the issues surrounding this, have their roots in the concentration of the powers of the office of the Cabinet Secretary, the Minister of State in the Ministry of the Presidency  and the  effective Head of Presidential Secretariat in a single person”, the party said.

It argued that the responsibilities of each of the portfolios are substantial and of vital importance to the smooth operations of the Government and would therefore benefit  from separate appointments.

“The Alliance for Change has mandated its leadership in Cabinet to have these issues raised and addressed as a matter of national importance”, the statement said. The party’s two key leaders at Cabinet would be Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and Vice President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan.  The AFC  declaration that it intends to raise the matter at Cabinet would be a stern test of coalition unity as Granger and APNU have tried to play down the controversy swirling around Harmon, a key aide and confidante of the President. Granger has attempted to draw a line under the controversy and Harmon yesterday  pointed to the President’s intervention as grounds for not saying anything further on the matter. However, critics have said that Granger’s response to the matter has been inadequate and there are still many questions unanswered.

The disclosure of Harmon’s appointment of businessman Brian Tiwari as an advisor to the government triggered an avalanche of criticism and further disclosures which have left the administration groping for answers. Within a day, Granger rescinded Tiwari’s appointment saying that his services were not needed. However, the government then faced accusations that Harmon had interfered with the Guyana Revenue Authority  and halted its planned seizure of vehicles belonging to controversial Chinese logging company, Baishanlin. Further, at the point that Granger cancelled Tiwari’s appointment, both Harmon and Tiwari were in China. A fresh set of questions have emerged about this trip including who funded it and the nature of the business that the two conducted in China.

In its statement, the AFC also said that it is committed to responsible and transparent governance and looks forward to the conclusion of the Code of Conduct for government officials and the application of same. The APNU+AFC government has been criticised for not finalising the code 11 months into its administration despite having promised this in its pre-general election campaign.

“The Alliance For Change reiterates its commitment to the Coalition Government while recognising that the principles of good governance, transparency and equal opportunity  are fundamental to the success of the Coalition’, the party, which holds 12 seats in Parliament, said.

Rodney CoI

On the question of the Rodney CoI, the AFC said “…the report of the Commission of Inquiry into the death of Walter Rodney should be released to his family and the party supports its early release to the public.

“The AFC is of the view that the report affords the country an opportunity to address a difficult period of its history and hopes that it forms the basis for national healing and reconciliation.”

The CoI found that Rodney was the victim of a State-organised assassination on June 13th, 1980 and this could only have been possible with the knowledge of then PNC Prime Minister Forbes Burnham. Granger, who is now leader of the PNC’s successor, the PNCR, had denounced the report.

“When you look at details of the evidence provided it is clear that the report itself is very badly flawed and we intend to challenge the findings of the report and the circumstances under which that report was conducted. That is all I would like to say at this time on that Report but it is terribly flawed”, Granger had said.

The PNC had long been suspected of being behind the killing of the famous historian and Nagamootoo and other leaders of the AFC would have held similar positions in their days in the opposition.

Audit reports

On the numerous controversial audits that have been done of state entities, the AFC said that the party is of the view that the series of audit reports into “apparent irregularities in various government agencies should be supplemented by a review by experienced independent international forensic auditors and thereafter submitted to high quality external professional independent legal advice with a view to proceeding to prosecution where warranted.”

Many questions have been asked in public about what the APNU+AFC government intends to do about the audits and their findings.

On Thursday, AFC Leader Ramjattan had told Stabroek News that the party would take an independent position on both the Rodney CoI and Harmon’s appointment of Tiwari as an advisor after discussing same at the executive level.

“Some people feel it is just  Ramjattan’s opinion on the matter. So it is important that all these other members who sometimes feel we are too controlling and influenced to democratize the process, to give a broader statement that would incorporate the views of all,” he had said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

HAHAHAHA Uncle Tom to Granger " Sah abee nah like how Harman ah run things"


Granger to Uncle Tom " Did you finish cleaning my toilet and mop the floors" If not go finish your job and shut up"


This is all hog wash, which one of the two servants is going to question Soulja Boy, to door to exit parliament is large enough for two to pass.The Cunningsburg Accord is Dead, Harmon is the PNC President , Granger is president for coalition.


Nothing stops the AFC leadership from raising its concerns in Cabinet. President Granger as Cabinet Chairman will give them time to speak, he will listen out of courtesy, Amna and Harmon will calmly absorb the criticisms while vowing solemnly to lash back later, and everyone will move on to next item on the agenda.

Brigadier Granger will not sacrifice his longtime army buddy Harmon to please a few AFC men. Whatever happens, I'm still happy the PPP is out of power.

The Guyanese people are seeing little difference between the utterly corrupt PPP regime and the coalition. It is up to them to create and empower a Third Force to smash PPP-PNC dominance of politics in Guyana. The people have to rise above race in order to save themselves and the country. 

Gilbakka posted:

Nothing stops the AFC leadership from raising its concerns in Cabinet. President Granger as Cabinet Chairman will give them time to speak, he will listen out of courtesy, Amna and Harmon will calmly absorb the criticisms while vowing solemnly to lash back later, and everyone will move on to next item on the agenda.

Brigadier Granger will not sacrifice his longtime army buddy Harmon to please a few AFC men. Whatever happens, I'm still happy the PPP is out of power.

The Guyanese people are seeing little difference between the utterly corrupt PPP regime and the coalition. It is up to them to create and empower a Third Force to smash PPP-PNC dominance of politics in Guyana. The people have to rise above race in order to save themselves and the country. 


Gilbakka posted:

Nothing stops the AFC leadership from raising its concerns in Cabinet. President Granger as Cabinet Chairman will give them time to speak, he will listen out of courtesy, Amna and Harmon will calmly absorb the criticisms while vowing solemnly to lash back later, and everyone will move on to next item on the agenda.

Brigadier Granger will not sacrifice his longtime army buddy Harmon to please a few AFC men. Whatever happens, I'm still happy the PPP is out of power.

The Guyanese people are seeing little difference between the utterly corrupt PPP regime and the coalition. It is up to them to create and empower a Third Force to smash PPP-PNC dominance of politics in Guyana. The people have to rise above race in order to save themselves and the country. 

My dear Anscale Fish - there is no party other than the PPP who have the leadership skills and the expertise to move Guyana forward.  Wishing a pathetic, incompetent government to run a country into the ground is nothing but foolish thinking!  The AFC is merely a bunch of PPP rejects.  And now they are a bunch of PNC rejects.  No one wants them. I will chalk this one up to poor judgement on your behalf.  

Bibi Haniffa
Demerara_Guy posted:

AFC can raise the matter in cabinet which will have no effects while Joseph Harmon will remain with continued strong power and influence.

Correct DG.

The AFC should have realized form day one when Granger gave Harmon a whole ministry to consolidate power and control. This ministry in effect, made Moses impotent in terms of political power and Moses became a window dresser.

Remember, Granger was the first to stand up and defend Harmon.

It is too late, the AFC destroyed themselves and to quote Ramjattan, they are dead meat. In fact,they have become rotten dead meat.

To quote Vish:

AFC = A Foolish Choice.

AFC grassroots members must now try to salvage whatever is left of the dead meat party.


Last edited by Former Member


Posted by Jill Baka

"It is up to them to create and empower a Third Force to smash PPP-PNC dominance of politics in Guyana."


Third force does not necessarily mean a positive change. I hope you learn from your mistake.




Billy Ram Balgobin
Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Nothing stops the AFC leadership from raising its concerns in Cabinet. President Granger as Cabinet Chairman will give them time to speak, he will listen out of courtesy, Amna and Harmon will calmly absorb the criticisms while vowing solemnly to lash back later, and everyone will move on to next item on the agenda.

Brigadier Granger will not sacrifice his longtime army buddy Harmon to please a few AFC men. Whatever happens, I'm still happy the PPP is out of power.

The Guyanese people are seeing little difference between the utterly corrupt PPP regime and the coalition. It is up to them to create and empower a Third Force to smash PPP-PNC dominance of politics in Guyana. The people have to rise above race in order to save themselves and the country. 


What qualifies you as a winner? Is it the absurd repetitious speech and stupid screaming or your peculiar habit to latch on to a word and use or misuse it and pretend you generate intellectual gems? That is what I call pathetic.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Nothing stops the AFC leadership from raising its concerns in Cabinet. President Granger as Cabinet Chairman will give them time to speak, he will listen out of courtesy, Amna and Harmon will calmly absorb the criticisms while vowing solemnly to lash back later, and everyone will move on to next item on the agenda.

Brigadier Granger will not sacrifice his longtime army buddy Harmon to please a few AFC men. Whatever happens, I'm still happy the PPP is out of power.

The Guyanese people are seeing little difference between the utterly corrupt PPP regime and the coalition. It is up to them to create and empower a Third Force to smash PPP-PNC dominance of politics in Guyana. The people have to rise above race in order to save themselves and the country. 

My dear Anscale Fish - there is no party other than the PPP who have the leadership skills and the expertise to move Guyana forward.  Wishing a pathetic, incompetent government to run a country into the ground is nothing but foolish thinking!  The AFC is merely a bunch of PPP rejects.  And now they are a bunch of PNC rejects.  No one wants them. I will chalk this one up to poor judgement on your behalf.  

Gil mistimed like a bad cricketer on this one. Bibi clean bowled Gil.

Bibi Haniffa posted:   - there is no party other than the PPP who have the leadership skills and the expertise to move Guyana forward.  

Spoken like a true fanatic. Carry on smartly.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:   - there is no party other than the PPP who have the leadership skills and the expertise to move Guyana forward.  

Spoken like a true fanatic. Carry on smartly.

Dem brothers are in denial about the fact that the PPP has been the most corrupt and inept government that Guyana has ever had to cope with.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


Posted by Jill Baka

"It is up to them to create and empower a Third Force to smash PPP-PNC dominance of politics in Guyana."

 Third force does not necessarily mean a positive change. I hope you learn from your mistake.




Billy Ramgoblin, for 60 years the Guyanese nation has been held hostage by dead-end, tit-for-tat, one-upmanship PPP-PNC political rivalry. The people rallied behind Dr Walter Rodney 35 years ago because he offered an alternative to the PPP-PNC logjam.

True, a Third Force does not necessarily mean positive change. Neither does a Third Force necessarily mean negative change. Mistakes are stepping stones to creating a better Third Force over time.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:   - there is no party other than the PPP who have the leadership skills and the expertise to move Guyana forward.  

Spoken like a true fanatic. Carry on smartly.

Loyalty sir loyalty.  Present me with anyone who can run the country better and your wish will be my command.  I will embrace change, but it has to be change for the better not for the worse.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

 I will embrace change, but it has to be change for the better not for the worse.

TRANSLATION: Bibi will always embrace Bharrat Jagdeo. He is the best.

You are correct.  I believe he has what it takes to run the country.  However, I also believe that he has run his course, been there done that, and should not be the head of the PPP any longer.  Time for Anil Nandlall now.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

 I will embrace change, but it has to be change for the better not for the worse.

TRANSLATION: Bibi will always embrace Bharrat Jagdeo. He is the best.

You are correct.  I believe he has what it takes to run the country.  However, I also believe that he has run his course, been there done that, and should not be the head of the PPP any longer.  Time for Anil Nandlall now.

TRANSLATION: Bibi is only embracing Bharrat Jagdeo temporarily and is waiting impatiently to embrace Anil Nandlall. 

GILBAKKA'S REACTION: Scale Fish behaving like Anscale Fish now.

Gilbakka posted:

It is up to them to create and empower a Third Force to smash PPP-PNC dominance of politics in Guyana.  

Gilly, that third force was already there. The AFC. But in their need for premature gratification, they deserted their mantra and buddied up with their arch-rivals, the PNC. Now they have rendered themselves impotent. Granger would drop them like a rock. Granger probably feels he is doing them a big favor right now keeping them in the Cabinet regardless of what the Valentines Day rendezvous says.


Gil, for many years, people have argued the need for a third force to counter what they describe as the sense of ownership that the PNC and PPP have over their particular ethnic voting block. For them, the formation of the AFC answered their prayers. Well, the AFC has sold itself for a piece of the pie and forgot its bold pronouncements about not joining with any of the major parties, about integrity, about transparency, about corruption in public office, about real change. Many of these people now feel that they have been betrayed by the AFC, that instead of real change, they get exchange. Are they likely to trust another attempt at a third force or for the AFC to morph into what it had promised? No, I do not think so. 


Sadly, Guyana has been deteriorating from day one as a result of this incompetent AFC/PNC administration which took over our beloved country.

AFC mistimed their coalition with the PNC. The AFC had the PPP by the Bal** and could have continued squeezing the PPP which could have forced the hands of the PPP and eventually bring them to the table for change.

The quest for personal revenge always leads to disaster. Moses and Ramjattan acted in haste and as such, destroyed the AFC. There is no longer a third force in Guyana, it is now only the PPP vs the PNC.

The very fact that Ramjattan is complaining about the allocation of local elections seat reveals the fact that the AFC has no plan or agenda, they are just followers who do not realize their real power which unfortunately has been cut down by Granger in a master class political chess move by creating a ministry in rendering Moses politically impotent.

AFC is to blame for their lack of political experience and leadership. One wonders if Trotman had this all planned out with Granger.

One has to now wonder how depressed the Guyanese economy will become and at the current pace, it may never recover from PNC's part two incompetence.

BTW, Guyanese are still awaiting for the AFC/PNC to prove their lies about corruption of which Gil and other bought into. 

They appear to be blind at the massive corruption and incompetence of this AFC/PNC administration.

Please pray for Guyana, Harmon and Granger are the new dictators in town and yes, Granger was the first to stand up and defend Harmon while the impotent Moses look on barking like a lil puppy only while he was among his party members in their own retreat. 

As Moses headed back to the PNC tent, his fear rose, he became silent at the site of Harmon and Moses.

As for Ramjattan, he has already been tamed by Granger who now has two puppies or butlers. 

The PPP needs to elect a new leader who can pull the carpet from under the feet of these corrupt and incompetent AFC/PNC fools and who can unite Guyana and move it forward. 

Jagdeo has served his time and can be of great assistance to Guyana and the PPP in a different capacity.

Last edited by Former Member

The po' AFC, these fools cry out all day long about how the AFC don't care for the people and all sorts of shyte,now the AFC are standing up for what most here would and should want them do and what do you ignorant rassoles do? You still complain Afc dis an AFC dat.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

The AFC is wasting their time.   The PNC boys don't need them anymore.  

Indeed, the Constitution says the Prez is the BOSS.  No need for AFC or KFC, DAG in charge; he has the final say.  This is a PNC led government and who do not want to hitch on to the back door, then they are free to LEAVE.

But the front entrance is totally reserved for PNC people.


Too much powers with Harmon –AFC -plans to raise matter at Cabinet


So the AFC raised the matter and DAG (David) or GOD (the Government of David), tell them to F.-OFF.  Now what?

Last edited by Former Member

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