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Lumumba quits ‘Team Unity’ ahead of GFF Elections … cites personal attacks from opposition as primary reason

Odinga Lumumba
Odinga Lumumba

Lumumba quits ‘Team Unity’ ahead of GFF Elections … cites personal attacks from opposition as primary reason


IN ONE of the biggest

football shocks locally,

Alpha United Club president

Odinga Lumumba has withdrawn

from the Nigel Hughes-led slate

where he was named

as the 1st vice-president.


Hughes, an attorney-at-law,

will go up against businessman

and president of the Fruta Conquerors,

Wayne Forde, ....when the

Guyana Football Federation’s (GFF)

22 members head to the polls tomorrow,

at the Marriott Hotel

to elect a new executive body.

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Odinga Lumumba withdraws from VP position on Team Unity slate


November 13, 2015 | By | Filed Under Sports 

President of the Alpha United Football Club and former Vice President candidate of the Team Unity slate, Odinga Lumumba has withdrawn his VP candidacy from Team Unity for tomorrow’s Guyana Football Federation (GFF) elections.


Odinga Lumumba

Odinga Lumumba




Citing attempts to misconstrue his intentions and his desire to see football be the winner in the long run, Lumumba made the decision to ensure the slate functions with no inhibitions and to ensure any cloud surrounding his involvement was removed.


Here is the full text of Mr Lumumba’s statement:


“Today I’m here because it is my opinion that at the end of the day football must be the victor. For the past three weeks attempts have been made by members of the Integrity Group in particular Mr. Forde, Mr. Adams and Mr. Lovell to drag my name, character and contribution to football into the mud.”


“These misguided individuals have gone so far as to suggest that the honorable counsel Mr. Nigel Hughes and fellow respected counsel Mark Waldron were hired by me to secure a victory in the upcoming GFF elections, and then after elections they would have ridden away in the sunset. Not only do I find this position ridiculous, it also shows the level of unscrupulous behavior that is presented by members of Team Integrity.”


“This group has decided that in order to win it must say degrading things about two young attorneys, strip them of their integrity and accuse them of taking bribes. In any other society they would have been brought before the courts or at the least, the ethics council of the governing body for the sport.


The records will show that in past seven years I have been able to turn around Alpha United from Guyana’s whipping boys to the present point where it is one of the top teams in the Caribbean.


The records would also show that my benevolence has been felt by over 100 footballers and by extension their families.


Alpha United club is the first sport team in Guyana outside of boxing that has guaranteed their players financial incentive for their hard labor.”


“In addition, Alpha has uplifted the standard of Football in Guyana by importing players from Panama, Brazil, St. Vincent, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Kitts and recently we have signed a Nigerian player who is listed in the top 200 in his own country.


I wish to point out to members of Team Integrity that my desire is not to seek power in the GFF but to take local Football to a level that will set the course for better players so that Guyana as a country could become competitive and one day compete at the world cup.”


“While enduring the personal attacks, I want to assure the Football federation and the public at large that Lumumba doesn’t have any interest in presidency and will never attempt to undermine Mr. Hughes for him to leave.


To concretize this position, I have submitted a letter to the Chairman of the NC requesting an adjustment of Team Unity’s slate which would reflect that I am no longer running for the position of First Vice President.”


“This letter would take effect prior to the election on Saturday November 14th, and will be the mandate of the NC or new General Counsel.


I do this with a heavy heart but my interest is to put football first always for the good of the game.”


Odinga Lumumba.


Your post topic is misleading. You seem to either have problems comprehending the statement to grasping at straws. Yes, I know he is a former house of Israel, but where is the tie in to the two thieves jumping ship.  It is just before 5 am here in Guyana so I might still be not fully awake.

Originally Posted by Zed:

Your post topic is misleading. You seem to either have problems comprehending the statement to grasping at straws. Yes, I know he is a former house of Israel, but where is the tie in to the two thieves jumping ship.  It is just before 5 am here in Guyana so I might still be not fully awake.

Lumumba quits ‘Team Unity’ ahead of GFF Elections … cites personal attacks from opposition as primary reason.


Why are those in the opposition attacking him now?


And Who is the opposition?



Quote Lamumba : “This group has decided that in order to win it must say degrading things about two young attorneys, strip them of their integrity and accuse them of taking bribes. In any other society they would have been brought before the courts or at the least, the ethics council of the governing body for the sport."


I do this with a heavy heart but my interest is to put football first always for the good of the game.”


Odinga Lumumba.


Opposition is accusing Lamumba of...

(1) Supporting AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes.

(2) Opposition is saying Degrading things  about and attacking AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes.

(3)Selling out to put AFC/APNU in control of Football in Guyana.


Lamumba is saying he is jumping ship

and putting the game of Football first and

support team Unity led by AFC chairman

......that's why he is being attacked.



I find these relationship incestuous. It speaks to the community of elites as one family and our national elections family squabbles.


From where I am standing there can be no person as greedy, vindictive, and totally remorseless in his grasping,rent seeking ways as Ganga Persaud ( Discounting Jagdeo of course). Robert Persaud and Lumumba follows closely and yet these are the fellows we see are being absorbed by the APNU_AFC with out a little burp of discomfort!


Maybe it is time for a real third party. One what will not coalesce with any other and its main campaign strategy being to win 2 to 3 seats and be the gadfly.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I find these relationship incestuous. It speaks to the community of elites as one family and our national elections family squabbles.


From where I am standing there can be no person as greedy, vindictive, and totally remorseless in his grasping,rent seeking ways as Ganga Persaud ( Discounting Jagdeo of course). Robert Persaud and Lumumba follows closely and yet these are the fellows we see are being absorbed by the APNU_AFC with out a little burp of discomfort!


Maybe it is time for a real third party. One what will not coalesce with any other and its main campaign strategy being to win 2 to 3 seats and be the gadfly.

gang of thieves feeding at the trough

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I find these relationship incestuous. It speaks to the community of elites as one family and our national elections family squabbles.


From where I am standing there can be no person as greedy, vindictive, and totally remorseless in his grasping,rent seeking ways as Ganga Persaud ( Discounting Jagdeo of course). Robert Persaud and Lumumba follows closely and yet these are the fellows we see are being absorbed by the APNU_AFC with out a little burp of discomfort!


Maybe it is time for a real third party. One what will not coalesce with any other and its main campaign strategy being to win 2 to 3 seats and be the gadfly.

Well said....these Guys should not escape Jail for all that they have done.


And that's the Problem with the Moses/ Granger Govt

They tell the people the will Jail the crooks from the Previous Govt...

But Harmond go and Undermine them by opening his stink mouth (as Redux say) and promise these people deals.


And when the incompetence of the Old PNC School is exposed...Redux claim we are Racist and have against Blackman Ministers.


When told about Decent Hardworking Ministers like Patterson.....Redux mouth left open and flies enter and quietly pass thru his Backside.


PPP & PNC have thieves, crooks & Bandits..... we cannot lie about that.


Redux too shame to call PNC thieves.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Well said....these Guys should not escape Jail for all that they have done.


And that's the Problem with the Moses/ Granger Govt

They tell the people the will Jail the crooks from the Previous Govt...

But Harmond go and Undermine them by opening his stink mouth (as Redux say) and promise these people deals.


And when the incompetence of the Old PNC School is exposed...Redux claim we are Racist and have against Blackman Ministers.


When told about Decent Hardworking Ministers like Patterson.....Redux mouth left open and flies enter and quietly pass thru his Backside.


PPP & PNC have thieves, crooks & Bandits..... we cannot lie about that.


Redux too shame to call PNC thieves.

You are lying sleaze ball. I hold no brief for Redux, but the man started an entire thread criticizing the AG and AFC/APNU for their dilatory approach to corruption. I gather from his posts he is no fan of the old school PNC either.


Your post is a pathetic, transparent attempt to save face from your hero worshipping of Moses and the PPP Indian elite. Now you see the writing on the wall - the coalition themselves are corrupt and Lumbumba will soon be part of them. Sucks to be you. Now return to your regularly scheduled program of sucking Moses lolo.


You are lying sleaze ball. I hold no brief for Redux, but the man started an entire thread criticizing the AG and AFC/APNU for their dilatory approach to corruption. I gather from his posts he is no fan of the old school PNC either.

Captain...Captain Put me ashore...


Your post is a pathetic, transparent attempt to save face from your hero worshipping of Moses and the PPP Indian elite.

Itaname gon frighten me.


Now you see the writing on the wall - the coalition themselves are corrupt and Lumbumba will soon be part of them.

Itaname gon wuk me belly.


Sucks to be you.

Itaname gon too much fuh me.


Now return to your regularly scheduled program of sucking Moses lolo.

Itaname oh Itaname......



I will never Support any Party

with members like.....

Lamumba, Robert, Ganga, Kwame,

Anil or Harmond


Originally Posted by Jalil:

I will never Support any Party

with members like.....

Lamumba, Robert, Ganga, Kwame,

Anil or Harmond


Who cares who you support? You're just a useful idiot hoping for crusts from yuh master dem table.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I find these relationship incestuous. It speaks to the community of elites as one family and our national elections family squabbles.


From where I am standing there can be no person as greedy, vindictive, and totally remorseless in his grasping,rent seeking ways as Ganga Persaud ( Discounting Jagdeo of course). Robert Persaud and Lumumba follows closely and yet these are the fellows we see are being absorbed by the APNU_AFC with out a little burp of discomfort!


Maybe it is time for a real third party. One what will not coalesce with any other and its main campaign strategy being to win 2 to 3 seats and be the gadfly.

gang of thieves feeding at the trough

What is the source of the headline, that is misleading.


look at this ole bigot skont jalil pulling penknife in a crowd


attacking me with stupidness like a true coward, on a thread i hadn't even posted on . . . hoping i doan notice


so ignorant and comfortable with the low-morals disinformation standards we have come to expect from the 'ethnic' wing of the PPP, this jackass/sheep cross still can't figure out what "opposition" actually means in the article

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Well said....these Guys should not escape Jail for all that they have done.


And that's the Problem with the Moses/ Granger Govt

They tell the people the will Jail the crooks from the Previous Govt...

But Harmond go and Undermine them by opening his stink mouth (as Redux say) and promise these people deals.


And when the incompetence of the Old PNC School is exposed...Redux claim we are Racist and have against Blackman Ministers.


When told about Decent Hardworking Ministers like Patterson.....Redux mouth left open and flies enter and quietly pass thru his Backside.


PPP & PNC have thieves, crooks & Bandits..... we cannot lie about that.


Redux too shame to call PNC thieves.

You are lying sleaze ball. I hold no brief for Redux, but the man started an entire thread criticizing the AG and AFC/APNU for their dilatory approach to corruption. I gather from his posts he is no fan of the old school PNC either.


Your post is a pathetic, transparent attempt to save face from your hero worshipping of Moses and the PPP Indian elite. Now you see the writing on the wall - the coalition themselves are corrupt and Lumbumba will soon be part of them. Sucks to be you. Now return to your regularly scheduled program of sucking Moses lolo.

Ity, stick to the goddamn post by Jalil, and leaver the scurrilous writings aside. The man is saying two things that you have no credible response to:

  1. The old-guard PNC in the coalition government is undermining the stated cleanup efforts of this government.
  2. There are those on this Board, redux included, who claim racism when such statements are made.

We may choose to agree or disagree with Jalil, but it helps to address the specifics, rather than digress into useless diatribe.

Originally Posted by redux:

look at this ole bigot skont jalil pulling penknife in a crowd


attacking me with stupidness like a true coward, on a thread i hadn't even posted on . . . hoping i doan notice


so ignorant and comfortable with the low-morals disinformation standards we have come to expect from the 'ethnic' wing of the PPP, this jackass/sheep cross still can't figure out what "opposition" actually means in the article

redux, pray tell, what value the above has to anything? You seem to have plagiarized Stormy's style but with phrases that border on malapropism. Geeze!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:

look at this ole bigot skont jalil pulling penknife in a crowd


attacking me with stupidness like a true coward, on a thread i hadn't even posted on . . . hoping i doan notice


so ignorant and comfortable with the low-morals disinformation standards we have come to expect from the 'ethnic' wing of the PPP, this jackass/sheep cross still can't figure out what "opposition" actually means in the article

redux, pray tell, what value the above has to anything? You seem to have plagiarized Stormy's style but with phrases that border on malapropism. Geeze!

well, mr ME skollar . . . the HEART of jalil's idiot 'argument' turns on who "opposition" is, no?


tell us what he is referencing dere nah!


it really burns u up that i continue to peel away your bluffs and expose yuh paper mache intellect . . . ummmm?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

I will never Support any Party

with members like.....

Lamumba, Robert, Ganga, Kwame,

Anil or Harmond


Who cares who you support? You're just a useful idiot hoping for crusts from yuh master dem table.

AFC chairman cut off Lamumba overtures.

and as expected Lamumba supports the other side....

The rest is all now history.....


Stormie was right again...

How can you trust this thief.


He was just seen celebrating with Bharrat.

Last edited by Former Member

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