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Police Commissioner Leslie James

This story is developing and will be updated.


January 18 2019

Commissioner of Police Leslie James this morning said that the investigation involving former government Member of Parliament (MP) Charrandass Persaud stems from a report of bribery and alleged plans to move gold out of the country.

James made this disclosure during a press conference at his office.

During last week, James had interacted with members of the media following the opening ceremony of the Guyana Police Force’s Annual Officers’ Conference which was held at the State House.

James had described the matter as national security issue which β€œwill not be disclosed publicly” at this point.

He maintained this today and said that if the need arises, the necessary actions will be taken to have Persaud return to Guyana.

Since Persaud voted in favour of the opposition motion of confidence against the government, essentially triggering its collapse, he has come under severe attack from APNU+AFC MPs, officials of the administration and others.

Persaud has denied being bribed for his vote.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo lodged the no-confidence motion on November 15 declaring no-confidence in the APNU+AFC government. The motion was debated on December 21 and passed 33-32 after Persaud voted with the opposition.

Persaud said he voted according to his conscience. He left for Canada the day after the vote.

When questioned whether the police provided security for Persaud on the night of his departure, James admitted that he was indeed contacted by Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan who he told he was willing.


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"He maintained this today and said that if the need arises, the necessary actions will be taken to have Persaud return to Guyana."

What does this mean? Did Charrandas commit a crime prior to, during or after the NCV? If so, why is there a speculation of 'if' the need arises? Is James delegating his responsibilities to the PNC politicians?


Total baloney.  First they said was some TT guy, now is all in Guyana.  Who will buy that crap?  This arrangement sounds so rudimentary.  Why would the PPP bribe charrandas a large sum in Guyana and he now have to get it out in a clandestine manner?  And where did he deposit it in Guyana.  Or will they now say was hidden in his mattress!  Call PPP anything, but don’t call them stupid!

Only stupidy bill will fall for this cocktail of lies.  PNC creating diversion to file for a delay to get their GDF rig machine in place.  The NCV caught them flatfooted!

ksazma posted:

"He maintained this today and said that if the need arises, the necessary actions will be taken to have Persaud return to Guyana."

What does this mean? Did Charrandas commit a crime prior to, during or after the NCV? If so, why is there a speculation of 'if' the need arises? Is James delegating his responsibilities to the PNC politicians?

It exposes the PNC for what they are.  They are trying every means to subvert the rule of law by pretending the have legal justification.  It’s lk the trumped up charges Sadaam would bring against his opponents and had them executed.  

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, have I been educating the Public about the PNC for 20 years now. Some people head HAAD!!!!

You bin here since 20 years??

Yes Sah

Damn, you must be OLD

and retired...because you here everyday harassing Django

Django lived in Guyana. And he knows better than to be posting shit like the topic. The PNC is known for intimidating Indians. 

Read the article and decide on it before posting. Or are you similar Amna Ally? 



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