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Top Cop shocker


…Seelall Persaud applies, approves own gun dealership, firearm licences applications

IN a shocking revelation, outgoing Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud late January applied to himself and granted approval for his business, Professional Outdoor Supplies, to be granted permission as a registered firearms dealer as well as being licensed to carry various calibre of weapons.

Outgoing Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud

His decision has raised eyebrows within the administration, with persons deeming it unprofessional and unethical. In a letter dated January 29, 2018 and seen by this newspaper, Persaud responding to an application by himself wrote ”Dear Sir, I refer to your application in relation to the above subject and wish to inform you that approval is granted for your business Professional Outdoors Supplies to become a registered Firearms Dealer.”
Persaud further wrote “Please make contact with the Assistant Commissioner Law Enforcement at the Criminal Investigation Department Headquarters, in connection with the issuing of the licence.”

In another letter dated January 26, 2018 and captioned “Application for firearm licences Mr Seelall Persaud (DSM), Persaud wrote to himself “Dear Mr Persaud, I refer to your application, in relation to the above subject and wish to inform you that approval is granted for you to be issued with firearm licences to use (1) 9MM Pistol, (1) 12, 16 or 20-Gauge Pump Action Shotgun.”

Persaud further wrote to himself saying, “Please make contact with the Divisional Commander ‘A’ Division at the divisional headquarters, Brickdam, in connection with: the issuing of the licences and the conditions under which the licences are granted.”
The police chief’s letter to himself added: “You are advised to ensure that there is adequate means of security for the firearms when they are in use.” He further advised himself that “If you neglect to proceed expeditiously to obtain the necessary licences within one year, then you may be denied same if the conditions under which you were granted this approval have changed.”

Persaud will sign out from the Force today at a ceremony billed for the Police Sports Club ground. It is expected to be punctuated with lots of pomp and pageantry. He leaves office months after a commission of inquiry had recommended that he be fired or asked to resign over his alleged role in the police bungling of the investigation into the alleged plot to assassinate President David Granger.

A senior government official commenting on the gun licences approval, criticised the move by Persaud calling it unprofessional and unethical. “How can you as a sitting commissioner apply to yourself and grant approval to yourself licences to operate a firearm dealership and upgrade your weapons…” “He should have waited until he retires, this is downright unethical…” the senior official commented.

The Paul Slowe Commission of Inquiry report had stated that Persaud had improperly inserted himself into the investigation into the alleged plot against the President, although he was on leave. At the time, Assistant Commissioner of Police David Ramnarine was acting in the capacity of police commissioner. He is the second most senior rank in the Force. The commission had submitted that the commissioner’s insertion of himself into the matter “adversely influenced the conduct of the investigations.

It noted too that the commissioner had acted improperly when he contacted Imran Khan, who was arrested at CID headquarters for disorderly behaviour on his mobile phone and engaged him in a fairly lengthy conversation. “This no doubt had a demoralising effect on the ranks on duty at CID Headquarters at that time.

This is evidence because up to the time of the CoI, Khan had not been charged for the offence of disorderly behaviour,” the report stated. Additionally, the report speaks to clear “conflict of interest” and noted that the top cop should have recused himself from the matter. The commission also found that Persaud’s decision to bypass the chain of command and instruct that Nizam Khan be sent on bail is unacceptable.

Persaud on March 10, 2015, took the oath of office confirming him as the country’s 31st commissioner of police. He succeeded Leroy Brumell. Born on the Essequibo Coast, Persaud spent most of his years in the Police Force at the Criminal Investigation Department. He headed the Police Anti-Narcotics Unit (Drug Squad) for 10 years and served as the country’s crime chief for another seven years.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana real jokie. Dem policeman prappuh wutliss  

When the top cop does this, what do you expect from the ranks? The man applied to himself for a license, granted the approval to himself and then wrote a letter to himself informing him that he approved the license. Beat that!

Last edited by Mars
Nehru posted:

Kabaka style, taught at Sophia University):0;):

Bai me hear dem people talk bout ethics. Even me went Kabaka Uni in Aug month know that. Dem mek abie coolie people look stoopid. 

Nehru posted:

YUh mad. Trotty just got kicked out of the oil money

you think the ppp will listen to the people that is why they get kick out the ppp was always perfect and right  

Nehru posted:

THese people are Third World all the way. They have no sense of Professionalism, decency and integrity!!!

who is these people fool you now find your voice or u na drunk yet this was gong on before this government 

Mars posted:

Guyana real jokie. Dem policeman prappuh wutliss

When the top cop does this, what do you expect from the ranks? The man applied to himself for a license, granted the approval to himself and then wrote a letter to himself informing him that he approved the license. Beat that!


Since you post this...let me ask...what is the big deal? 

The man has been in a profession which requires him to use guns all his life and he did say that he is going to start a business upon retirement. 

I am sure all dem ministers got guns and arm guards to boot. 

By him approving permission he made it legal, rather than acting like some of the crooked policemen Guyana has who continue to prey on innocent unsuspecting people. He was not trying to hide it. 

You should be more concerned about Vice-President Ramjattan’s response when he was asked about this. He said “haul you ass”. 

So Knucklehead, you should take Ramjattan’s advise and “haul...


VishMahabir posted:
cain posted:

Vish, you see nothing wrong with what this guy did?

He should have gotten Ramjattan to approve it...just like the previous top cops sought permission. 

Ramjatan already revoked it.  Done deal.  

Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

Guyana real jokie. Dem policeman prappuh wutliss

When the top cop does this, what do you expect from the ranks? The man applied to himself for a license, granted the approval to himself and then wrote a letter to himself informing him that he approved the license. Beat that!


Since you post this...let me ask...what is the big deal? 

The man has been in a profession which requires him to use guns all his life and he did say that he is going to start a business upon retirement. 

I am sure all dem ministers got guns and arm guards to boot. 

By him approving permission he made it legal, rather than acting like some of the crooked policemen Guyana has who continue to prey on innocent unsuspecting people. He was not trying to hide it. 

You should be more concerned about Vice-President Ramjattan’s response when he was asked about this. He said “haul you ass”. 

So Knucklehead, you should take Ramjattan’s advise and “haul...


You’re a “nonpatriotic” Knucklehead so I don’t expect you to understand what’s wrong with this.

Nehru posted:

Kabaka style, taught at Sophia University):0;):

Shut you Poke!  More like Freedumb House Graduate! 

Kabaka was an intelligent leader. He out witted every political leader during his time including one of your many Gods Jagan. 


Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Kabaka style, taught at Sophia University):0;):

Shut you Poke!  More like Freedumb House Graduate! 

Kabaka was an intelligent leader. He out witted every political leader during his time including one of your many Gods Jagan. 


The Kabaka was a bloody dictator, period. It doesn't take wits to rig elections to stay in power. It takes wits to bring a country together and have them willingly vote for you without having to stuff ballot boxes.

Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Kabaka style, taught at Sophia University):0;):

Shut you Poke!  More like Freedumb House Graduate! 

Kabaka was an intelligent leader. He out witted every political leader during his time including one of your many Gods Jagan. 


The Kabaka was a bloody dictator, period. It doesn't take wits to rig elections to stay in power. It takes wits to bring a country together and have them willingly vote for you without having to stuff ballot boxes.

Chief has a habit of siding with the dark side of humanity!

Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Kabaka style, taught at Sophia University):0;):

Shut you Poke!  More like Freedumb House Graduate! 

Kabaka was an intelligent leader. He out witted every political leader during his time including one of your many Gods Jagan. 


The Kabaka was a bloody dictator, period. It doesn't take wits to rig elections to stay in power. It takes wits to bring a country together and have them willingly vote for you without having to stuff ballot boxes.

Chef, being a Cut0throat, LIAR, THIEF and SWINDLER was a right fit for the Kabaka batty washer.

Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Kabaka style, taught at Sophia University):0;):

Shut you Poke!  More like Freedumb House Graduate! 

Kabaka was an intelligent leader. He out witted every political leader during his time including one of your many Gods Jagan. 


The Kabaka was a bloody dictator, period. It doesn't take wits to rig elections to stay in power. It takes wits to bring a country together and have them willingly vote for you without having to stuff ballot boxes.

Chef, being a Cut0throat, LIAR, THIEF and SWINDLER was a right fit for the Kabaka batty washer.

Chief ply his illegal smuggling business and got rich off the brutality of burnham.  So he would admire him!

chief is a poke!


Ramjattan revokes Top Cop’s “self-approved” gun dealership license

Persaud who heads off on retirement leave today and is expected to be honoured with a passing out parade, reportedly wrote a letter addressed to himself back in January seeking permission to be granted a license to deal in the trade of firearms under a company called "Professional Outdoor Supplies".

Ramjattan revokes Top Cop’s “self-approved” gun dealership license

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan, has revoked the gun dealership license that outgoing Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud gave to himself.

State Minister Joe Harmon, who is on travel duty abroad, when contacted today confirmed that the revocation has been dealt with already by the Public Security Minister. That is all he would say on the matter.

When contacted, Minister Ramjattan said he revoked it just over a week ago after learning of it.

“Yes I revoked the license as soon as I learnt of it. He taught he could have done it I suppose, but ordered the revocation”, Ramjattan said.

The state-owned, Guyana Chronicle broke news this morning that the Police Commissioner applied to himself for a gun dealership license back in January under a company he owns, and granted himself the license.

News Source understands that Persaud did so without consultation with any other Senior Officer. The issue was brought to the attention of the Cabinet recently.

Persaud who heads off on retirement leave today and is expected to be honoured with a passing out parade, reportedly wrote a letter addressed to himself back in January seeking permission to be granted a license to deal in the trade of firearms under a company called “Professional Outdoor Supplies”.

He responded to himself, informing himself that he had granted himself the license for the business.

Government officials were said to be completely shocked by what, one official considered the “unprofessional and unethical” actions by the Commissioner.

“If I had my way, there would be no passing out parade for him”, a government official told News Source this morning, adding that “he should have been gone a long time and this proves why”.

During the recent Police Officers’ Conference, President David Granger in his speech spoke about corruption and wrongdoings in the Police Force, pointing out that “a fish rots from its head”.

At that same conference earlier this month, the Commissioner gave a very brief address and offered thanks to the Police Force for affording him a career of over thirty years.

Persaud was sent on accumulated vacation leave several times last year and then sent on special leave when a Commission of Inquiry recommended that he be fired for his handling of an alleged assassination plot against the President.

Persaud was on leave at the time of the alleged plot but called into the Force and ordered a junior rank to release of the suspects who was in custody. That suspect was one of his friends.


I guess the whole country is corrupt. Why hold the commissioner to higher standards. In this particular case, it would be stupid not to revoke the permit, it is so obvious, he is stupid and not barefaced. Comparing to the past and present government officials he is a saint in the corruption and wrong doings in the country.

Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Kabaka style, taught at Sophia University):0;):

Shut you Poke!  More like Freedumb House Graduate! 

Kabaka was an intelligent leader. He out witted every political leader during his time including one of your many Gods Jagan. 


The Kabaka was a bloody dictator, period. It doesn't take wits to rig elections to stay in power. It takes wits to bring a country together and have them willingly vote for you without having to stuff ballot boxes.

I am not denying that he was not a bloody dictator.

I am saying he outsmarted all his opponents and even who trusted him. He won Jagan at his own game, he used D' Gauiar. He played the great US  who installed him in power. Instead of being a loyal friend of the US he instead forged a close relationship with Americas enemy Castro.

The man was smart and remained in power until his death .

Leonora posted:

Chiefy is a Fatboy fan!     Hey Chief, Hitler was a wonderful leader too, right?  

I think your comparison is far too extreme; beyond rational correlation. Many prominent Guyanese became rich under Burnham and they gravitated towards him.

Mitwah posted:
Leonora posted:

Chiefy is a Fatboy fan!     Hey Chief, Hitler was a wonderful leader too, right?  

I think your comparison is far too extreme; beyond rational correlation. Many prominent Guyanese became rich under Burnham and they gravitated towards him.

Correction, some prominent Guyanese became rich under Burnham. Those who were opposed to him were severely penalized.

Mars posted:

Turn on sound at bottom right.

The last sentence to a respectable journalist is unacceptable. All rope has it's end. How different is this from what some PPP MP's did ?

What example is he setting for the young people ?

Ramjattan looks and sounds very agitated. It looks as if he was drunk.

Last edited by Former Member

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