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Top housing official disappears as scrap metal probe deepens

December 20, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

A top housing official has apparently quit his job and is nowhere to be found despite being wanted by the

To be questioned: Taslim Baksh

To be questioned: Taslim Baksh

police for questioning in connection with a state-sanctioned probe of the scrap metal trade.
According to Government officials, the police have gone to the Leonora home of Taslim Baksh, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) but could not locate him.
CH&PA is the operational arm of the Ministry of Housing.
Baksh was a top housing man under the previous administration, reporting to Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali.
He was in charge of overseeing the construction of hundreds of Government-built homes on the East Bank of Demerara, from Eccles to Providence, including some of the low-cost ones.
There have been questions about procurement of materials for those homes.
Baksh was also charged with overseeing the operations of the Scrap Metal Unit, which was tasked with regulating the scrap metal trade.
Upon entering office in May, the David Granger administration announced that it found almost $200M sitting in an account at a private commercial bank, in the name of the Scrap Metal Unit.
After noticing a number of suspicious activities, the account was frozen and the matter handed over by Minister Keith Scott to the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU).
Baksh was blacklisted from leaving Guyana pending the outcome of the investigations.
According to one Government official, Baksh between July and August had requested leave but was

Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Keith Scott

Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Keith Scott

refused by the Ministry of Housing. His four-year contract expires in 2017.
He was written to by CH&PA asking him to explain why he was paying Ministry of Housing staffers from the bank account of the Scrap Metal Unit.
However, from September, Baksh started sending in a number of medical certificates, having reported sick.
SARU, in its investigations, found a number of other transactions it wanted the CFO to explain.
Police reportedly said that they visited the Seafield, Leonora home on West Coast Demerara, and another property he owns in Lamaha Gardens, in the city, but could not locate him.
The running of the unit was closely controlled by the former Minister Ali and his CFO.
It was handling significant sums—- from $35,000 to $60,000 for 20-foot and 40-foot containers being exported by scrap metal dealers.
Before the suspension of the trade earlier this year, almost 25 dealers across the country were involved in the trade with some of them shipping scores of containers monthly.
The suspension in June left 42 containers of scrap metal on the city wharves.
Not many staffers at CH&PA were said to be aware of the workings of the unit which fell directly under the control of former Minister Ali and Shaik Baksh.
Investigators were convinced that there was corruption in the handling of the scrap metal trade. The trade has been lucrative for hundreds of entrepreneurs who employed a significant number of persons. In 2012, some 32,000 tons of metal was exported from the country.
It has not been without controversy.

Police reportedly also went to this Lamaha Gardens property to speak with Baksh but could not contact him.

Police reportedly also went to this Lamaha Gardens property to speak with Baksh but could not contact him.

It was reported earlier this year that the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officials co-operated with Greek police to smash a drug ring attempting to smuggle cocaine from South America into Europe.
Authorities arrested three suspects accused of having used a scrap metal import business as a front to disguise their operations. The suspects allegedly first shipped containers with scrap metal from Guyana to a rented warehouse in Aspropyrgos, west of Athens.
Baksh, in his early 30s, himself, was under scrutiny for reportedly owning a number of properties, including the one at Lamaha Gardens, Bel Air.
He and his brother, Khalid Baksh, acquired that one in 2013 paying $52M–borrowing $50M from commercial bank and putting in $2M. That property is reportedly being rented to diplomats.
Baksh was reportedly also being paid hundreds of thousands for overseeing the annual housing expo which was halted this year amidst questions from the new government about multi-million-dollar advertising and other contracts granted to a few companies.
Baksh’s payments would be in addition to what he was getting as a CFO.
Kaieteur News understands that in December 2012, the Donald Ramotar Cabinet gave instructions for the Scrap Metal Unit to be placed under Ali’s charge.
The instructions were signed by former Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon.
While under the direct control of Ali, the unit’s daily operations were left to CH&PA Director of Finance, Taslim Baksh.
Baksh, in addition to his salary at CH&PA, was supposed to receive a ‘stipend’. The unit was allowed to purchase pickups and pay other expenses and use staffers from CH&PA.
What was strange about the Cabinet’s decision was that it also authorized the transfer of the bank account of the Scrap Metal Unit from Bank of Guyana to a private commercial bank.
It was highly unusual for this to be done, an official close to the investigations said.
The scrap metal trade had been under the jurisdiction of former Prime Minister, Sam Hinds, but alleged irregularities into the trade saw it being halted after utilities companies and other stakeholders complained that copper was being stolen from telephone cables.
The Scrap Metal Unit had come into existence to address the concerns of Government.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What was strange about the Cabinet’s decision was that it also authorized the transfer of the bank account of the Scrap Metal Unit from Bank of Guyana to a private commercial bank.
It was highly unusual for this to be done, an official close to the investigations said.

asj posted:

What was strange about the Cabinet’s decision was that it also authorized the transfer of the bank account of the Scrap Metal Unit from Bank of Guyana to a private commercial bank.
It was highly unusual for this to be done, an official close to the investigations said.

Irfaat in da house! . . . footsteps anyone?

redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

not this one...plenty of corruption here....but some of the others reeks of ethnic cleansing.


Ram’s findings not justified – Baksh

Scrap Metal trade audit report…

Head of the Scrap Metal Trade Unit Taslim Baksh is challenging the forensic audit report into the operations of the entity, noting that it is riddled with falsities, heavily based on speculation and many of the conclusions lack the relevant documents to support its notion.
The scrap metal trade was suspended back in July to facilitate a forensic audit probe into the operations of the Unit. The report was compiled by Ram and McRae Chartered Accountants and highlights several areas of alleged illegality and malpractices within the Unit’s operations. 563b7d830f11ea9534bf758490957635
Guyana Times  was able to ascertain a copy of the report which pointed to several concerns in relation to the financial operations and functioning of the entity.
An excerpt noted that “contrary to laid down procedures, we noted instances where containers were packed in yards not legally approved. We also noted that there is no inspection by any Engineer attached to the Unit.”
The report stated that the requirement that the movement of scrap metal from collection yards to licensed yards be observed is not being complied with. It concluded that inspectors and enforcers would visit the unlicensed yards but would not observe the transfer of metals to the licensed yard.

Secondly, the report highlighted that Cabinet on January 31, 2012, approved the purchase of one vehicle for the operation of the Unit; and without requesting further approval from Cabinet, the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) – the body under which the Unit falls, approved the purchase of an additional vehicle which cost $6.5 million.

Further, the report stated that it was unable to physically verify a motor vehicle listed on the asset register as PPP 12. Subsequently, the document said management indicated that the vehicle is now at the Office of the President.
Additionally, the document stated that no audit of the Unit was properly authorised by the Auditor General as required by the Audit Act nor was a proper audit executed.

Scrap Metal Trade Unit Taslim Baksh

Scrap Metal Trade Unit Taslim Baksh

Christopher Ram

Christopher Ram

Another inconsistency as highlighted in the document is the fact that the Unit paid $2.6 million for Mashramani items in March, 2015. The report stated that no Tender Board approval was seen for this activity. The report said this activity was strange because the Unit did not participate in the Mashramani celebrations and speculated that the expenditure may have been for the Housing Ministry. Against that backdrop, the report noted that this was in violation of the Appropriation Act.

Several other citations of misconduct included the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) not collecting export duty on scrap metal exported during the period under review and that the Unit made monthly payments to inspectors, enforcement officers, administrators and drivers, totalling $43.1 million without any deduction of PAYE and NIS contributions.

Meanwhile, Baksh, who is also the Central Housing and Planning Authority’s (CH&PA) Finance Director, in response to the report, contested many of the conclusions and provided clarity to several of the allegations.
The document, also seen by Guyana Times indicated that the Unit has a list of only 16 items in its noncurrent assets register and that all the assets were made available to the forensic auditors for physical verification with the exception of the motor vehicle PPP 12.
“Motor Vehicle PPP 12 was transferred to the Ministry of the Presidency in early June 2015, without the knowledge of the Administrator of the Unit. The Human Resource Department of the CH&PA facilitated the transfer of the said vehicle and to date, no paperwork on the said transfer was made available to the Administrator for presentation to the forensic auditors,” the document explained.

The document also explained that the Auditor General gave consent to Parmesar Chartered Accountants to conduct an audit of the Unit for the years 2012- 2014 and that a complete set of accounts was prepared and made available for scrutiny.

Additionally, the document pointed out that all approval for goods and services were made available to the Auditor, including the purchase of the additional vehicle.

Under “Mashramani stuff”, the report explained that branded pens, shirt, and hats were ordered for distribution at events like Mashramani and GuyExpo. The items were branded with the Unit’s logo and the aim was to bring awareness to the work of the Unit.
Moreover, the document explained that the Chief Scrap Metal Inspector who was employed with the Tourism Ministry before the trade was transferred to CH&PA was paid gross salary, that is, without the deduction of PAYE and NIS and that the CH&PA Scrap Metal used the same employment contract under the same terms and conditions that existed when the trade was under the Tourism Ministry.
It was also noted that the CH&PA Unit utilised the same procedure in relation to the operation of the scrap metal trade inherited from the Ministry in the day to day management of the scrap metal trade.
Finally, the response rejected the conclusion of revenue leakage and provided the necessary documents to support this assertion.


The mouthar after giving this info to GY Times gone into hiding.

VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

not this one...plenty of corruption here....but some of the others reeks of ethnic cleansing.

VishMahabir, you are so full of shit

you and the other reckless racist skonts have YET to document this "ethnic cleansing" y'all peddling to underinformed Indo-Guyanese

it's very simple u fraud . . . bring the names! or shut yuh stink mouth doing double duty as anus for PPP Lies

redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

Notice the silence when one of the few black PPP leaders are sent home.

No wonder even the PPP admits that it is the "coolie people party".

caribny posted:
redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

Notice the silence when one of the few black PPP leaders are sent home.

No wonder even the PPP admits that it is the "coolie people party".

Yeh! yuh gat dat rite. Coolie ppl must be really teking away yuh sleep. 

redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

not this one...plenty of corruption here....but some of the others reeks of ethnic cleansing.

VishMahabir, you are so full of shit

you and the other reckless racist skonts have YET to document this "ethnic cleansing" y'all peddling to underinformed Indo-Guyanese

it's very simple u fraud . . . bring the names! or shut yuh stink mouth doing double duty as anus for PPP Lies

You need to wash your mouth banna. 

The PPP claims they documenting the cases of cleansing and intimidation. 

You jumping the gun too quick. Wait till the Baksh fella give his side of the story. What makes you think he is hiding? We have to take the Ram report with a grain of salt...he is on a mission.

caribny posted:
redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

Notice the silence when one of the few black PPP leaders are sent home.

No wonder even the PPP admits that it is the "coolie people party".

Thats not what the man actually said. The PPP never "admit" any such thing

VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

not this one...plenty of corruption here....but some of the others reeks of ethnic cleansing.

VishMahabir, you are so full of shit

you and the other reckless racist skonts have YET to document this "ethnic cleansing" y'all peddling to underinformed Indo-Guyanese

it's very simple u fraud . . . bring the names! or shut yuh stink mouth doing double duty as anus for PPP Lies

You need to wash your mouth banna. 

The PPP claims they documenting the cases of cleansing and intimidation. 

You jumping the gun too quick. Wait till the Baksh fella give his side of the story. What makes you think he is hiding? We have to take the Ram report with a grain of salt...he is on a mission.

what a dickless PPP sheep u are

contemplate your punk-ass answer to my challenge fool

the shame gene must have been bred out of your generations


Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

not this one...plenty of corruption here....but some of the others reeks of ethnic cleansing.

VishMahabir, you are so full of shit

you and the other reckless racist skonts have YET to document this "ethnic cleansing" y'all peddling to underinformed Indo-Guyanese

it's very simple u fraud . . . bring the names! or shut yuh stink mouth doing double duty as anus for PPP Lies

You need to wash your mouth banna. 

The PPP claims they documenting the cases of cleansing and intimidation. 

You jumping the gun too quick. Wait till the Baksh fella give his side of the story. What makes you think he is hiding? We have to take the Ram report with a grain of salt...he is on a mission.

what a dickless PPP sheep u are

contemplate your punk-ass answer to my challenge fool

the shame gene must have been bred out of your generations


Still wid de nasty mouth eh?

Where did the PPP say this?  "No wonder even the PPP admits that it is the "coolie people party"....or is this your interpretation?

And the PNC not the "black man" party??.

VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

not this one...plenty of corruption here....but some of the others reeks of ethnic cleansing.

VishMahabir, you are so full of shit

you and the other reckless racist skonts have YET to document this "ethnic cleansing" y'all peddling to underinformed Indo-Guyanese

it's very simple u fraud . . . bring the names! or shut yuh stink mouth doing double duty as anus for PPP Lies

You need to wash your mouth banna. 

The PPP claims they documenting the cases of cleansing and intimidation. 

You jumping the gun too quick. Wait till the Baksh fella give his side of the story. What makes you think he is hiding? We have to take the Ram report with a grain of salt...he is on a mission.

what a dickless PPP sheep u are

contemplate your punk-ass answer to my challenge fool

the shame gene must have been bred out of your generations


Still wid de nasty mouth eh?

Where did the PPP say this?  "No wonder even the PPP admits that it is the "coolie people party"....or is this your interpretation?

And the PNC not the "black man" party??.

vishMahabir, you are getting very confused

caribny is not part of this conversation . . . focus stupid!

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP can implant their friends, and family in every leech post and it gets not a word of protest from you cretins. Here is a fellow with no experience in running a cake shop given a task to manage millions of the state money....what a laugh. I hope Granger jails a lot of these crooks and appropriate the fruits of their crooked labors on behalf of the state. Anyway, the US wants a few of them for dumping tons of cocaine here.

redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:
VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

not this one...plenty of corruption here....but some of the others reeks of ethnic cleansing.

VishMahabir, you are so full of shit

you and the other reckless racist skonts have YET to document this "ethnic cleansing" y'all peddling to underinformed Indo-Guyanese

it's very simple u fraud . . . bring the names! or shut yuh stink mouth doing double duty as anus for PPP Lies

You need to wash your mouth banna. 

The PPP claims they documenting the cases of cleansing and intimidation. 

You jumping the gun too quick. Wait till the Baksh fella give his side of the story. What makes you think he is hiding? We have to take the Ram report with a grain of salt...he is on a mission.

what a dickless PPP sheep u are

contemplate your punk-ass answer to my challenge fool

the shame gene must have been bred out of your generations


Still wid de nasty mouth eh?

Where did the PPP say this?  "No wonder even the PPP admits that it is the "coolie people party"....or is this your interpretation?

And the PNC not the "black man" party??.

vishMahabir, you are getting very confused

caribny is not part of this conversation . . . focus stupid!

How about waiting until all the info is out...your one source seems to be the KN, which is claiming that the man is in hiding. That info does not seem to be accurate. 

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

Notice the silence when one of the few black PPP leaders are sent home.

No wonder even the PPP admits that it is the "coolie people party".

Yeh! yuh gat dat rite. Coolie ppl must be really teking away yuh sleep. 

Not really. You all amuse me with your rabid behaviors since you can no longer scream "ahbe pan tap, black man time done".

Now it is "me hate black man,  black man a kill ahbe".

Truly amusing.

VishMahabir posted:

The PPP claims they documenting the cases of cleansing and intimidation. 


The PNC has already furnished their names of blacks who were ethnically cleansed by the PPP. In addition, even Luncheon now admits that the PPP has no scope for blacks, as they only scream about  Indians who have been dismissed by the APNU/AFC.

So if the PPP furnishes their list, so what.  They can hardly claim innocence when it comes to this behavior. Especially after Rohee verified that indeed the PPP is the "coolie people party".

VishMahabir posted:

Still wid de nasty mouth eh?

Where did the PPP say this?  "No wonder even the PPP admits that it is the "coolie people party"....or is this your interpretation?

And the PNC not the "black man" party??.

Here is the difference. In 2015 APNU campaigned on a "Love and Unity campaign" focusing on bridging the ethnic divide.

Rohee screamed that Jagdeo was correct when he said that the PPP is the "coolie people party".

You see while the PNC might indeed by the "black people party" its public self definition isn't bound by the racial composition of its support base.  Rohee proudly proclaims that the PPP is the "coolie people party" and that he doesn't see why blacks should have a problem with it.

The fact is that the PPP is not even trying to expand its base beyond its core racial constituency.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
redux posted:

heh heh heh

ah waiting for de chants of "ethnic cleansing" and "Indo victimization" from the usual skonts on GNI

Notice the silence when one of the few black PPP leaders are sent home.

No wonder even the PPP admits that it is the "coolie people party".

Thats not what the man actually said. The PPP never "admit" any such thing

Rohee said that the PPP is a "coolie people party", and that blacks shouldn't have a problem with that.


And then of course Rohee's own daughter broadcasting her racist attitudes towards blacks.

And Vishmahabir still insists in screaming that there is no evidence of PPP racism towards blacks.


Last edited by Former Member

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