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Jul 6, 2019


Young Pawan Etwaroo, Region 6 National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) top student receives a laptop from Minister of Public Service, Tabitha Sarabo-Halley. (DPI photo)

Pawan Etwaroo, one of the Berbice Top students at the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) has received a laptop from the Government to continue his studies along with a scholarship.

Etwaroo, a student of Cumberland Primary School in Canje, Berbice attained 520 marks, earning him a place at Queen’s College, however, his family told the News Room that they could not afford to send him to the secondary school located in Georgetown, more than two hours away from his home.

Since the News Room first reported the story, a number of persons and business owners have reached out to the family to offer assistance.

Minister of Public Service, Tabitha Sarabo-Halley visited the top performer and offered the Government’s assistance to facilitate his attendance to Queen’s College but the lad opted to attend the Berbice High School instead.

According to the Department of Public Information (DPI), the boy’s father, Anand Etwaroo said he is very proud of his son’s accomplishment and while he cannot afford to send him to the city, his son insists on remaining in Berbice to pursue his secondary education.

Pawan Etwaroo with his parents Anand Etwaroo and Babita Etwaroo
posing for a photo with Minister of Public Service (DPI photo)

Anand is currently unemployed as he lost his job at the end of 2017 when the Rose Hall Estate where he worked for decades shut down.

Minister Sarabo-Halley, according to the DPI, said the Government has recognised Pawan’s achievement and congratulated him particularly considering the circumstances of his family.

In light of his accomplishment and his desire to have a laptop, the minister gifted the lad a brand-new device.

“I have spoken to his parents and have a sense of what their current situation is, and my hope is that the Government will be able to assist moving forward in Etwaroo’s continued education,” the Minister was quoted saying.

She noted this is only the beginning for the aspiring medical doctor, adding that once his parents work out the logistics and other decisions, the Government will ensure he has access to the resources necessary.

At their Cumberland East Canje home, Pawan’s parents welcomed the assistance and commended the minister and her team for the visit and their commitment.

Eleven-year-old Chitra Ramdihal of Cropper Primary happily accepts
laptop from Minister of Public Service, Tabitha Sarabo-Halley. (DPI photo)

According to the Government’s information arm, the administration has also signalled its intention to offer scholarship to the Chitra Ramdihal, of Cropper Primary School who also attained 520 marks at the NGSA.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Drugb posted:

Is tax payers money these jackasses and their slop can carriers using in an a last ditch effort to buy votes. 

So whose money you suggest they (jackasses) use to assist the family?

I doubt most Guyanese taxpayers, regardless of race or politics, will object to their money being use for such causes!

Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:

Is tax payers money these jackasses and their slop can carriers using in an a last ditch effort to buy votes. 

So whose money you suggest they (jackasses) use to assist the family?

I doubt most Guyanese taxpayers, regardless of race or politics, will object to their money being use for such causes!

Those who fetch slopcan posted this for political purposes. Govt should not benefit politically from spending tax payers dollars, passing this off as though the money came from the pockets of the pnc. 

Last edited by Former Member

That lady is 43 years  old! She looks 73 actually, 73 year olds look better. It is a terrible t hing what poverty does to a people. 

I absolutely detest they parade this family in the news.

Nehru posted:


Dude ease up. They simply killed a lame horse. Robert Persaud failed to file the necessary applications and lost the EU subsidy. Jagdeo chose a Chinese company that never build a sugar plant over an Indian company that is a specialist in the area. 200 million US later and they accepted without warrantee a white elephant that never ever got its sea legs. After countless patch work strategies the plant still remained crippled. As jagdeo noted, if the plant cannot be brought on line the industry fails.

And that is not getting into the fact that they did not diversify the industry or begin selling a brand. Then there were the countless cronies as GM at large salaries from Hanoman to Singh...and all crashed and burned. The PPP killed sugar.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

 Isn’t QC free?  And the child already earn a place there.

That is simple-minded thinking. When a child has to go far from home, there are other considerations. Transportation, if they are to commute, lunch if not provided, pocket money, etc.  If they are living away, then accommodation replaces transportation. 

It does not matter how you look at it, it costs the parent more to have a child live apart. And you are talking at least five years.  

What’s needed in Guyana is an A grade school in every region!  Take the education to the people!

Anyway, it will not matter if he choses Bernice High.  if America is a proving ground, it shows people from many schools in Guyana can excel and compare to anyone from any A school!

Zed posted:

What is needed in Guyana are all schools of quality regardless of where the child lives and the amount of money the parent has.

But we also need to facilitate the creme de la creme who are the best and the brightest.  

Bibi Haniffa
Zed posted:

What is needed in Guyana are all schools of quality regardless of where the child lives and the amount of money the parent has.

There should be an A school in every region for top performing students. The current set up was geared to accommodate the pre-colonial hierarchy where the ”masters” lived in the city.  

This student should not have to leave his home for an A school high school education!   UG is different!


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