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Originally Posted by seignet:

Ford will win again. The ordinary ppl see him as one of them-they will come out to vote in droves. Him and his brother doan look like desirables. But it is signs of the times. Toronto, politically in some ways is like Guyana. Maybe, too many Guyanese live in Toronto and the place is influenced.

I guess you are speaking only for you and your generation, as you know the Ford will win. It's a shame how you guys have the worst to think about your mother country but you choose to pay your taxes here and is comparing Guyana to Toronto. 


Maybe u r a Kuli-entreched in ur Bihari ways. Having no respect for the words that emante from ur thoughts. Vulgar ppl who live on welfare, workers compensation, disability allowance and refused to be gainfully employed, bring  ur parents over here and dump them on the welfare system to mind them. Dem white ppl in Toronto should cut ayuh azzez real fine.


Let me c wah more I have to embelish u wid. I guess nothing more. Evvvvwwwww.


I refuse to be drawn into mud sling by a dumb head, who had no vision beyond your nose, it's seems you are guilty of living of the tax payers as both your comments are a like, so the cap fits you , you scum bag, go work for a living and take out the thoughts that you are entitled to every thing, I am happy my hard earned money can feed you and see your children of to school, cause you fail them as a parent,  


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