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Tourism Ministry to probe increase in tourist-related crimes


Tourism Minister Catherine Hughes said Thursday her Ministry will be pushing for all tourist-related crimes to be treated as a crisis situation as it prepares to launch a probe into the events which lead to tourists being robbed upon entering the country via airports and other locations.

As part of efforts to strengthen national security, Hughes has plans to launch an investigation into the matter starting at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport which is viewed as the origin of most of these crimes.

β€œAn investigation needs to be done into the different departments within the airports where this information seems to be collected and shared to unscrupulous criminals”, said Hughes. Enforcing more policing mechanisms is also part of her plan in addressing the issue.

Hughes stated that she has raised this issue with Minister of National Security Khemraj Ramjattan, Minister of Citizenship Winston Felix and the Head of Cheddi Jagan International Airport.

However, it will be addressed more in-depth at a later date. Hughes pointed out that tourists who give information to others, including family members, and persons travelling with huge amounts of money, sometimes millions of dollars, are the two main reasons behind these crimes. She has therefore advised that persons be more careful when sharing their private information.

She stated that while there is a lot more to be done, she is pleased to report that the situation has improved as previously there was no action taken on these matters but presently within the timeframe of a week to two persons are brought before the courts.

Cathy is possible the only one among this incompetent lot to understand the importance of protecting the tourists. Meanwhile not a peep out of Ramjattan. Cash transactions in Guyana makes for easy pickings, wire transfers are a little more expensive but safer, in and out of the country. You pay a small ($15 to $20 US)transaction fee at each bank and take a small hit on the exchange rate. But at least you walk away with your life and don't feed the afc/apnu supporters. 


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