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Trademark nepotism has permeated the PPP – Ramjattan


Responding to a stinging column by renowned Chartered Accountant and columnist Christopher Ram, Leader of the Alliance For Change Khemraj Ramjattan says that the analysis has pointed out that trademark nepotism has permeated TEAM JAGDEO.


Ramjattan said that the phenomenon is a fundamental departure from Cheddi Jagan’s approach between 1992 and 1997.


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He added also that additionally, within political circles there is the equivalent of the “commercial Dupreys and Babbys who have an aptitude to take advantage of loopholes in the financial structure to get their ambitions realized.”

According to Ramjattan, people in society will get angrier when these types of wrongdoings persist.

“Let me just bring it home more graphically…When a lil ‘coolie’ or ‘black boy’ snatch yuh chain and get caught, the Jagdeo State jump and shout how he is thief, jail he…But when big people break the law causing millions to be lost, this Jagdeo State is not jumping or shouting…Rather it says it is a bad investment, it is economics. Big people then must show more responsibility otherwise lil people going to explode.”




Well all of ayu know when me FADA hear the name Cheddi water run from his eyes.


He seh when he read this statement water run from his eyes.


"Ramjattan said that the phenomenon is a fundamental departure from Cheddi Jagan’s approach between 1992 and 1997."



It is sad that Fagdeoo could not have charted a course of molding the nation as one people and share the money to more of the people at the bottom.


ME FADA why do you think so much suicide and domestic murders are happening in today - too little wealth in a country full of money.


Shame on FAGDEOW!



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