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Traffic deaths up by 33%

For the period January 1 to September 30, 2014 traffic deaths have jumped by 33%, murders are up by 7% compared to the same period last year and robberies with guns are up by 15%.

However, the police say that the strategies employed by the force in tackling crime have had a positive impact as the growth in crime since June has declined.

The police release issued today follows:

The statistics in relation to the offences of murder and robbery under arms for the period January 01 to September 30, 2014, with corresponding statistics for the same period in 2013, are attached.

At the end of the third quarter of the year the Guyana Police Force recorded an 11% drop in serious crimes when the period January 01 to September 30, 2014, is compared with the corresponding period in 2013.

Among the serious crimes policed by the Force are murder, robbery under arms, robbery with violence, robbery with aggravation, larceny from the person, break and enter and larceny, burglary, rape, and kidnapping.

A total of 107 murders were recorded at the end of September 2014 in comparison to 100 murders for the same period in 2013, an increase of 7%.

The causes of domestic and disorderly murders, which together total 51 of the 107 murders recorded (48%), are mainly social in nature and are difficult for the police alone to deal with. However, the Police Force is working with other stakeholders to address the situation.

At the end of September 2014 robbery under arms overall has increased by 11%. The statistics indicate an increase of 15% in the number of armed robberies involving the use of firearms; and a 2% increase in armed robberies where instruments other than firearms were used by the perpetrators.

The statistics indicate that the strategies employed by the Police Force in dealing with crime, inclusive of social intervention programmes with a focus on youths alongside intelligence led enforcement operations, have impacted positively during the third quarter of the year when compared to the situation at the end of the second quarter.

At the end of June this year a 7% decrease in total serious crimes was recorded; this has moved to an 11% decrease at the end of September. Robbery under arms which showed an overall increase of 22% at the end of June is down to an overall increase of 11% at the end of September.

There was an increase of 33% in the number of armed robberies involving the use of firearms at the end of June this year; while at the end of September the increase is 15%. At the same time the police have recovered a total of 60 illegal firearms at the end of September 2014.

At the end of June 2014 there was an increase of 4% in armed robberies where instruments other than firearms were used by the perpetrators; it was 2% at the end of September.

Murder showed an increase of 13% at the end of June this year; it was 7% at the end of September.

In relation to traffic, 100 road fatalities from 92 accidents have been recorded at the end of September 2014 in comparison to 75 fatalities from 72 accidents for the same period in 2013.

The other categories of accidents – serious, minor and damage – have seen reductions unto the end of September this year, in comparison to same period last year.

Pedestrians have been the main road users affected with 42 such persons having lost their lives at the end of September 2014. In addition 19 motor cyclists, 15 pedal cyclists, 9 drivers, 14 persons travelling in motor vehicles and 1 person being towed on a bicycle also lost their lives.

Speeding continues to be a major contributing factor to fatal accidents and was the cause of 57 of the 92 fatal accidents recorded at the end of September 2014.

Traffic enforcement by the police has resulted in a total of 55,591 cases being made against errant motorists unto the end of September 2014; of this total, 15,350 cases were for speeding.

To date, a child has lost his life as a result of a fatal accident during the month of October 2014.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Riff Raff, why are you behaving in such a childish manner when serious matters are being discussed? Here it is that the republic is crumbling with out of control crime and road deaths and you're acting like a clown. You should be setting the example as a moderator on GNI.


There is a Bollywood Forum if you want to post your music. You're breaking the rules while pretending that you're keeping the forum in control by closing many threads. Please try not to be so biased.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I thought this was the free for all Friday thread

Should I assume that there are no rules on the free for all Friday thread?

no politics...just Friday hang out...I am not sure you can handle hanging out though

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I thought this was the free for all Friday thread

Should I assume that there are no rules on the free for all Friday thread?

no politics...just Friday hang out...I am not sure you can handle hanging out though

I can surely handle a good hang. However, I tend to choose carefully the people I hang out with. I tend to avoid the riffraff. 


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