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Nagamootoo’s ‘mischief’ seen in Guyana Chronicle article – PPP

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AN ARTICLE published by the state newspaper, the Guyana Chronicle, has drawn criticisms from the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), which has dubbed the contents of the publication as misleading and mischievous. The article, headlined, ‘Three PPP Region 6 Councillors resign’, stated that Shafiran Bhajan, Bhurpaul Jhagroo and Quincy Henry resigned as representatives of the Party.
However, the PPP contends that these individuals were never sworn in as Regional Councillors of Region 6 (East Berbice/ Corentyne).
Consequently, the Party had dubbed the article as evidence of Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo’s “mischief” at work. Communities Minister, Ronald Bulkan, was similarly criticized.

“It was simply following a procedure in a matter that was settled months ago but which the mischievous hands of Bulkan and Nagamootoo could be seen at work,” the PPP said.

The facts, according to the Party, are that the three individuals – Shafiran Bhajan, Bhurpaul Jhagroo and Quincy Henry – were identified as candidates for the 2015 General and Regional elections. They were included in the PPP/C’s Regional List of Candidates submitted to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).
Following the announcement of the results of the elections the Party initiated an internal process of selection and extraction of names of persons to serve on the Region 6 RDC Council.
“Following consultations with the three Comrades and based on agreement their names were extracted among others and submitted to GECOM,” the Party said.

However, the PPP explained that during the period of the submission of the names to Gecom and the swearing in of the other persons whose names had been extracted, the three individuals indicated to the General Secretary of the PPP that they were unable to serve due to various reasons.

“Thus, contrary to the Chronicle story the three individuals were never sworn in as Councillors having long before indicated their unavailability,” the Party said.
In order for the three persons to be replaced on the Council, it became necessary for them to formally submit their letters of resignation because notwithstanding the fact they were not sworn in as Councillors, their names had already been extracted and submitted to Gecom.

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Originally Posted by Kari:

If Nehru does not type TRAITOR, NEEMAKARAM, HOUSE SLAVE for one day he will get sick.




September 13, 2015 | By | Filed Under Editorial 

As the leader of the opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo is having a much harder time to fulfill that role than he had expected, but he could not resist the lure of being in the spotlight. By wresting the leadership from former President Donald Ramotar, Mr. Jagdeo felt that it was his call of duty to be the Leader of the Opposition.

As the former President, he believed that becoming the Leader of the Opposition is a true vindication of his quest to take control of the PPP. He is on a political trapeze trying to ingratiate himself with a younger generation; a feistier independent group who has grown up on social media and knows about the Jagdeo fatigue and is not motivated by it.
He, who assumes a character or temperament which does not belong to him, only makes himself ridiculous.

Donald Ramotar may not want to admit it except quietly to himself, and frustratingly to his colleagues that losing power to the APNU+AFC coalition was very difficult to accept. The expected coronation of his leadership did not happen on May 11, 2015 as he had anticipated.
In steps Jagdeo, again. He is now in the fight of his life to regain power. But hanging over his mind is a wet, dark blanket. This is perhaps why he has appeared so uncertain, confused and haggard and continued to distort the facts in recent days.

Being in opposition is not easy for Jagdeo who alienated and ruined the lives of many during his twelve years as President. Today, supporters of the PPP are abandoning the party; it is difficult for the party to find members to sit on the Region Six Democratic Council.

This is exacerbated by the government’s forensic audits, which are of greater concern to Jagdeo than he would portray in public. Never in his thoughts did he expect that his former colleagues, Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan whom he actually kicked out of the PPP would become senior members of the government.

Meanwhile, as the APNU+AFC government uncovers more skullduggery, Jagdeo’s credibility is under threat. His untrustworthy index will be on an upward trajectory. It is common knowledge that he mishandled the affairs of the state, especially in the awarding of contracts and the giving away of the nation’s airwaves to friends and relatives.

Many, including supporters of the PPP, believe that his alleged prevarications were straight from his playbook and were based on greed and selfishness. Of all the troubles he could face, any notions of dishonesty or untrustworthiness are enough to cripple his political career.

Although he is not a political neophyte, yet the dilemma of being President for twelve years makes it difficult for him to present himself to the people as being new and different. Mr. Jagdeo is in for a rude awakening because the APNU+AFC government will do everything in its power to expose his corrupt practices to the nation.

For those who do not suffer with convenient political amnesia should know of the massive corruption, extra judicial murders and the use of state resources to benefit himself, relatives and friends during the past 15 years.

The mandate which the people gave to the Granger/Nagamootoo government is a call to action to restore hope and confidence in the nation. It is also a signal from the people that the government has earned their trust and to ease their burdens and the pressures of increasing poverty, joblessness and a deteriorating standard of living.
It was a clear message that the people wanted a more accountable and transparent government which should consult them, respect the rule of law, serve with humility, reject governmental extravagance and eliminate crime and corruption or at least curtail them.

The mandate also calls on the government to restore the good name of Guyana in the international community and the opportunity for the people to achieve their goals.


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