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Dear President Ramotar, please support our efforts against corruption in Guyana.


For one to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chain, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. – Nelson Mandela


A free and democratic society is one in which three actors are present – an accountable and representative government, a functioning market, and a robust civil society. It is widely believed that an active and vibrant civil society is an indicator of a mature and well-established democracy. Calling for a multi-actor approach to fighting corruption, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged governments, the private sector and civil society to “take a collective stand against this complex social, political and economic disease that affects all countries.         


To achieve an equitable, inclusive and more prosperous future for all, we must foster a culture of integrity, transparency, accountability and good governance.”


The Transparency Institute Guyana Inc (TIGI) is a civil society organisation, established in late 2010. It is small, resource-poor and voluntary in membership. As such, it may appear that TIGI has nothing in common with the government, but we do, as both TIGI and the government have both publicly pledged to address corruption, and both entities subscribe to …..To continue reading, login or subscribe now. nah gat money to subscribe, but let's hope president Ramotar take note of this important message by (TIGI).

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Dear President Ramotar, please support our efforts against corruption in Guyana.


For one to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chain, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. – Nelson Mandela


A free and democratic society is one in which three actors are present – an accountable and representative government, a functioning market, and a robust civil society. It is widely believed that an active and vibrant civil society is an indicator of a mature and well-established democracy. Calling for a multi-actor approach to fighting corruption, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged governments, the private sector and civil society to “take a collective stand against this complex social, political and economic disease that affects all countries.         


To achieve an equitable, inclusive and more prosperous future for all, we must foster a culture of integrity, transparency, accountability and good governance.”


The Transparency Institute Guyana Inc (TIGI) is a civil society organisation, established in late 2010. It is small, resource-poor and voluntary in membership. As such, it may appear that TIGI has nothing in common with the government, but we do, as both TIGI and the government have both publicly pledged to address corruption, and both entities subscribe to …..To continue reading, login or subscribe now. nah gat money to subscribe, but let's hope president Ramotar take note of this important message by (TIGI).

bai don't make me laugh


This message should be aimed at all Guyanese, Ramotar does not have the power to end corruption. It is like cancer, entrenched at all levels of society. As long as useless groups like TIGI continue to blame the president for corruption and neglect to see the big picture, it will continue to thrive. Every single Guyanese is responsible for stopping corruption, whether it be an aunt who pay bribe at the airport or the taxi driver who pay a towel to avoid a speeding ticket. Ramotar has not control over these incidents. All Guyanese have to be the eyes and ears to prevent corruption. It is omnipresent and being used by opposition to further their agenda. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This message should be aimed at all Guyanese, Ramotar does not have the power to end corruption. It is like cancer, entrenched at all levels of society. As long as useless groups like TIGI continue to blame the president for corruption and neglect to see the big picture, it will continue to thrive. Every single Guyanese is responsible for stopping corruption, whether it be an aunt who pay bribe at the airport or the taxi driver who pay a towel to avoid a speeding ticket. Ramotar has not control over these incidents. All Guyanese have to be the eyes and ears to prevent corruption. It is omnipresent and being used by opposition to further their agenda. 

Hey Goadee Walla, your mother was a fish vendor. You should know from where a fish starts to rotten. Ramotar has no will to fight corruption.


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