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Making a living

De Honourable Nehru is very proud of de Development.

This is a Mobile Supermarket.....

Fruits, Greens and Vegetable.....

Meat & Fish...

You do not have to go to the Market....

De Market come to your House.....


Opposition cut the Budget....

De Govt can now.....

Cut Down on Imported Gas...... 

Less Gas Consumption.....



This is a Dr Jagdeo Initative.....

Champion of De Earth.....

Save De Earth & Environmental Friendly

One Horse Power All Weather Multi-Purpose Vehicle....



Opposition cut Transportation Budget....

But De Show go on.....

The Green Bucket hanging at the Bottom of the Cart

Fresh Horse Shit, Insects & Flies.......

Opposition Cut the Budget

No Problem.......

Dr Jagdeo de Champion Recycle Waste


Nice Sunny Guyana Day....


De Place lil hot..

The Cart Covered and Shaded with a Recycle Zinc Sheet...

Which De Comrade took off the Roof from de School or Hospital.....

AFC & APNU Budget cuts cant stop de thiefing


And look.... 

the Poor Horse Just took a Big Peeeee

and flood de Road.....

and kool down de place

Opposition Cut GPL Budget in Parliament

No Electricity needed from GPL



Honorable Nehru seh.....

Guyanese got it good.....

De Market coming right to dem door.....

De Hospital & De School coming

Right to yuh House with De Market now

Things never so good in Guyana.....

Everything available.....

Including De Green Bucket.....


Shit in-de-Bucket....

Like going to Kentucky....

and getting a Bucket-of-chicken....

Things never so good......


Dr Jagdeo is a man of the future.....

Champion of De Earth.....

Saving Horse Shit,

with nuff Flies, Mosquitos and Insects .....

in De Green Bucket

and selling food including Meat & Fish 

in a natural Horse Shit & Pee environment.



Honorable Nehru ....seh Guyana Nice...

A Booming Economy.....

Look at the Great opportunities.....

available under this Great Govt.....

Everything Prospering now......

Look at the Housing, Trade,

Look at the Transportation, Hospital, School

and Look at De Environment......

Like De Budget Cuts don't affect anything....

We have to agree with Nehru......

The Picture say it all.........



Dr Jagdeo deserve one more Medal....

and one More Doctorate.....


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Making a living

De Honourable Nehru is very proud of de Development.

This is a Mobile Supermarket.....

Fruits, Greens and Vegetable.....

Meat & Fish...

You do not have to go to the Market....

De Market come to your House.....


Opposition cut the Budget....

De Govt can now.....

Cut Down on Imported Gas...... 

Less Gas Consumption.....



This is a Dr Jagdeo Initative.....

Champion of De Earth.....

Save De Earth & Environmental Friendly

One Horse Power All Weather Multi-Purpose Vehicle....



Opposition cut Transportation Budget....

But De Show go on.....

The Green Bucket hanging at the Bottom of the Cart

Fresh Horse Shit, Insects & Flies.......

Opposition Cut the Budget

No Problem.......

Dr Jagdeo de Champion Recycle Waste


Nice Sunny Guyana Day....


De Place lil hot..

The Cart Covered and Shaded with a Recycle Zinc Sheet...

Which De Comrade took off the Roof from de School or Hospital.....

AFC & APNU Budget cuts cant stop de thiefing


And look.... 

the Poor Horse Just took a Big Peeeee

and flood de Road.....

and kool down de place

Opposition Cut GPL Budget in Parliament

No Electricity needed from GPL



Honorable Nehru seh.....

Guyanese got it good.....

De Market coming right to dem door.....

De Hospital & De School coming

Right to yuh House with De Market now

Things never so good in Guyana.....

Everything available.....

Including De Green Bucket.....


Shit in-de-Bucket....

Like going to Kentucky....

and getting a Bucket-of-chicken....

Things never so good......


Dr Jagdeo is a man of the future.....

Champion of De Earth.....

Saving Horse Shit,

with nuff Flies, Mosquitos and Insects .....

in De Green Bucket

and selling food including Meat & Fish 

in a natural Horse Shit & Pee environment.



Honorable Nehru ....seh Guyana Nice...

A Booming Economy.....

Look at the Great opportunities.....

available under this Great Govt.....

Everything Prospering now......

Look at the Housing, Trade,

Look at the Transportation, Hospital, School

and Look at De Environment......

Like De Budget Cuts don't affect anything....

We have to agree with Nehru......

The Picture say it all.........



Dr Jagdeo deserve one more Medal....

and one More Doctorate.....



The pilot man in the video knows about the transport sector very well. He has years of experience in transporting the "White Lady".


From Wikileaks 


Âķ4. (C) Two prominent journalists, who, while critics of the
government, are not active opposition members, spoke with the
Charge and PolOff at length this week about the limited rule
of law and respect for democratic and transparent systems.
They detailed the sidelining of non-Indo-Guyanese higher
ranking police officials, the shifting of judiciary to the
benefit of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and
thought that the case of the missionaries was perhaps an
attempt to expel a group that had been cooperating and
working well with the opposition in some humanitarian
endeavors. The two journalists went into detail on Minister
Rohee and Commissioner Greene’s criminal ties as well as
those of the chairman of the Private Sector Commission, Gerry Gouveia. (NOTE: All three men have either had their U.S.visas revoked or would not be eligible because of these ties.) 

The bottom line from the journalists — the
government has consolidated its power to the point that
internal opposition is effectively hamstrung. The government
allows them to be vocal but has cut off all democratic
avenues for recourse.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Despite the cuts to the Public Works Ministry, during the over topping of the seawall by the unusually high walls, that Ministry tried their best to bring the situation under control

Oh please, they ain't do shit for months and then they're scrambling to clear the trenches after the place already flooded. A bunch of visionless morons running the show.


The workers of the Public Works ministry must be commended, for a job well done despite their limited resources, citizens also need to be more responsible and try their best not to litter the seawall nor clog the drains there, we are all citizens of Guyana, as such we should all put our shoulders to the wheel and keep our environment especially the water ways clean


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