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Travel agent robbed shortly after returning from overseas

Travel agent robbed shortly after returning from overseas

A travel agent and her son were robbed at gunpoint moments after returning home from the United States (US).
Rowena Bowen and her 13-year old son had just exited a car at their Lot 2 Shell Road, Kitty home when they were attacked by two men who pounced on them.
Bowen was not immediately available but family members believed that the woman and her son were trailed in a small yellow car from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).
While one of the bandits held up the taxi driver, his accomplice went upstairs and held the woman at gunpoint. The relative said he threatened to kill Bowen if she screamed.
Police said the bag contained a laptop, passports and about US$750 cash.
Investigators said they had no evidence to prove that the woman and her son were trailed from the airport.
The bandits arrived in a small yellow car that was parked on Stanley Place, a short distance from where Bowen lives.

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Originally Posted by Cobra:
This kind of robbery is happening too often with much similarity not to be suspicious of incoming passengers information is leaking out to the robbers. Is it the airport staff or your neighbors or combination of both that are responsible for putting people's lives in danger?

Crime Pays under the PNC.


No wonder crime is escalating under the PNC. Crime grew 12 Percent under the PNC and it will continue to rise.


The only man in the PNC to fight crime is Trotman but the problem is that he was given the wrong portfolio. President Granger should move Ramjattan aside and replace him with a more competent Minister.




Stabroek News


A woman and her 13-year-old son were held at gunpoint and robbed on Tuesday night minutes after arriving from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).


Rowena Bowen, a Travel Agent, of Lot 2 Shell Road, Kitty, had landed from Miami at the CJIA airport around 10.30 pm on Tuesday when she noticed a suspicious man standing and looking at her at the arrival terminal.

“On the way down from the airport I just had this feeling that maybe somebody was following. I kept looking back constantly and saw a car following us all the way down from the airport,” she told Stabroek News yesterday. She said that she constantly kept her eyes pasted in the rear view mirror and noticed that the car kept following them. She explained that while every other car would drive pass them and go in different directions, this one specific car, which she had noticed next to the car that had picked her up at the airport, kept driving slowly behind them.


“At one time coming off the back road I said let me see if the car is really following us but it didn’t turn exactly and started to drive slowly. After a while I noticed it behind us again all the way on Sheriff Street, into Campbell Avenue, into Middleton Street and into Barr Street, where I finally lost sight of it,” she said.


Bowen said that when they arrived at her Shell Road home she told the driver that she thought someone was following and that they should not stop and continue going somewhere else. The driver said he didn’t notice any vehicle and so she exited the car and was walking up the stairs to her front door when she noticed two young men walking in the street.

“At that point while I was going up the stairs something tell me to throw my passports away so I threw them in the plant pot beside the stairs,” she said.

She recounted that the two men walked pass the house and so she subsequently picked up the passports from the plant pot. After they turned back and started walking towards the house again, she said, she had another gut feeling that told her to hide the passports again and she did.

“After they passed the house again one of them wave me off and continued walking and my son asked me if I knew him and I said no,” Bowen said.


She added that when the men were about 10 feet away from the house they suddenly turned back and rushed towards the driver of the car. She said one of them pulled a gun on the driver and the other rushed up the stairs and demanded her bag.


“He said that he would kill me if I don’t give him the bag and so I gave it to him and he turned around and tried to run away,” she said, but fell down the flight of stairs onto the concrete below. She said the man who took her bag was “a youth” and he was dressed in a white t-shirt and khaki pants. After he fell, she said, he quickly got up and escaped with the other man.

She said she then called the police station and police officers arrived promptly and a search ensued.


The two men escaped with about US$750, a camera, and a Samsung phone. Bowen’s nephew tracked the phone throughout the night and it was located at Vlissengen Road, Hadfield Street, and finally at Houston.

She added that while when she passed Houston there was a road block on the East Bank Highway, the police had not stopped any vehicles that matched the description of the one she gave.


She said her nephew checked the location of the phone around 2 pm yesterday and it was in Agricola.

Police have yet been able to arrest anyone in connection with the robbery.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Agricola, the Hotspot for PNC criminals. Instead on PNC ethnic cleansing, let them focus on criminal activity in Agricola. Wait, it is racist to mention Agricola Criminals.

am i to assume that "PNC criminals" are now in the process of ethnically cleansing Guyana of Black people with these latest attacks?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Agricola, the Hotspot for PNC criminals. Instead on PNC ethnic cleansing, let them focus on criminal activity in Agricola. Wait, it is racist to mention Agricola Criminals.

am i to assume that "PNC criminals" are now in the process of ethnically cleansing Guyana of Black people with these latest attacks?

The Indo KKK are now part of a comedy act.  The only problem is that the  PPP doesn't seem to understand how it is undermining its credibility.  Even the usually neutral UN is now calling them corrupt and uncooperative.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Agricola, the Hotspot for PNC criminals. Instead on PNC ethnic cleansing, let them focus on criminal activity in Agricola. Wait, it is racist to mention Agricola Criminals.

am i to assume that "PNC criminals" are now in the process of ethnically cleansing Guyana of Black people with these latest attacks?

these are the kinds of people the PPP incubates and facilitates with their rhetoric and agit prop. And this fellow is the elite class of drooling knuckle walkers that is supposed to be representative of  the pinnacle of indian Brahamin intellect. Indians on the site needs to collectively sue his ass for defamation of the culture.


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