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Trial for Mingo, Lawrence, Smith-Joseph slated to commence Friday

Aug 24, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-to-commence-friday/

Elections fraud case…

Kaieteur News – The trial for the election fraud case which involves Chairperson for the People’s National Congress, Volda Lawrence; former Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo; and A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) activist, Carol Smith-Joseph, is expected to commence on Friday in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.

Former GECOM Region Four RO, Clairmont Mingo

PNC Chairperson, Volda Lawrence

The trio’s trial will be conducted by Chief Magistrate, Ann McLennan. Earlier this year, the Chief Magistrate had ruled on the mode of trial for Lawrence, Mingo and Smith-Joseph’s court matter. The Magistrate had ruled that the matter will be tried summarily – her ruling paved the way for the trial to commence.

The Defence Attorneys had asked the court for the matters to be tried indictably, which means, that a preliminary inquiry (PI) will be conducted in the Magistrates’ Courts and if sufficient evidence is found, the matter will then be sent to be tried before a Judge and Jury in the High Court.

However, the special prosecuting team objected to the matter being tried indictably and had asked the court for the matters to be tried summarily, which means, that the matter will be tried and disposed of in the Magistrates’ Courts.

The Chief Magistrate had then ordered both the prosecution and the defence attorneys to make their submissions, and had set a date for the ruling on the mode of trial. This resulted in her ruling in favour of the prosecution, and as such, the matter will be tried in the Magistrates’ Courts as opposed to going to the High Court for trial.

The trio is facing multiple electoral fraud charges. All the matters are currently being heard in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Some of the defendants were slapped with a number of joint and individual charges. Some of those charges are, misconduct in public office, conspiracy to commit fraud, forging a document and forgery.

Mingo and Lawrence are facing a joint charge, which alleges that on March 5, 2020, in Georgetown, with intent to defraud the public, they uttered a certain forged document, that is to say, a report purporting to be a true declaration of all votes cast in District Four for the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections, knowing said report to be forged.

APNU+AFC activist, Carol Smith-Joseph

Mingo also faced another joint charge with Smith-Joseph. That charge alleges that on March 13, 2020, they uttered a forged document purporting to be a true report of all votes cast in the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections, while knowing that the report was forged.

Additionally, Smith-Joseph faces two individual charges, which state that on March 13, 2020, at High and Hadfield Streets, Georgetown, she conspired with Mingo and others to declare a fraudulent count of votes for District Four for both the general and regional elections.

On their first court appearance, Mingo was placed on $60,000 bail for the two charges he faced, Lawrence was placed on $30,000 bail for the joint charge she was slapped with, and Smith-Joseph was placed on a total of $90,000 bail for the three charges that were read to her.

The Police had announced in August 2020, that they will be conducting a comprehensive investigation into the criminal conduct of former Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield; former Deputy Chief Elections Officer, Roxanne Myers; Mingo and others, in relation to the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections and the events that followed. During the ongoing probe, several GECOM officials were arrested and placed before the court for electoral fraud charges.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Django posted:

Yeah the mindset of righteous covering for the corrupt Presiding Officers.

I say gave corrupt presiding officers the same if you can provide the evidence. Last time I check you said you have glaring evidence of rigging but won’t post it online, but hand it over to relevant authority. How is that shaping up? You need another couple of years..hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

I say gave corrupt presiding officers the same if you can provide the evidence.

Last time I check you said you have glaring evidence of rigging but won’t post it online, but hand it over to relevant authority. How is that shaping up? You need another couple of years..hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

They evidence is glaring when called,the cowards never showed up .

Regarding the last paragraph ,I have mentioned decided not to post online. It's shaping up ,don't worry.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

They evidence is glaring when called,the cowards never showed up .

Regarding the last paragraph ,I have mentioned decided not to post online. It's shaping up ,don't worry.

That’s because you are failed to provide the appropriate fried rice...hahahaha [maniacal laughter]


Trial against 7 electoral fraud accused deferred to October

- prosecution given time to sort SOPs, SORs

The trial against seven persons accused of colluding to rig the March 02, 2020 elections, set to commence on Friday, has been deferred as the prosecution was granted more time to properly sort the copies of Statements of Polls (SOPs) and Statements of Recount (SORs) for disclosure to the court.

When the matter is called again on October 11, 2021, the prosecution headed by attorney Darshan Ramdhani, QC, is expected to have all the copies of SOPs and SORs along with other statements and video evidence sorted in the manner prescribed by the court for disclosure.

After those disclosures are complete, a decision will be made on the mode of trial – either calling the witnesses to the stand or via the paper committal process. Ramdhani had attempted to make an application in this regard on Friday but was asked by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan to put a hold on the request until the disclosure of evidence is complete.

According to Ramdhani, there was difficulty when duplicating the documents as some of the pages were not copied properly and found to be indecipherable. He asked for more time to get this sorted although three out of nine bundles were ready to be handed over to the court and to the two defence attorneys on Friday.

Those against who the charges, premised on electoral fraud, are brought against include Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), Volda Lawrence along with embattled Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo and APNU+AFC member Carol Smith-Joseph. This trio is being represented by attorney Nigel Hughes.

The four other Guyana Election Commission (GECOM) staffers who allegedly conspired include Registration Clerks, Shefern February; Michelle Miller; Denise Babb – Cummings and Information Technology Officer, Enrique Livan.

They are all accused of inflating the results of Region Four – Guyana’s largest voting district – to give the APNU+AFC Coalition a majority win at the polls when in fact, the PPP/C had won by 15,000 votes.

This resulted in several legal challenges which ended up before the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) – Guyana’s highest appeal court – and a five-month delay in the declaration of the results. A lengthy recount of the votes eventually declared victory to the PPP/C and Dr. Irfaan Ali was sworn in as the President of Guyana.

Soon after, Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack, S.C had granted a fiat to a six-member team of prominent lawyers to prosecute the matters on behalf of the State.

They include Ramdhani, Glenn Hanoman, Mark Conway, Ganesh Hira, Arudranauth Gossai and George Thomas.


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