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Trinidad: Church watchman robs the church

Jailed: Chad Lake
Jailed: Chad Lake

(Trinidad Express) A man who was employed as a watchman at a church has been sentenced to time in prison after he stole from $40,000 and jewellery from an office on the property.


Chad Lake, 45 of Sipara said he was guilty of offences of office breaking and larceny from the La Divina Pastora RC Church in Siparia. The charges were laid by constable Pascall.

On Thursday, Lake who is now a Community-Based Environmental Protection and Enhancement Programme (CEPEP) worker, appeared before Siparia magistrate Ava Vandenberg-Bailey where he said he was guilty of the offences which occurred last November 12.

Members of the church confronted Lake at his home and he handed over a bag with money and other items. Police prosecutor Sgt Starr Jacob tendered these items into evidence during the matter.

Lake begged for a non-custodial sentence.

Vandenberg-Bailey passed sentences of four years and three years on him. They are to run concurrently, therefore Lake will serve four years in prison.

Specifically on Holy Thursday and Good Friday, hundreds of Christians and Hindus visit the Siparia RC Church which is home to the statue of La Divina Pastora also known as Siparee Mai or Soparee Mai. They pray and offer items including money and jewellery.


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