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Trinidad: Dennie maintains he was told to fire East Indians, agrees to lie detector test

Carlton Dennie
Carlton Dennie

(Trinidad Guardian) Af­ter for­mer Strate­gic Ser­vices Agency (SSA) head Matthew An­drews la­belled for­mer In­tel­li­gence Di­rec­tor Carl­ton Den­nie a patho­log­i­cal liar, Den­nie has agreed to sub­ject him­self to a lie de­tec­tor test as he main­tains he was asked to fire per­sons of East In­di­an de­scent from the ser­vice.

In a tele­phone in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia, Den­nie said he had noth­ing to hide.

“I have passed many lie de­tec­tor tests in the past and I have no prob­lem tak­ing one now,” he said.

Den­nie had ini­tial­ly al­leged that the di­rec­tive to cleanse the SSA was giv­en by Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley but he lat­er changed his tune and in­di­cat­ed that it was the agency’s for­mer head who had made the or­der.

The claim by Den­nie forced An­drews to host a press con­fer­ence where he said he was pre­pared to chal­lenge the al­le­ga­tions in court.

Den­nie al­so took An­drews to task for ac­cus­ing him of re­mov­ing sen­si­tive equip­ment from the serv­er room at the Pi­ar­co In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port in 2012 which sub­se­quent­ly dis­rupt­ed ser­vices for days.

“You see this thing about the serv­er Matthew An­drews talk­ing about, those servers were re­moved in 2012 and he joined the ser­vice in 2013. He knows noth­ing about that,” Den­nie said.

He al­so de­nied that any equip­ment was stolen.

“In­struc­tions to re­move servers came from the agency’s di­rec­tor at the time. I sub­se­quent­ly passed the or­der to the then di­rec­tor of ICT.”

Den­nie said he had be­come fed-up of the back and forth be­tween him and mem­bers of the gov­ern­ment but main­tained his in­no­cence.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

There seems an anti-Indian sentiment rolling across the Caribbean.  This also occurred in the 70's!

Clearly the Caribbean have adopted some of Apartheid South Africa behavior!


If Guyanese did not learn from three decades of PNC rule then they would never learn.  The PNC does not believe in democracy. They do not believe in giving every race a voice and a proper place in the society. It was like that in the formation of the PNC in 1955 and remains that way up until this very day.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
seignet posted:

Indians have ways of surviving. Indians with Caribbean roots living in North America, Guyana ,Trinidad and Suriname could be a force. 

Indians will survive if they have to fight to do so. If blacks don't get their way, they resort to violence...burning and looting.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

There seems an anti-Indian sentiment rolling across the Caribbean.  This also occurred in the 70's!

Clearly the Caribbean have adopted some of Apartheid South Africa behavior!

And when Jagdeo screamed at Luncheon to "de negrofy" the place what did you say then?   Yes the poor man, when asked why the paucity of blacks heading state owned corporations/commissions and overseas missions, was left to murmur "because dem black man too chupid".  Apparently he thinks that he isn't black.


Alyuh listen to Cribby carefully.  He is very much in tune with the Afro sentiments in Guyana.  When I was with the AFC in 2011, an Afro AFC member said  his relatives in Guyana said when the PNC regains power, they will do everything to prevent the PPP ever regaining power.  This included the military in a tactful way.  And this was before oil!

I believe what we see thus far is kindergarten to what they have in mind!


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