September 11 2018


Dear Editor,

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) would like to publicly state that it remains supportive of foreign investors to Guyana. The GCCI believes that foreign investors have played, and continue to play, an integral role in driving economic growth and national development.

In an era of global business, the benefits of international cooperation in key areas of private sector development are undeniable. Technology transfer, skills development, international markets for goods and services are a few areas where readily, the engagement of foreign investors and companies can bode well for private sector development.

As an organisation, the GCCI has always been welcoming to foreign investors and foreign companies. Recently, the Chamber has embarked on a series of internationalisation efforts, signing Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with several countries – India, Canada and Cuba. The benefits of these MoUs are currently being realised through bilateral Trade Facilitation Councils which seek to promote international engagement for the mutual benefit of the countries’ private sector. Through this mechanism, several of the Chamber’s members have benefitted from joint ventures and partnerships. These endeavours have facilitated an acceleration of the learning curve and reduction in the learning costs of these businesses. These mechanisms have undeniably improved businesses in Guyana.

The GCCI remains receptive to foreign companies and foreign investors, especially those which are interested in partnerships with Guyanese companies. However, it must be stated that this openness is based on the principles of equity and fairness and must be done in an atmosphere that is mutually beneficial. In particular, the Chamber is supportive of partnering with its Caribbean brothers and sisters in the spirit of regionalism, especially Trinidad and Tobago in the oil and gas sector, to effect a stronger, more integrated, Caribbean community. We continue to welcome all our Caribbean counterparts to the Chamber as Guyana remains open for business.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Rambarran

Executive Director

Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry.