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Former Member

Just came back from a trip to Gy. I was impressed with a lot of what I saw. However, the things that will leave the most lasting effect are the missed opportunities.


Georgetown has many remnants of a beautiful capital city, however, many of the classic buildings are unkempt and could use some renovation and a coat of paint. I think that this is a huge opportunity going a begging and what could bring the city back to its former glory and attract tourists. Many of the buildings can be considered heritage buildings and if taken care of, can transform Georgetown into a spectacle of a capital city.


As far as capital city is concerned there is no reason for this city to be as dirty as it is; it is embarrassing with dead carcasses lying rotting in the open in certain parts of the city.


Don’t know about the politics of the city and do not care for it since 99% of all politicians and liars and thieves, however, politics should be put aside when it comes to the pride of a country and money should be spent to beautify this city and keep it that way regardless of the politics.


If the politicians lead from the front the people will follow.

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 Along the negative vein, what I noticed when I was down there last week was the fact that property taxes, which funds the cleanup of the city, was prohibitively low. Those home owners don't pay enough property taxes and hence get the service they deserve. As long as they are content with the garbage and dead carcasses over paying property taxes, then the city will remain 3rd world, 


Georgetown is a garbage city because the PPP wants it to be so. Until municipal control is [finally] wrested from the opposition, the gov't will make sure the sufferation continues . . . as an object lesson


if you think this kind of reasoning is over the top . . . parse carefully what an ole time PPP stalwart blurted out here in relation to the Linden shootings and the parlous state of that town's residents:


[seignet, Jan 17, 2013] "They [people of Linden] have to punish some more"


'benign neglect' is the preferred method of underdevelopment - no real fingerprints . . .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Hammie has been Mayor since 1992 and the City got worst year after year. The citizens of GT NEVER complained about him and MOST think he is the RIGHT man for the job. The Central Govt keeps pumping the People's money into City Hall only to be WASTED!!!!

in response to your illiterate braying:


Hammie has been Mayor since 1992 and the City got worst year after year.

Why has the PPP has invested so strongly in 'NO Local Gov't elections' so he could remain there these past two decades, eh?


The citizens of GT NEVER complained about him and MOST think he is the RIGHT man for the job.

It's obvious Freedom House feels Hammie IS the right man; why have the people of Georgetown not been given the opportunity to "complain" @ the ballot box, hmmm? 


The Central Govt keeps pumping the People's money into City Hall only to be WASTED!!!!

I'll wager that the working people of Georgetown contribute the bulk of revenues the central gov't gets from income taxes and VAT . . . so, what's your point again fool?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Hammie has been Mayor since 1992 and the City got worst year after year. The citizens of GT NEVER complained about him and MOST think he is the RIGHT man for the job. The Central Govt keeps pumping the People's money into City Hall only to be WASTED!!!!

in response to your illiterate braying:


Hammie has been Mayor since 1992 and the City got worst year after year.

Why has the PPP has invested so strongly in 'NO Local Gov't elections' so he could remain there these past two decades, eh?


The citizens of GT NEVER complained about him and MOST think he is the RIGHT man for the job.

It's obvious Freedom House feels Hammie IS the right man; why have the people of Georgetown not been given the opportunity to "complain" @ the ballot box, hmmm? 


The Central Govt keeps pumping the People's money into City Hall only to be WASTED!!!!

I'll wager that the working people of Georgetown contribute the bulk of revenues the central gov't gets from income taxes and VAT . . . so, what's your point again fool?

Tk, You are the BIGGEST FOOL and will remain so with your shallow thinking for the rest of your life.


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