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The tripartite agreements made between Donald Ramotar and the APNU and AFC must come to an official end because the other Parties to the agreement unofficially ended it. The parties to the agreement must either use it or lose it. No if's or ut's about that. Governing in the best interest of the peope of Guyana is serious business not monkey business. Like two hungry sharks, the hand that Donald held out to the APNU and AFC, in the name of National Unity, was bitten. Here again APNU and AFC took Donald for a ride. Donald should have insisted
on recalling the Legislative Assembly in December and let APNU and AFC go tell the voters that they had already arranged to take their vacation. Again it shows that for the AFC and PNC/APNU that their personal interest comes before the national interest...and they got got Donald to agree with them. So far, I think APNU is ruling the country and Donald will give them what they want because he is afraid of Granger.

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In all Parliamentary Democracies,the ruling party determines, prior to developing its Budget, who it should consult with, example the private or public sector. After the budget is prepared by thew Finance Minister, it is presented and read by the said Finance Minister. It is then debated and if amendments are required and agreed upon then the changes are made. Then a vote is taken to either pass or defeat the Budget. Since the November election, it appears to be that APNU and AFC and the Speaker are all farting from the same ass, while the PPP/C is shitting in its pants. The PPP/C will give in to APNU and AFC and do whatever they want. A few marchesin Gerogetown by by APNU and Donald would call a meeting and ask them "What you want" - What we can do to call this ting off". Then they get what they ask for. If the PPP want to show that they can govern they need to be bold and say "All Tripartite meetings/discussions have ended". Until the PPP/C makes this declaration they would open themselves to more bullying by APNU and the AFC. The PPP was stupid enough to call a Tripartite meeting with the President. Get it through your head PPP/C, that is what the Legislative Assembly is there for. What are you trying to do, create a Parliament outside a Parliament under the cover of negotiations.
Cabinet concerned over Opposition sloth towards tripartite committee
CABINET remains committed to the highly-touted tripartite committee engagement, even after expressing concern over the sloth with which the majority opposition parties have moved to name their representatives for the convening so that their respective interests could be represented in Parliament.
This is according to Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon, who spoke about it yesterday at his weekly media briefing in Office of the President, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown.
He declared that “opportunities continue to go a-begging for issues to be ventilated and for insights to be provided, prior to those matters being dealt with formally, whether at Parliament or at any other level,” as the sloth tactics were being played out.
[Dr. Roger Luncheon]

Dr. Roger Luncheon

Luncheon said Cabinet’s concerns were that the situation “was not as promising as originally conceived” following the declaration of the results of the General Elections in 2011 and the subsequent meeting involving President Donald Ramotar and Presidential Advisor on Governance Gail Teixeira with Brigadier (ret’d) David Granger and Joseph Harmon of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Raphael Trotman, Khemraj Ramjattan and Dominic Gaskin of the Alliance for Change (AFC).
Luncheon recalled that Cabinet had made public its reservation about the ‘behind the scenes’ collusion of APNU and AFC, an indication of which was the result of the most recent parliamentary elections.
The recent occurrence in Parliament saw the AFC joining forces with APNU to narrowly edge out the Government, which has a minority in the National Assembly, in its quest to have former Speaker Ralph Ramkarran retain the post.
Observing that the commitment made during that December engagement continues to be honoured in the breach, Luncheon said while APNU has, finally, provided the names of its “plenipotentiary and high representatives” in the names of Debra Backer and Joseph Harmon, up to the convening of Cabinet on Tuesday, the AFC had still not submitted theirs.
Mr. Gerhard Ramsaroop and Mr. Clayton Hall were, subsequently, submitted as AFC nominees.
Opposition Leader Granger, in his capacity as Presidential Candidate, had, before the recent convening of the 10th Parliament, made an urgent call for the establishment of the tripartite committee to oversee the preparation of the National Budget and subsequent budgets.
The 2012 National Budget must be presented to the House no later than March 30 and approved by April 29.
The combined opposition of APNU and the AFC have 33 seats while the Government has 32 seats (the largest single bloc of seats) in the Assembly and Granger has warned that it would be inadvisable for the Government to proceed with the Budget without prior consultation with the Opposition.
Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh has pointed out, though, that the PPP/C Government has always placed priority on consultations during the crafting of the budgetary proposals, contrary to some reports.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Cheddi Jagan would have negotiated with Granger not Ramjattan.

That's right. Khemraj was like a son to him and he would have still been part of the PPP. Cheddi had platinum respect for Khemraj.

The old man must be be turning in his grave to know he has an ungrateful son name Ramjattan.
The idiots in the PPP will never listen to their constituents. They think that they know everything. That is the same reason why the people put them in a minority situation. And what they do, blame their supporters for not going out and voting for them. Donald and the PPP, your supporters are watching you very closely. Many believe that your party is not principled. Why do you think the PNC/APNU and AFC are treating your Tripartite committee the way they do. Because they know that the PPP is party of cry babies. They simply don't respect the PPP. Get it!
Originally posted by Dondadda:
the hand that Donald held out to the APNU and AFC, in the name of National Unity, was bitten. .

What hand? The one which said that the PPP shoudl be allowed to control parliament even though they are a minority govt?

Guyanese did not want the PPP to control parliament and those who voted APNU and AFC would be very angry if those two parties played dead and hand the country back to the PPP 100%. They want DIVIDED govt to ensure that all interests are represented.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
The PPP would have won that extra seat if Moses hadn't screwed up. .

The PPP LOST votes in its strongholds and was rejected by the 55% of thge population which isnt Indian.

What part of this dont you get. The PPP is a MINORITY govt and so must consult with the others before it makes any decision. And it must implement those decisions as required by the majority votes in parliament, regardless as to whther it agrees with this or not.

Luncheon is now telling Guyana that Jagdeo made secreat deals without telling any one. Is this good governance?
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Cheddi Jagan would have negotiated with Granger not Ramjattan.

That's right. Khemraj was like a son to him and he would have still been part of the PPP. Cheddi had platinum respect for Khemraj.

The old man must be be turning in his grave to know he has an ungrateful son name Ramjattan.

He was cremated. He would have been proud of Ramjattan not being part of the gang that hijacked the PPP at freedumb house.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Dondadda:
the hand that Donald held out to the APNU and AFC, in the name of National Unity, was bitten. .

What hand? The one which said that the PPP shoudl be allowed to control parliament even though they are a minority govt?

Guyanese did not want the PPP to control parliament and those who voted APNU and AFC would be very angry if those two parties played dead and hand the country back to the PPP 100%. They want DIVIDED govt to ensure that all interests are represented.

Originally posted by Dondadda:
The tripartite agreements made between Donald Ramotar and the APNU and AFC must come to an official end because the other Parties to the agreement unofficially ended it. The parties to the agreement must either use it or lose it. No if's or ut's about that. Governing in the best interest of the peope of Guyana is serious business not monkey business. Like two hungry sharks, the hand that Donald held out to the APNU and AFC, in the name of National Unity, was bitten. Here again APNU and AFC took Donald for a ride. Donald should have insisted
on recalling the Legislative Assembly in December and let APNU and AFC go tell the voters that they had already arranged to take their vacation. Again it shows that for the AFC and PNC/APNU that their personal interest comes before the national interest...and they got got Donald to agree with them. So far, I think APNU is ruling the country and Donald will give them what they want because he is afraid of Granger.
Is there a farm somewhere where they raise idiots like you? How can there be agreement to agree with the PPP when their previous 20 years have been autocratic and completely an arrogant misuse of power? The best interest of the people has been decided by the people and they put a minority government in place. If the PPP does not like it the President do not have to worry about agreements he simply has to call a new elections in 90 days.

As things present themselves, they will lose even more deeply since the genie is out of the bottle. The Guyanese people know that they can have responsible government and like the Scandinavian countries we many be forever into multiparty rule.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Dondadda:
the hand that Donald held out to the APNU and AFC, in the name of National Unity, was bitten. .

What hand? The one which said that the PPP shoudl be allowed to control parliament even though they are a minority govt?

Guyanese did not want the PPP to control parliament and those who voted APNU and AFC would be very angry if those two parties played dead and hand the country back to the PPP 100%. They want DIVIDED govt to ensure that all interests are represented.

Yuh rite deh bai, but abie coolie see alyuh plans anada way, natt divide fa better fa all, divide abie coolie den conquer abie and put we bak in da pre-1992 Guyana. Yu see abie na trust alyuh no moo man.

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