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Trotman back-pedals on plans to borrow against future oil revenues

Minister of Governance Raphael Trotman on Tuesday denied media reports that Government was planning to ask US oil

Minister of Governance Raphael Trotman

Minister of Governance Raphael Trotman

giant ExxonMobil for upfront payments ahead of commercial production of oil in Guyana.
Last week, the media reported that the Minister said Government would be discussing an up-front payment with the company’s President when he visits Guyana in January.
This promoted much criticism from Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo who said that any move by the Administration to borrow oil proceeds, which have not yet materialised from ExxonMobil, may be to avoid transparency and accountability requirements. He warned the Administration that if they agreed to any loan, Guyana will be in “ExxonMobil’s pocket” and will not be able to negotiate with the company on an even footing.
However, on Tuesday, Trotman issued a statement clarifying what was said on the US-based company that is yet to commence drilling here. The statement quoted Trotman saying that the report is false as “it was never directly communicated that Government had asked the company or intends to ask the company for advances.”
However, Trotman was heard saying in the recording that was upload by a local online news entity that “Right now, that discussion is not going on because we have inherited, of course, an agreement that was headed into with the last Administration but the President of Exxon himself is coming here in January to meet with the President of Guyana and I think coming out of that engagement, we are likely to sit down and to have that discussion. But it is a discussion we must have… when the President of Exxon comes next year that will feature in our discussions.”
The Minister, who has responsibility for natural resources and the environment, went on to say in the recording that a lot of countries have had companies making a kind of an up-front payment.
Trotman in his denial statement on Tuesday said he was approached by a Journalist, who questioned whether the Government would consider asking the oil company for funds ahead of production and, if it was afforded the opportunity to receive early payments, which area of development would the funds be channelled into.
“It was to this hypothetical question that he responded that Government would focus on infrastructural development if given the resources. I also said that if those matters were to be raised it would have to be by our President when he meets ExxonMobil’s President in January. I distinctly remember saying that I had no knowledge of Government seeking any such money upfront,” Trotman said in the statement.
However, the statement added while Government has not received any offers to date, it will consider all possibilities which are in the best interest of the country.
The Government’s statement came mere days after the Opposition Leader lashed out at the Administration for proposing such an option.
Jagdeo had also issued a call for the Government to sign onto the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative, a global standard to promote open and accountable management of natural resources, adding his Party wants full transparency.
“This is why around the world there has been enhanced transparency surrounding oil and oil proceeds, and the companies and we have had many cases where large sums of monies have been paid off to the Government official in oil producing states to get better deals for the producers and others. We hope we will avoid this in Guyana, but you are not going to avoid it by doing this. This is a huge issue for us, it’s a transparency issue,” he reasoned.

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Guyana Puke Times up to no good again.

ASJ banna you gotta stop reading trash.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with what was said here.


"The Minister, who has responsibility for natural resources and the environment, went on to say in the recording that a lot of countries have had companies making a kind of an up-front payment.
Trotman in his denial statement on Tuesday said he was approached by a Journalist, who questioned whether the Government would consider asking the oil company for funds ahead of production and, if it was afforded the opportunity to receive early payments, which area of development would the funds be channelled into.
“It was to this hypothetical question that he responded that Government would focus on infrastructural development if given the resources. I also said that if those matters were to be raised it would have to be by our President when he meets ExxonMobil’s President in January. I distinctly remember saying that I had no knowledge of Government seeking any such money upfront,” Trotman said in the statement.
However, the statement added while Government has not received any offers to date, it will consider all possibilities which are in the best interest of the country."

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Guyana Puke Times up to no good again. ASJ banna you gotta stop reading trash.


"The Minister, who has responsibility for natural resources and the environment, went on to say in the recording that a lot of countries have had companies making a kind of an up-front payment.
Trotman in his denial statement on Tuesday said he was approached by a Journalist, who questioned whether the Government would consider asking the oil company for funds ahead of production and, if it was afforded the opportunity to receive early payments, which area of development would the funds be channelled into.
“It was to this hypothetical question that he responded that Government would focus on infrastructural development if given the resources. I also said that if those matters were to be raised it would have to be by our President when he meets ExxonMobil’s President in January. I distinctly remember saying that I had no knowledge of Government seeking any such money upfront,” Trotman said in the statement.
However, the statement added while Government has not received any offers to date, it will consider all possibilities which are in the best interest of the country."

And what trash paper do you happen to read?

skeldon_man posted:

And what trash paper do you happen to read?

I'm too intelligent to be reading trash. I did read the above article to see what the hell those bimbos are complaining about and there's nothing in it worth complaining.

Guyana Times should do the right thing and close down.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

And what trash paper do you happen to read?

I'm too intelligent to be reading trash. I did read the above article to see what the hell those bimbos are complaining about and there's nothing in it worth complaining.

Guyana Times should do the right thing and close down.

So does Stabroek News, Chronicle and KN. The days are coming when all the newsprint will be muzzled again.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Guyana Puke Times up to no good again. ASJ banna you gotta stop reading trash.


"The Minister, who has responsibility for natural resources and the environment, went on to say in the recording that a lot of countries have had companies making a kind of an up-front payment.
Trotman in his denial statement on Tuesday said he was approached by a Journalist, who questioned whether the Government would consider asking the oil company for funds ahead of production and, if it was afforded the opportunity to receive early payments, which area of development would the funds be channelled into.
“It was to this hypothetical question that he responded that Government would focus on infrastructural development if given the resources. I also said that if those matters were to be raised it would have to be by our President when he meets ExxonMobil’s President in January. I distinctly remember saying that I had no knowledge of Government seeking any such money upfront,” Trotman said in the statement.
However, the statement added while Government has not received any offers to date, it will consider all possibilities which are in the best interest of the country."

And what trash paper do you happen to read?

Guyana times is NOT a newspaper.  It is a PPP propaganda piece, replacing the Chronicle.  Use SN and KN, which are more objective as they criticized the PPP, and have already had their say against APNU/AFC.


Zed posted:

Was it not trottman who said that the coalition was not contemplating large salary increases for ministers? He lied then. He is lying now. Or was he flying a test balloon?

You're misrepresenting what Trotman said at that time. He admitted that they were reviewing the salaries of ministers but he said that the increase would not be immediate. This was in August and the increase came about in October. You can get at him for saying that the raise would not be immediate but he did say all along that they were reviewing ministers' salaries. At the same time, immediate can mean right now, next week, next two months. It's subject to interpretation and the context that you want to see it in.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Guyana Puke Times up to no good again. ASJ banna you gotta stop reading trash.


"The Minister, who has responsibility for natural resources and the environment, went on to say in the recording that a lot of countries have had companies making a kind of an up-front payment.
Trotman in his denial statement on Tuesday said he was approached by a Journalist, who questioned whether the Government would consider asking the oil company for funds ahead of production and, if it was afforded the opportunity to receive early payments, which area of development would the funds be channelled into.
“It was to this hypothetical question that he responded that Government would focus on infrastructural development if given the resources. I also said that if those matters were to be raised it would have to be by our President when he meets ExxonMobil’s President in January. I distinctly remember saying that I had no knowledge of Government seeking any such money upfront,” Trotman said in the statement.
However, the statement added while Government has not received any offers to date, it will consider all possibilities which are in the best interest of the country."

And what trash paper do you happen to read?

Guyana times is NOT a newspaper.  It is a PPP propaganda piece, replacing the Chronicle.  Use SN and KN, which are more objective as they criticized the PPP, and have already had their say against APNU/AFC.


Toilet paper. Only black people support SN.


"The Minister, who has responsibility for natural resources and the environment, went on to say in the recording that a lot of countries have had companies making a kind of an up-front payment.
Trotman in his denial statement on Tuesday said he was approached by a Journalist, who questioned whether the Government would consider asking the oil company for funds ahead of production and, if it was afforded the opportunity to receive early payments, which area of development would the funds be channelled into.
It was to this hypothetical question that he responded that Government would focus on infrastructural development if given the resources. I also said that if those matters were to be raised it would have to be by our President when he meets ExxonMobil’s President in January. I distinctly remember saying that I had no knowledge of Government seeking any such money upfront,”Trotman said in the statement.
However, the statement added while Government has not received any offers to date, it will consider all possibilities which are in the best interest of the country."


There is a certain pattern developing with the coalition.  They make statements and promises and when they are called out on it they say they never said that.  They even write newspaper articles to deny what they said.

They told lies to get elected.  And now they are telling lies to run the government.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

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