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December 9,2017


After weeks of evasion, the government yesterday admitted that it received a signing bonus from ExxonMobil and its partners more than a year ago and never disclosed this to the public.

The admission came in the National Assembly from Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman following the publication in yesterday’s Stabroek News and Guyana Times of a letter of September 20, 2016 from the Ministry of Finance to the Bank of Guyana (BoG) seeking the setting up of an account for the funds.

Declining to disclose the quantum received, Trotman, during his budget debate presentation, said that the bonus was intended to be used for legal fees pertaining to the preservation of Guyana’s territorial integrity and he charged that this was a technique that the opposition PPP/C had also utilised.

The government’s secrecy about the signing bonus for more than a year will likely have repercussions for its standing on openness in the oil sector and yesterday local transparency group Transparency Institute Guyana Inc said anti-corruption advocates were shocked at the deception by the government over the bonus.

Raphael Trotman

Since oil was discovered here in May 2015, the government had emphasised transparency in relation to all related matters, including revenues and its withholding of information will be seen as undermining the efforts at establishing a robust relationship with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, which aims at full disclosure of all financial flows from natural resources deals. ExxonMobil will also come under scrutiny for participating in a secret transaction with the government.

After months of being pressed to release the new agreement that had been signed with ExxonMobil in 2016 and which might have referred to the signing bonus, the government had said that it was going to make the document available this month. This commitment was overtaken yesterday by the publishing of the letter in the newspapers and Trotman addressed the matter in his presentation.

Trotman told the National Assembly that using the money for territorial preservation initiatives was nothing new and it was only continuing a process started under the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) government.

“Yes, Mr Speaker, the government received a large sum because we had been advised that the previous administration [had done the same], when faced with a terrible situation in July of 2000 when a company had attempted to explore with its rig and had been chased from the waters of Guyana,” Trotman said, as he challenged PPP/C parliamentarians to dispute his position.

None of the PPP/C members of parliament replied to the claims but as Trotman continued on the oil contract, heckles rained that “only because of pressure make you talking now.”

Observers note that the PPP/C example is quite different from the present situation. Guyana had challenged Suriname at the International law of the Sea Tribunal in Hamburg and won its case over the 2000 incursion into Guyana’s waters. It was later revealed that Canadian oil company CGX had help financed the fees in expectation that a win for Guyana would permit it to resume drilling in the area where it was evicted from in 2000. It also did not entail the signing of a new agreement, which the APNU+AFC government entered into with ExxonMobil’s affiliate, Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEGPL).

‘Nothing to hide’

Trotman, who made reference to the news item about the bonus letter in Stabroek News and the Guyana Times, said it seemed to him “deliberately organised to cause embarrassment to the government” but noted that he wanted to put on record that neither he nor his government has anything to hide.

He said that the signing bonus information would have formed part of his presentation yesterday anyway, given that government had already promised to release the contract and its antecedents in its entirety by the end of this month and that two international law firms have been already hired – the Norwegian firm Michelet & Co and US law firm, Jones Day.  Michelet & Co specialises in the oil & gas, oilfield and maritime services industries.

“Mr Speaker, some of the advisors of the then [PPP/C] government remained, Mr Speaker, advisors of this government and they advised us and we believed, Mr Speaker, that a certain company handed over a certain sum, which I challenge anyone to deny, to aid the government’s work in defending its right in any court of law and to advance its case,” he said.

“And so, Mr Speaker, this government took the advice given to the previous government and we adopted it. And yes, Mr Speaker, we did what we did, to preserve the safety and wellbeing of the people of Guyana and to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of this country and Mr. Speaker, if it is we are to be blamed, let us be blamed, Mr. Speaker, for doing what is right and as had been done by the previous administration, we seek only to defend our country. Mr. Speaker, we don’t have warplanes and fighter jets and other destroyers. What we have always had since independence is our legal prowess and our diplomatic abilities and those are our best tools. We wish to see this region as a region of peace and our best tools, Mr Speaker, are our diplomatic efforts and our legal prowess. And so, Mr Speaker, yes, there is a sum and yes, Mr Speaker, it is reserved to safeguard this country,” he added.

Sources in the government explained to Stabroek News that the decision was made since last year to reserve the money for legal fees, in preparation for if then United Nations Secretary General (SG) Ban Ki-moon had made a decision to send the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy to the International Court of Justice.

Government, the source said, would have announced the decision then but had to keep silent as Guyana was asked by the UN Secretary General to have discussions for another year with Venezuela, facilitated by the UN SG’s representative Dag Nylander. That process should be completed by December 31st of this year, with government optimistic that the SG will rule that the matter be taken to the ICJ.

“You cannot put your diplomatic and security strategies public willy-nilly for all and sundry to see. It is why we had asked the people to trust their government that they are doing what is right. But you know Guyanese have a problem with trust, maybe rightfully so, given that they had decades of lies, and they were all ‘We want to see the contract, oh they taking the money for themselves…. However, all this time we were planning and having discussions with experienced officials,” the source said.

When asked why not then just admit the money was collected and was going towards a worthy cause that would be revealed in due course, the source laughed. “You and I both know that it would not stop there. Nothing ever ends just like that and there will be questions and questions and more questions,” the source said.

‘No slush fund’

Trotman, in his address, assured that the monies were safe and would be spent on Guyana’s legal battles with Venezuela.

“I am not ashamed because there is no slush fund and there is no people jetting off and spending money. All we are doing is what should be done to preserve the good state.

Still on the budding oil sector, Trotman explained that while Exxon was not obligated to renegotiate the 1999 contract signed under the then government, some additions were made and where there was no royalty this country would now receive two percent of the gross, which at today’s oil prices would amount to about US$380 million annually.

“Upon ascension to office [government realised] there is no legal obligation by Exxon to renegotiate a contract. This government recognises the sanctity of contracts. We don’t want to be labeled a pariah state where we are called into redo everything that has been done before. We also recognised the contract of 1999 was not a bad contract. I have said so many times publicly that it represented at the time a good contract. Nonetheless, we were able to receive a two percent royalty when there was no royalty before.  In fact, the royalty was zero—the law says there should be an at least one percent. We have secured two percent on the gross,” he noted.

In addition, he said that the annual licence fee has been increased from US$250,000 to US$1 million.

He said some of US$300,000 assigned for corporate social responsibility has been used to finance Guyana’s relief operations this year to several hurricane-hit Caribbean islands. He also mentioned similar figure for capacity and scholarships.

“Oil has the possibility, even obligation, to bring about change… we need an oil change in this country. Our century old engines are failing and our drivers, in every sense, have to be changed.

“We have a new product and we must create the new country where we retain, retrain and retool our old and young to take advantage of this. I am acutely aware of the anxiety and weight that the closure of sugar factories will bring to all Guyana,” he added.

And with many objections raised about the current Petroleum Commission Bill, which is currently before a special select committee, Trotman said that it will be reworked, catering much more for transparency and accountability.

“In 2017, both the Petroleum Commission Bill and the Local Content Policy were widely disseminated for public scrutiny and currently the Bill is before the Select Committee while the Policy is being finalised with stakeholder feedback. In 2018, the other aforementioned legislative and policy instruments will be disseminated for stakeholder consultations and tabled in the National Assembly. Mr. Speaker, the government has chosen to pause the implementation of the Petroleum Commission Bill so that we can receive all fit and proper proposals that may be out there. This moment will not come again and how we prepare to manage this resource, in particular, will determine the long-term future of the country so I will recommend to Cabinet that the format is changed from the standard semi-autonomous one to make the Commission more independent and inclusive so that it can enjoy national support,” he said.

Trotman said that none of the good done by his ministry seems to be highlighted in the public and for this he told the House of the many strides made by the Ministry of Natural Resources, especially in the oil and gas sector.

“This government has recognised the need to improve the policy and regulatory framework by including issues such as licensing and contracting, fiscal framework, transparency and accountability, local content and environmental management. I would like to use this opportunity to inform the National Assembly that we have the following legislation and policy documents in draft format. These include: Revisions to the 1986 Petroleum Exploration & Production Act & Regulations; Oil and Gas Policy; Local Content Policy; Petroleum Commission Bill; Environmental Regulations; Health and Safety Regulations;  Petroleum Taxation and Fiscal Legislation; and  Sovereign Wealth Fund Bill,” he said.

The receipt of a signing bonus by the government was first raised by commentator Christopher Ram in October of this year in his Stabroek News oil and gas column.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

He is not ashamed because he has no shame. The fact is they lied, they tried to hide it from the Guyanese people who they claim to be protecting. HOllow claims by hollow politicians. his statement that they were going to release the information later this month makes his statement a lie because the border issue is still ongoing. 


Jagdeo calls for ministers to resign for ‘hiding’ Exxon signing bonus.

December 9,2017


Saying the government deliberately attempted to mislead the nation about the receipt of a signing bonus from ExxonMobil for the renewal of its oil exploration agreement, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo called for Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman and Finance Minister Winston Jordan to tender their resignations.

“Mr. Speaker, what we have here is scandal, a major scandal. The Government of Guyana took money, large sums of money in the form of a signing bonus, did not tell the people, tried to put it into a special account, not paid into the consolidated fund or the GGMC,” Jagdeo told the National Assembly yesterday during the final day of debate on the proposed 2018 national budget.

Stabroek News in its Friday edition reported on a correspondence, dated September 20, 2016, from the Ministry of Finance to the Bank of Guyana (BoG) pertaining to arrangements for the signing bonus, which Trotman had been secretive about prior to yesterday.

In the letter, Finance Secretary in the Ministry of Finance Dr Hector Butts wrote to the Governor of the BoG, Dr Gobind Ganga with the reference line ‘Signing bonus granted by ExxonMobil – Request to open bank account.’

Bharrat Jagdeo

Jagdeo devoted about 20 minutes of his three-hour long presentation to the issue. He said that from the inception, government has been refusing to publicly state whether or not there was a signing bonus. He said the correspondence points to Trotman being aware of the bonus and as result he should resign. “Go! Go!” opposition MPs shouted while banging their desks.

Jagdeo also asserted that while he himself had said that he was “reasonably sure” that the signing bonus existed, Jordan had denied it. Jagdeo questioned the “motive for trying to hide this money” and charged that if Jordan knew and he misled the nation “he should resign.”

Jordan yesterday told the National Assembly that he was never asked whether the government received a signing bonus, only about a specific US$20 million figure, which he specifically denied.

Speaking above exclamations of “What a shame!”, Jagdeo told the House that in light of the fact that there is now a letter in the public domain which confirms the existence of a signing bonus, a number of issues could be raised, inclusive of why it has to be placed into a special account.

“If money is paid over… it has to go into the account of the Geology and Mines Commission or the Consolidated Fund because this is revenue… so there has to be a significant breach of our financial laws, almost a criminal breach of our financial laws,” he said.

Jagdeo stated that once money is collected by government, it has to be recorded and reflected in the estimates. “This is ground enough for calling to withdraw the entire estimates as being illegal and fraudulent,” he further said, while adding that what has happened is also a breach of the Constitution. He questioned whether someone could “draw down this money if it’s not recorded anywhere.”


Jordan denies lying about signing bonus

-says wasn’t asked precise question.

December 9,2017


As he closed the 2018 budget debate yesterday, Minister of Finance Winston Jordan denied lying about the signing bonus from ExxonMobil, while saying that he hadn’t been asked precise questions.

Jordan took issue with reports surrounding the signing bonus received by the APNU+AFC from US oil company ExxonMobil.

Stabroek News had reported yesterday that government had directed the Governor of the Bank of Guyana Dr Gobind Ganga to open an account for the signing bonus. This was confirmed by Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman yesterday.

Jordan admitted that he was asked about a signing bonus twice but claimed the questions were “ill directed.”


“They saying I lied to the press. I lied to anybody? They gave me the opportunity to say nothing, and so I said nothing,” the Finance Minister stated.

Jordan noted that he was asked to comment on a statement made by commentator Christopher Ram that government received a US$20 million signing bonus.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

“I said, US$20 million? I don’t know anything about any US$20 million signing bonus but I will go and find out. It must be a figment of somebody’s imagination,” Jordan recounted, before adding that “Nobody came back to ask me if I searched. I am not under any obligation to give anybody information that they didn’t ask for…is not a court.”


Jordan stressed that he was only required to respond to the question as it was asked. “If you ask me a question, I’ll answer it directly. I went and find out and there was no signing bonus of US$20 million and up to today there is no signing bonus of US$20 million, so I don’t know what is the big jumping up,” he added.

“Nobody asked me if the government received a signing bonus; they had a specific figure attached to it and my specific response is ‘no,’” the Finance Minister reiterated, while Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence cried “Fake news.”

Jordan too stressed that the letter to Ganga should not be referred to as a leak since it was always “open.”

“I don’t know why they calling it leak. If we didn’t want a document to be in the open, we would’ve press it under secret and mek certain only certain people saw it but it was open. The letter which was published in today’s papers was there since 2016 and it remained a government document for all that time so ask yourself why it appear in the paper now,” Jordan said, adding “we don’t care.” (State Minister Joseph Harmon yesterday referred to the release of the letter as a leak.)

This was the first of four reprimands the minister saw fit to deliver during his three-hour presentation.

At one point, Jordan declared that he was not going to “knock Journalists but our journalists need to start doing work and stop reading press releases. Do the background work the information is there. Stop with all these press releases and press conferences. Do your background work.”

The last sentence became a refrain whenever the minister believed an issue he was speaking on was not reported to his satisfaction.

Zed posted:

He is not ashamed because he has no shame. The fact is they lied, they tried to hide it from the Guyanese people who they claim to be protecting. HOllow claims by hollow politicians. his statement that they were going to release the information later this month makes his statement a lie because the border issue is still ongoing. 

The money was for paying legal fees,for settling Venezuela's claim to the territory where billions of barrel of oil  was found by Exxon.

The question is should the source of the funds be declared to the nation from the inception.

Django posted:
Zed posted:

He is not ashamed because he has no shame. The fact is they lied, they tried to hide it from the Guyanese people who they claim to be protecting. HOllow claims by hollow politicians. his statement that they were going to release the information later this month makes his statement a lie because the border issue is still ongoing. 

The money was for paying legal fees,for settling Venezuela's claim to the territory where billions of barrel of oil  was found by Exxon.

The question is should the source of the funds be declared to the nation from the inception.

 I don't believe him. The money should have been placed in the Contingenies Fund. The AFC have lost it's morality. Trotman is a barefaced liar. Granger knew about this but kept quiet. Their action is very suspicious. What happened to transparency and accountability?

Django posted:
Zed posted:

He is not ashamed because he has no shame. The fact is they lied, they tried to hide it from the Guyanese people who they claim to be protecting. HOllow claims by hollow politicians. his statement that they were going to release the information later this month makes his statement a lie because the border issue is still ongoing. 

The money was for paying legal fees,for settling Venezuela's claim to the territory where billions of barrel of oil  was found by Exxon.

The question is should the source of the funds be declared to the nation from the inception.

Djanjo , enough of your BS trying to cover up for this corrupt government . You spend all day listening to budget speech hoping to hear  excuses from the government for defence and this is the best you can do .

come on Pal , a spade is a spade . This government campaign against these same dealings , accusing the previous government , creating watch dog committe ... now they in the same pot in less than 3 years .

i mention about a month ago , how the allege thief jordon carfully selecting his words defending no knowledge of the bonus and Exxon is not making any statements defending themselves , we prove it today .

you accuse Jagdeo of lieing ... I notice all your supporting friends disappear in their rabbit hole . 



I agree with transparency and the money should have been deposited in the Contingency fund.

By the way Trotman is not a signatory to the account for withdrawal,nor is Jordan.

My take Granger should have informed the opposition leader,the intended purpose and the amount of money received,when Chris Ram broke the news.It's a matter of protecting Guyana Sovereignty.Jagdeo is playing tough guy,Granger seems to have no interest in accommodating him in any discussion.

Django posted:


I agree with transparency and the money should have been deposited in the Contingency fund.

By the way Trotman is not a signatory to the account for withdrawal,nor is Jordan.

My take Granger should have informed the opposition leader,the intended purpose and the amount of money received,when Chris Ram broke the news.It's a matter of protecting Guyana Sovereignty.Jagdeo is playing tough guy,Granger seems to have no interest in accommodating him in any discussion.

Look how Django trying to convince Mitt .. lord of mercy 

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

He is not ashamed because he has no shame. The fact is they lied, they tried to hide it from the Guyanese people who they claim to be protecting. HOllow claims by hollow politicians. his statement that they were going to release the information later this month makes his statement a lie because the border issue is still ongoing. 

The money was for paying legal fees,for settling Venezuela's claim to the territory where billions of barrel of oil  was found by Exxon.

The question is should the source of the funds be declared to the nation from the inception.

 I don't believe him. The money should have been placed in the Contingenies Fund. The AFC have lost it's morality. Trotman is a barefaced liar. Granger knew about this but kept quiet. Their action is very suspicious. What happened to transparency and accountability?

Like someone hack into Mitt account 


Let me be the first to commend Mits for making that bold and honest statement.

Let me pour scorn on Django for continuing to fetch AFC/PNC slop. I don't know for how much longer he can keep fetching the slop.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

He is not ashamed because he has no shame. The fact is they lied, they tried to hide it from the Guyanese people who they claim to be protecting. HOllow claims by hollow politicians. his statement that they were going to release the information later this month makes his statement a lie because the border issue is still ongoing. 

The money was for paying legal fees,for settling Venezuela's claim to the territory where billions of barrel of oil  was found by Exxon.

The question is should the source of the funds be declared to the nation from the inception.

 I don't believe him. The money should have been placed in the Contingenies Fund. The AFC have lost it's morality. Trotman is a barefaced liar. Granger knew about this but kept quiet. Their action is very suspicious. What happened to transparency and accountability?

Mits, If President Granger knew about it, don't you think that PM Moses also knew about it ? 

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

He is not ashamed because he has no shame. The fact is they lied, they tried to hide it from the Guyanese people who they claim to be protecting. HOllow claims by hollow politicians. his statement that they were going to release the information later this month makes his statement a lie because the border issue is still ongoing. 

The money was for paying legal fees,for settling Venezuela's claim to the territory where billions of barrel of oil  was found by Exxon.

The question is should the source of the funds be declared to the nation from the inception.

 I don't believe him. The money should have been placed in the Contingenies Fund. The AFC have lost it's morality. Trotman is a barefaced liar. Granger knew about this but kept quiet. Their action is very suspicious. What happened to transparency and accountability?

Thank you, Mits.

Django posted:


I agree with transparency and the money should have been deposited in the Contingency fund.

By the way Trotman is not a signatory to the account for withdrawal,nor is Jordan.

My take Granger should have informed the opposition leader,the intended purpose and the amount of money received,when Chris Ram broke the news.It's a matter of protecting Guyana Sovereignty.Jagdeo is playing tough guy,Granger seems to have no interest in accommodating him in any discussion.

Bull crap!!Jagdeo playing tough guy. You and Granger need a a hard ass opposition to expose your lying. It's all greed and deception, oil has not started to flow, but they are stealing and hiding the petty cash. They already started on the wrong foot.Granger is a coward, Harmon is controlling the circus show, Granger is sick, cannot take stress.Django you all alone on this one.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

He is not ashamed because he has no shame. The fact is they lied, they tried to hide it from the Guyanese people who they claim to be protecting. HOllow claims by hollow politicians. his statement that they were going to release the information later this month makes his statement a lie because the border issue is still ongoing. 

The money was for paying legal fees,for settling Venezuela's claim to the territory where billions of barrel of oil  was found by Exxon.

The question is should the source of the funds be declared to the nation from the inception.

 I don't believe him. The money should have been placed in the Contingenies Fund. The AFC have lost it's morality. Trotman is a barefaced liar. Granger knew about this but kept quiet. Their action is very suspicious. What happened to transparency and accountability?

You ,as a certified accountant should have advised them properly, now them get exposed for lying.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

He is not ashamed because he has no shame. The fact is they lied, they tried to hide it from the Guyanese people who they claim to be protecting. HOllow claims by hollow politicians. his statement that they were going to release the information later this month makes his statement a lie because the border issue is still ongoing. 

The money was for paying legal fees,for settling Venezuela's claim to the territory where billions of barrel of oil  was found by Exxon.

The question is should the source of the funds be declared to the nation from the inception.

 I don't believe him. The money should have been placed in the Contingenies Fund. The AFC have lost it's morality. Trotman is a barefaced liar. Granger knew about this but kept quiet. Their action is very suspicious. What happened to transparency and accountability?


yuji22 posted:

Let me be the first to commend Mits for making that bold and honest statement.

Let me pour scorn on Django for continuing to fetch AFC/PNC slop. I don't know for how much longer he can keep fetching the slop.


Your fish mongering attitude is noticeable.

Go fcvk yourself,whimp.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Let me be the first to commend Mits for making that bold and honest statement.

Let me pour scorn on Django for continuing to fetch AFC/PNC slop. I don't know for how much longer he can keep fetching the slop.


Your fish mongering attitude is noticeable.

Go fcvk yourself,whimp.

Django, isn't there another way you could have expressed yourself?

Did you read the "disclaimer": "About this site"? A note of warning, the Political forum is not for the faint of heart. 

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Let me be the first to commend Mits for making that bold and honest statement.

Let me pour scorn on Django for continuing to fetch AFC/PNC slop. I don't know for how much longer he can keep fetching the slop.


Your fish mongering attitude is noticeable.

Go fcvk yourself,whimp.

Instead of cussing His Excellency, you should consult your dictionary for correct spelling of those highlighted words. But, I presume you willn't do dat.

skeldon_man posted:

Django, isn't there another way you could have expressed yourself?

Did you read the "disclaimer": "About this site"? A note of warning, the Political forum is not for the faint of heart. 

Are you siding his low level language ?

Nothing to do with faint of heart.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Let me be the first to commend Mits for making that bold and honest statement.

Let me pour scorn on Django for continuing to fetch AFC/PNC slop. I don't know for how much longer he can keep fetching the slop.


Your fish mongering attitude is noticeable.

Go fcvk yourself,whimp.

Instead of cussing His Excellency, you should consult your dictionary for correct spelling of those highlighted words. But, I presume you willn't do dat.

r@ss I man can't slip up.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Let me be the first to commend Mits for making that bold and honest statement.

Let me pour scorn on Django for continuing to fetch AFC/PNC slop. I don't know for how much longer he can keep fetching the slop.


Your fish mongering attitude is noticeable.

Go fcvk yourself,whimp.

Instead of cussing His Excellency, you should consult your dictionary for correct spelling of those highlighted words. But, I presume you willn't do dat.

r@ss I man can't slip up.

You need Checks and Balances , just like the Bonus.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Let me be the first to commend Mits for making that bold and honest statement.

Let me pour scorn on Django for continuing to fetch AFC/PNC slop. I don't know for how much longer he can keep fetching the slop.


Your fish mongering attitude is noticeable.

Go fcvk yourself,whimp.

Django, isn't there another way you could have expressed yourself?

Did you read the "disclaimer": "About this site"? A note of warning, the Political forum is not for the faint of heart. 

Swearing is a sign of weakness and lack of intelligence. He even spelt the word wrong. Django lacks the mental capacity to engage hence his deviation to foul language. The PNC slop is getting to him. I pity him.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Let me be the first to commend Mits for making that bold and honest statement.

Let me pour scorn on Django for continuing to fetch AFC/PNC slop. I don't know for how much longer he can keep fetching the slop.


Your fish mongering attitude is noticeable.

Go fcvk yourself,whimp.

Instead of cussing His Excellency, you should consult your dictionary for correct spelling of those highlighted words. But, I presume you willn't do dat.

r@ss I man can't slip up.

You need Checks and Balances , just like the Bonus.

His checks are smelly from slop.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Let me be the first to commend Mits for making that bold and honest statement.

Let me pour scorn on Django for continuing to fetch AFC/PNC slop. I don't know for how much longer he can keep fetching the slop.


Your fish mongering attitude is noticeable.

Go fcvk yourself,whimp.

Instead of cussing His Excellency, you should consult your dictionary for correct spelling of those highlighted words. But, I presume you willn't do dat.

He learnt from the master.


Yes, Mitwah taught him well. Funny thing is that his masters in Guyana are rolling in the dough while he rolls in the slop.

The should make a digital currency for Django and call it DjSlop Coin.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Yes, Mitwah taught him well. Funny thing is that his masters in Guyana are rolling in the dough while he rolls in the slop.

The should make a digital currency for Django and call it DjSlop Coin.

For the second time go fcvk your self,i can gather you are dunce,pretending to be smart.

You may not want to know who i am rolling on.


So even as Trotman claims that there is nothing to hide, he is still hiding as he acknowledges only the information that is now public knowledge but not that which has not yet become public knowledge such as the amount of the signing bonus. He is in Trump's class as Trump usually says, "believe me". Why didn't he go the next step in clarifying the amount of the signing bonus. And what is this about using it as reserve for legal representation of Guyana territorial conflict with Venezuela. Even OJ didn't spend that much to weasel himself out of a double homicide trial.

This seemingly made up legal defense reserve sounds a lot like Burnham's Defense Savings Bond. 

The Coalition government are a bunch of crooks. If you had a problem with the previous administration and campaigned for them to be kicked out, then you have to have a problem with this Coalition government and must campaign for them to be kicked out.

Plus their crookedness came just mere months after becoming the sitting government (notice how I avoided stating that the won the 2015 elections   ) when they gave themselves whopping salaries increases. This after lying during the campaign that their every effort will be for the betterment of Guyana's underprivileged. Well, I along with other astute observers saw their wickedness even before the 2015 elections especially after exchanging that 2015 Valentines Day love letter. 

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Let me be the first to commend Mits for making that bold and honest statement.

Let me pour scorn on Django for continuing to fetch AFC/PNC slop. I don't know for how much longer he can keep fetching the slop.


Your fish mongering attitude is noticeable.

Go fcvk yourself,whimp.

Instead of cussing His Excellency, you should consult your dictionary for correct spelling of those highlighted words. But, I presume you willn't do dat.

r@ss I man can't slip up.

Yuh worse than Patterson, brother.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Yes, Mitwah taught him well. Funny thing is that his masters in Guyana are rolling in the dough while he rolls in the slop.

The should make a digital currency for Django and call it DjSlop Coin.

For the second time go fcvk your self,i can gather you are dunce,pretending to be smart.

You may not want to know who i am rolling on.


Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Yes, Mitwah taught him well. Funny thing is that his masters in Guyana are rolling in the dough while he rolls in the slop.

The should make a digital currency for Django and call it DjSlop Coin.

For the second time go fcvk your self,i can gather you are dunce,pretending to be smart.

You may not want to know who i am rolling on.

Damn bro, you are on "a roll" today. Who is minding the store while you are rolling?


Ksacz, because Trotty is aware of the limitations of their supporters and FILTH HEADS here on GNI Like the Rednecks who will condone Trump shooting someone on 5th Ave, they will condone the PNC stealing of all the Revenues, oil including. No wonder some of the GNI FILTH HEADS used to beg Massa to whip them of both sides of their Butts at Hope Estate not just one side.

Django posted:
Zed posted:

He is not ashamed because he has no shame. The fact is they lied, they tried to hide it from the Guyanese people who they claim to be protecting. HOllow claims by hollow politicians. his statement that they were going to release the information later this month makes his statement a lie because the border issue is still ongoing. 

The money was for paying legal fees,for settling Venezuela's claim to the territory where billions of barrel of oil  was found by Exxon.

The question is should the source of the funds be declared to the nation from the inception.

If my memory serves me cottectky, a while ago, Granger said something to the effect that the costs should be borne by the Guyanese government.


Django posted:


I agree with transparency and the money should have been deposited in the Contingency fund.

By the way Trotman is not a signatory to the account for withdrawal,nor is Jordan.

My take Granger should have informed the opposition leader,the intended purpose and the amount of money received,when Chris Ram broke the news.It's a matter of protecting Guyana Sovereignty.Jagdeo is playing tough guy,Granger seems to have no interest in accommodating him in any discussion.

They are a bunch of liars and you seem to be giving  them a free pass. They need to get their stories straight. Trottman said that the info was not released because of national Security, the border issue. Jordan said that it was not a secret, the info was there for people to get  it if they sought it. Granger said that the Guyana government should  bear the cost of the defence of the border issue. They are bare faced liars!!

Django posted:


I have my own views,don't need the other guys support.The budget rebuttal speech was revealing,Jagdeo is no saint,any way i am aware of that for a while.

Deal with the issue instead of trying to  deflect by bringing Jagdeo into it now. Confirm it was Trottman and Jordan who barefaced lied to Guyanese. It was Granger who knew of the bonus , knew his ministers were lying and did nothing about  it. That is the issue. Do not try to DISTRACT!


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