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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

An election can take place within the term-period.


AFC will secure seats; less than the last election.

Yeps an election can take place within the term-period but why is Trotman so confident that the next election will be before 2016.  Let's hope they secure at least one seat!!

and with that  1 seat  that they do have the balance of power to join the PPP in the oppostion.


I doubt it.  This latest linden shenanigins have sealed their faith.  The AFC will lose most of the Nagamootoo voters and gain some from Linden.  The result, PPP will retake close to 60% and the rest split PNC/AFC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


PPP will retake close to 60% and the rest split PNC/AFC.

Hmmm.The same "60%" that we saw would represent the PPP vote in 2011.  But instead you got 48%.


Tell you what.  With a declining Indian vote this will not happen.  With a younger Indian voters who couldnt care less about Janet Jagan this will not happen.


Now what will happen in 2016 I know not, but what I know is that its not only Linden which was upset when p[olice attacked protesters.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP was a victim of their own success, complacency among the supporters also played a part.

they are a victim of their own appetite for grift and graft.


And what complacency when you plastered the nation with gargantuan posters of the Jagdeo's toady ramotar; were generous with political swag such as backpacks and bags plus the odious red T-s being handed out as if they were a uniform for Guyanese. Then there was the requisitioning of official vehicles and other state assets into service of the party cause.


Face it troll, you got beat by an  underfunded, barely visible under the radar party! Even you captured audience, the Amerindian, defected!

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And the Amerindians are now learning that the AFC is playing politics with their livelihood.

Please tell me how th AFC, a party which is so weak that even te bPPP beat them, have so much power in Linden to mobilize large numbers of people to protest.


How about understanding that what galvanizes Lindeners is their pure hatred of the PPP which, by killing them, has proven beyond doubt what it thinks of them as black people.


But then you dont think that this issue is important because nothing about AfroGuyanese is something that you think worth talking about.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Banna all your talk is about hate, no love or healing or reconciling. You know those words don't you? They are all over the religious books.

All your talk is about black people have no rights that you feel to respect.


1.  They feel excluded from the governanc of Guyana so 95% refused to vote PPP.....NOT important to you.


2.  A prior killing of several miners at Lindo Creek was never resolved despite a commission to do so....NOT important to you.


So why then would a fair assessment of this fiasco be of any importance to you?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

There you go again, you know what is important to me and what is not. Isn't it wonderful to write this crap sitting in front of a computer in North America? When you coming back to live In Guyana? 

Yes there I go again reminding you that you consider AfroGuyanese to be nonsense.


If have no intention to live in a Guyana dominated by racists like you who hate blacks. SORRY.  You do not think that dealing with issues that are important to AfroGuyanese is important as does your dictatorial Indocracy so why should I put up with that?  The result is you all now have a huge problem with Linden.  Continue to think that you can ignore people just because you feel that they have no rights which youy feel bound to respect.


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