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Trotman is AFC's PM candidate

Written by Kwesi Isles
Saturday, 17 September 2011 16:43

Raphael Trotman is flanked by Cathy Hughes and Khemraj Ramjattan with AFC executive members in the background.

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has named Raphael Trotman as its prime ministerial candidate following the withdrawal of Sheila Holder for health reasons last week.

Trotman along with executive member Cathy Hughes had been nominated to replace Holder prompting the `party’s National Executive Committee to meet. Hughes subsequently withdrew at Saturday’s meeting and threw her support behind a Ramjattan/Trotman ticket, the party said.

β€œI was really very happy and proud to be nominated and to be considered. During the course of our deliberations and through the process we went through this morning I did decide to withdraw my nomination and I decided that my contributions would be best served putting them behind the very capable Khemraj and Raphael who I’ve worked very closely with over the last six to seven years,” Hughes told reporters following the meeting.

Trotman had previously indicated that he was not in a position to be the PM candidate because of health reasons. On Saturday he indicated that those issues have since been resolved.

β€œLast October I was in a place where I had some medical concerns of my own; I have since had doctors here and abroad examine me and again, perhaps miraculously, I have been given a good and clean bill of health,” the AFC Leader stated. He added that the time away allowed him to do reevaluate his purpose in politics and to identify what he wants to do to better serve people.

Asked whether there were conditions attached to him accepting the PM candidacy Trotman responded in the affirmative.

β€œWell of course we do have some concerns in terms of particular areas of interest for me where my where my strengths will be, these are things we’re going to have to work out and work on. We are in a process of unveiling those but it has to do with firstly settling the decision.

No two candidates are the same and I being of course the leader of the party, having experience in some communities as against others I think the party will try to place me where it will get the optimal results,” Trotman stated.

He added that he and Ramjattan are still to work out who will be the leader of the party’s list entering the polls.

Party insiders told Demerara Waves Online News ( on condition of anonymity that Trotman is willing to give Ramjattan veto power on a number of key decisions.

Meanwhile, a statement from the party said there was unanimous support from the executive members for Trotman as PM candidate.

Holder, 65, announced her withdrawal on September 9 stating that it was medical reasons and that she would require β€œurgent medical treatment” overseas for the next few months.

She had been hospitalised locally in recent months. She is currently in the US where she sought advanced care and treatment with the expectation of making a full recovery.
Originally posted by creative:
Great Choice,all em PPP Thieves got Belly Wuk.God do not come he sends,want to know who the real PPP PM candidate should be,Moses Nagamootoo.If not PPP lost this Election,why i choose Moses,if PPP wins DONALD CANNOT STEAL THE WAY BHARAT WANT HIM TO.Vote AFC for changes.

Anyone saw Caribj lately?
Originally posted by creative:
Great Choice,all em PPP Thieves got Belly Wuk.God do not come he sends,want to know who the real PPP PM candidate should be,Moses Nagamootoo.If not PPP lost this Election,why i choose Moses,if PPP wins DONALD CANNOT STEAL THE WAY BHARAT WANT HIM TO.Vote AFC for changes.

Seems he knows that, then why this looooong delay. Nagamotoo has a following and credibility. But leh we see nah!
Who is that tall red-shirt man standing up in the background with his head chopped off?
He looks like a Martian alien.

So, the AFC has chosen its two top candidates, eh. It's not my right to dispute their choice. But I really feel sorry for Mr Ramjattan and Mr Trotman. After the elections they're returning to parliament with fewer seats. The writing is on the wall.
Originally posted by creative:
Great Choice,all em PPP Thieves got Belly Wuk.God do not come he sends,want to know who the real PPP PM candidate should be,Moses Nagamootoo.If not PPP lost this Election,why i choose Moses,if PPP wins DONALD CANNOT STEAL THE WAY BHARAT WANT HIM TO.Vote AFC for changes.

The fact is that Moses should have been the presidential candidate....

The PPP is going into this elections with a less than credible candidate who is perceived as Jagdeo's hand picked stooge for the presidency.....
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by creative:
Great Choice,all em PPP Thieves got Belly Wuk.God do not come he sends,want to know who the real PPP PM candidate should be,Moses Nagamootoo.If not PPP lost this Election,why i choose Moses,if PPP wins DONALD CANNOT STEAL THE WAY BHARAT WANT HIM TO.Vote AFC for changes.

The fact is that Moses should have been the presidential candidate....

The PPP is going into this elections with a less than credible candidate who is perceived as Jagdeo's hand picked stooge for the presidency.....

Which means that Nagamotoo will likely not play second fiddle on any ticket.
Churchy Bhai, I also agree that Moses should be the presidential Candidate. However, The Central Committee has spoken and we should respect that.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by creative:
Great Choice,all em PPP Thieves got Belly Wuk.God do not come he sends,want to know who the real PPP PM candidate should be,Moses Nagamootoo.If not PPP lost this Election,why i choose Moses,if PPP wins DONALD CANNOT STEAL THE WAY BHARAT WANT HIM TO.Vote AFC for changes.

The fact is that Moses should have been the presidential candidate....

The PPP is going into this elections with a less than credible candidate who is perceived as Jagdeo's hand picked stooge for the presidency.....
Originally posted by Nehru:
Churchy Bhai, I also agree that Moses should be the presidential Candidate. However, The Central Committee has spoken and we should respect that.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by creative:
Great Choice,all em PPP Thieves got Belly Wuk.God do not come he sends,want to know who the real PPP PM candidate should be,Moses Nagamootoo.If not PPP lost this Election,why i choose Moses,if PPP wins DONALD CANNOT STEAL THE WAY BHARAT WANT HIM TO.Vote AFC for changes.

The fact is that Moses should have been the presidential candidate....

The PPP is going into this elections with a less than credible candidate who is perceived as Jagdeo's hand picked stooge for the presidency.....

Hey! It's not too late to make a change. Isn't there a democratic transparent process? lol
Originally posted by Nehru:
Churchy Bhai, I also agree that Moses should be the presidential Candidate. However, The Central Committee has spoken and we should respect that.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by creative:
Great Choice,all em PPP Thieves got Belly Wuk.God do not come he sends,want to know who the real PPP PM candidate should be,Moses Nagamootoo.If not PPP lost this Election,why i choose Moses,if PPP wins DONALD CANNOT STEAL THE WAY BHARAT WANT HIM TO.Vote AFC for changes.

The fact is that Moses should have been the presidential candidate....

The PPP is going into this elections with a less than credible candidate who is perceived as Jagdeo's hand picked stooge for the presidency.....

They made a decision alrite...the ONE-MAN Central Committee.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Who is that tall red-shirt man standing up in the background with his head chopped off?
He looks like a Martian alien.

So, the AFC has chosen its two top candidates, eh. It's not my right to dispute their choice. But I really feel sorry for Mr Ramjattan and Mr Trotman. After the elections they're returning to parliament with fewer seats. The writing is on the wall.

Why would you feel sorry for Ramjattan after the elections.

I feel sorry for your Top PPP-man Ralph Ramkarran who was destroyed by the One-man PPP Central Committee.

Everyone feel sorry Ralph was forced to lie about what went on at OP.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Bookman:
Who is that tall red-shirt man standing up in the background with his head chopped off?
He looks like a Martian alien.

So, the AFC has chosen its two top candidates, eh. It's not my right to dispute their choice. But I really feel sorry for Mr Ramjattan and Mr Trotman. After the elections they're returning to parliament with fewer seats. The writing is on the wall.

Why would you feel sorry for Ramjattan after the elections.

I feel sorry for your Top PPP-man Ralph Ramkarran who was destroyed by the One-man PPP Central Committee.

Everyone feel sorry Ralph was forced to lie about what went on at OP.

Who lie because they thought the PPP will support them to be President?

Who the cap fit let them wear it!

They lied on Ramjattan, US Cables said so, we now know was the leak, it was that fair skin smoking woman.
Originally posted by JT:
AFC is power hungry. I do not see how they can change Guyana and make it better. The overseas Guyanese backing the AFC has their own agenda.

Who is more power hungry than Jagdeo? Who fixed the PPP party election to choose Ramotar? Who will promote a Ramotar family dynasty should he win? Who killed Minister Sawh? You seemed to have missed the happenings in Guyana.
Originally posted by JT:
AFC is power hungry. I do not see how they can change Guyana and make it better. The overseas Guyanese backing the AFC has their own agenda.

Come on, all parties have an overseas chapter, primarily for fund raising. Didn't the PPP draw on it's diaspora for talent when they gained power? In their days, the PNC also brought in overseas talents from time to time. So then what makes the AFC any different.
I will this again and again until we revisit this expulsion of Khemraj Ramjattan at the highest levels of the PPP and issue an apology to this man.

This was the biggest mistake the PPP ever made. It was a stupid move by followers not leaders. It is also the only mistake his Excellency has ever made but I think he was influenced by a lot of other news carriers if you get my meaning.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by JT:
AFC is power hungry. I do not see how they can change Guyana and make it better. The overseas Guyanese backing the AFC has their own agenda.

Come on, all parties have an overseas chapter, primarily for fund raising. Didn't the PPP draw on it's diaspora for talent when they gained power? In their days, the PNC also brought in overseas talents from time to time. So then what makes the AFC any different.

As a matter of fact Sash Sawh came from the Diaspora So did Raj Singh, Randy persaud, Misir, Ramsammy and many others.

The diaspora is a great source of intellectual and financial capital that Guyanese should seriously harness for productive and constructive change.

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