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Trouble Anti-money laundering bill…Opposition is forcing elections – Luncheon

May 18, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


Government denied that it dragged its foot on critical anti-money laundering legislation that has to be passed before this month end. It said yesterday that the piece of legislation was being addressed all along.

Yesterday, Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon, also accused the Opposition’s threat to block support as nothing more than a back door to force general elections.


Dr. Roger Luncheon


Government is facing a race against time for the National Assembly to pass the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML & CFT) Amendment Bill 2013. But the Opposition-controlled House, two Tuesday’s ago, sent it to a Special Select Committee, leaving not much time for it to be considered, sent back to the National Assembly and be debated and passed before the May 27 deadline.

Already, the largest faction in the opposition, A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), has said that timeline is difficult and work will not be rushed.

Failure to have the Bill passed could see Guyana blacklisted for not doing enough to combat money laundering and stopping the financing of terrorism. Neither the government nor the Opposition, which includes APNU and the Alliance For Change (AFC), are budging from their positions.

APNU said on Thursday that Government knew since 2011 that new legislations had to be passed yet waited almost to the last moment before introducing it.
The 10-party Opposition APNU believed that Government, because of its failure to ready Guyana for the legislation, is evidence that the Bill is not serious.

The legislation strengthens the AML&CFT with improved measures to address enforcement. It will better equip Government to prosecute persons believed to be involved in drug and other illegal activities and who are using the proceeds to finance legal businesses (money laundering).

AFC has said that it will consider backing the Bill if President Donald Ramotar reverses his decision not to assent to two opposition-tabled Bills.

But according to Luncheon during his weekly press briefing yesterday, Guyana has been working with the Caribbean Financial Task Force, with Guyana being evaluated in 2010 and even a workshop being held earlier this year in which the Opposition participated.

For the Opposition to claim that no work was being done by Government is rather surprising, Luncheon stressed.

The Opposition now has the responsibility to rise about the “political fray”, he said.

Failure by Guyana to have the legislations in place could see the “full weight of sanctions” being brought down on Guyana.

The government official explained that  lending agencies and other donors are using the measures taken by countries to assess them in their fight against drug trafficking and money laundering.

He also made it clear that the relationship with Guyana’s partners including the US, Canada, the European Union and the United Kingdom would immediately be impacted and could see support being enjoyed “unraveling”.

Other countries that have faced similar deadlines to have the legislations in place have passed them, he said.

According to Dr Luncheon, there are elements in the Opposition who want to remove the administration at all costs, even at the cost of making Guyana a pariah state.

APNU’s Joe Harmon said Thursday that the bloc would not be rushing the amendments that are being considered by the Select Committee.

“APNU wishes to make it very clear that we will not shirk our responsibility, for careful scrutiny of the amendments to the legislation before the Special Select Committee, on the altar of expediency. We will continue to work diligently, but are of the view that this is an emergency of the Government’s own making.

“Therefore, any failure to meet a deadline of 27th May, 2013, lies squarely on the shoulders of the PPP/C Administration.”

APNU said that it is convinced that Government is attempting to create a situation where it could tell the Nicaragua meeting that the Opposition is to be blamed for Guyana not being ready.

CFATF is an organisation of 29 states of the Caribbean Basin, which have agreed to implement common countermeasures to address the problem of criminal money laundering.

It was established as the result of meetings convened in Aruba in May 1990 and Jamaica in November 1992.

Countries, if they want to continue borrowing and be eligible for grants, are mandated to implement sweeping measures to track illicit monies.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by cain:

Trouble Anti-money laundering bill … Opposition is forcing elections – Luncheon





D-G is worried that Ramotar's rope is too short and that his election predictions are down the toilet. The PPP is scared of losing 2 to 3 more seats if there is an election now.


There will be no elections to resolve this issue. The PPP are too afraid to lose and turn over the country to the PNC, the risk is too great. A PNC govt would spell doom for the nation for sure, the did such a wonderful job to get Guyana from the bread basket of the Caribbean to the armpit of the Caribbean over their 27 years of governance. At least Guyana has prospered under the PPP despite mo fiah by the afc/pnc. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by cain:

Trouble Anti-money laundering bill … Opposition is forcing elections – Luncheon





D-G is worried that Ramotar's rope is too short and that his election predictions are down the toilet. The PPP is scared of losing 2 to 3 more seats if there is an election now.

Any new election will see the PPP at 58%. mark my words.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by cain:

Trouble Anti-money laundering bill … Opposition is forcing elections – Luncheon





D-G is worried that Ramotar's rope is too short and that his election predictions are down the toilet. The PPP is scared of losing 2 to 3 more seats if there is an election now.

Any new election will see the PPP at 58%. mark my words.

when you wake up what happen

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by cain:

Trouble Anti-money laundering bill … Opposition is forcing elections – Luncheon





D-G is worried that Ramotar's rope is too short and that his election predictions are down the toilet. The PPP is scared of losing 2 to 3 more seats if there is an election now.

Any new election will see the PPP at 58%. mark my words.

when you wake up what happen

We gon see nah!


“The AFC wishes to reiterate its position that it continues to support comprehensive financial reforms in Guyana; as we believe that money laundering is a scourge to be eliminated. We will continue to support any national effort at removing the comingling of the proceeds of crime with the income of hard working citizens of the Republic.”

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The KFC can not even fry a proper chicken. All they can do is make excuses. They are like crying Babies Pooping on themselves and then asking : Did I do that"

You have your letters of the alphabet mixed up. That's not KFC, that's D_G. 



Anti- Money Laundering Amendment Bill…The PPP is solely responsible for the impeding blacklisting of Guyana – AFC

May 20, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

The opposition Alliance For Change (AFC) believes that a potential crisis over the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill can be averted once President Donald Ramotar complies with the constitutional obligations and establish the Public Procurement Commission and assent to the bills presented to him by the National Assembly.
The AFC in statement issued late yesterday evening said that it has noted that the Private Sector Commission [PSC] and the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry’s (GCCI) position on the amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill.
The two bodies have called for good sense to prevail to prevent Guyana from facing international sanction for failing to implement the legislation.
The AFC said that it is as deeply concerned as the PSC, the GCCI and other organisations about the potential blacklisting of Guyana.
However, the party said that this concern is overshadowed by the Government’s  repeated opposition to the establishment of constitutionally mandated organs  like the  Public Procurement Commission (PPC) coupled with  President Ramotar’s promised and delivered  obstruction to the legislative agenda of the majority of its citizens.
“The lack of enthusiasm to repeated calls for good governance, greater transparency and a commitment to greater overview of the use of taxpayers’ money by the Executive, long  ago brought this nation to crisis status, and to permit the continued degradation  of and crisis in governance of this country is simply unacceptable and irresponsible,” the AFC said.
The AFC repeated its disappointment at the urgency which some sectors of the country have recently found to express their concern about  the detrimental effects on the nation state, and notes the absence of similar intensity and concern about the establishment of mandatory constitutional bodies and assumption of judicial office by his Excellency when he pronounced on the legality of the “opposition bills”.
“The PPP failed to establish the Public Procurement Commission in the 9th Parliament and seems unwilling to establish it in the current 10th parliament.  This is unacceptable and the AFC demands that the PPP submit the names of their nominees to the Commission, as an act of good faith to energize any alternative AFC position on this Money Laundering Bill.”
The AFC is reminding that the Government was fully aware since May 2011 that the Money Laundering Amendments were required when the Mutual Evaluation Report [MER] on Guyana was adopted by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force [CFATF].
Unfortunately, the AFC said, since then, Guyana was placed on the “expedited follow-up list”, which required that they report on the progress they have made in implementing the recommendations of the MER at every plenary session of CFATF.
Since May 2011, Guyana was cited on three occasions for minimal progress.
“So why this emergency now when our Ministers of Government spent many hours in the studios of NCN engaging in nasty political propaganda rather than at their desk doing the Government’s work? The facts remain it is the PPP Ministers who are solely responsible for the impeding black-listing of Guyana and not the AFC.”
The AFC is of the view that one of the best method of stamping out money laundering is to turn off the taps on the “illicit proceeds” which come from many sources.
One of these sources, it said, is the illicit funds associated with contracts awarded to friends at amounts several times the real market value.
According to the AFC, if the Public Procurement Commission is established, it will go a far way in weeding out these illegally earned funds thus contributing to less money being laundered.
“The AFC wishes to reiterate its position that it continues to support comprehensive financial reforms in Guyana; as we believe that money laundering is a scourge to be eliminated. We will continue to support any national effort at removing the comingling of the proceeds of crime with the income of hard working citizens of the Republic.”


The AFC is of the view that one of the best method of stamping out money laundering is to turn off the taps on the “illicit proceeds” which come from many sources.
One of these sources, it said, is the illicit funds associated with contracts awarded to friends at amounts several times the real market value.


Money laundering is indeed an unacceptable practice. Countries around the world are faced with this situation.


One recent article dealing with US-of-A and Canada on May 17, 2013, among numerous in the industrialized countries. is ....




Fed tells BMO to fight money laundering harder

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Any new election will see the PPP at 58%. mark my words.

And it will surprise those who predicted otherwise.

If this is indeed true where's the darn election?

If what you guys "seem to know" is true, why doesn't the Govt bring it on?


Look man, the people are fed up up what they have for a Govt, they are fed up with the showing off of a few projects in order to keep them quiet while on the other hand, the Govt keeps handing out contracts to cronies and other Govts who know nothing of the business to which they are being paid to do.

The people can't wait to turf out the stench that has permeated Guyana under the guise of Democracy. They know they are being fooled and held back...well, unless they are somehow affiliated with the governing party.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Any new election will see the PPP at 58%. mark my words.

And it will surprise those who predicted otherwise.

If this is indeed true where's the darn election?.

PNC cum AFC simply needs to pass a non-confidence vote in the Government.


Yesterday, Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon, also accused the Opposition’s threat to block support as nothing more than a back door to force general elections.

So, why the complaints DG, why don't they go ahead with it
and stop the whining?

What stops the Govt from calling an election now?

Originally Posted by cain:

What stops the Govt from calling an election now?

Simple process, Cain ...


1. PNC cum AFC must pass a non-confidence motion in Parliament.


2. Government must call an election within ninety ( 90 ) days.


APNU walks out of Select Committee Meeting on Anti Money Laundering Bill



Opposition members of A Partnership for National Unity [APNU], who are sitting on the Select Committee for the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill this afternoon walked out of the select committee meeting.


According to information reaching iNews, APNU’s Member, Debra Backer informed the Chairperson of the Committee, Gail Teixeira that the party’s leader, David Granger wrote a letter to President Donald Ramotar inquiring why a letter which was sent by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force dated 2013-04-10, was not shared with the opposition.


iNews understands that the party leader wrote the President today and received an immediate response.


However, when contacted, Attorney General [AG] Anil Nandlall, who also sits on the special select committee, told iNews that Ms. Backer informed the Chairperson that she was instructed by Mr. Granger that APNU will not participate in the discussions for the amendment Bill until they receive a satisfactory response from the President.


“They abruptly left. They did not even wait for the chairperson to explain that the President responded,” Mr. Nandlall said.


According to the AG, the President’s response was read into the minutes of the meeting.


He added that the leader of the Alliance for Change [AFC, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan also walked into the meeting, picked up his documents and left.


Given this new development, the AG stated that there is no realistic change that the Bill will be taken to Parliament on Wednesday for passage.

The Special Select Committee is expected to meet again tomorrow, Tuesday May 21.


taken from Inewsguyana

Originally Posted by Conscience:
However, when contacted, Attorney General [AG] Anil Nandlall, who also sits on the special select committee, told iNews that Ms. Backer informed the Chairperson that she was instructed by Mr. Granger that APNU will not participate in the discussionsfor the amendment Bill until they receive a satisfactory response from the President.


“They abruptly left. They did not even wait for the chairperson to explain that the President responded,” Mr. Nandlall said.


He added that the leader of the Alliance for Change [AFC, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan also walked into the meeting, picked up his documents and left.

AFC obediently adhering with the PNC's actions. 

APNU joins AFC in opposing changes to financial crimes legislationPDF | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Monday, 20 May 2013 20:06

parlbldgOrdinary Guyanese and businesses may soon find it difficult to receive money transfers and engage in other types of financial transactions because the combined opposition now appears set to vote against amendments to financial crimes legislation.

“At this point the fish is dead in the dead water. At this point in time A P N cannot support the amendments. We have not had sufficient information, we have not had sufficient time,” Opposition Leader David Granger told Demerara Waves Online News ( He said his coalition’s position was unlikely to change between now and Thursday when the National Assembly convenes.

With the Alliance For Change (AFC) already refusing to support changes to the 2009 Anti Money Laundering/Countering of Financing Terrorism (AML/CFT) legislation, government had been banking on A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to support the amendments.

Government, with its one-seat majority desperately, needs either opposition party’s support for the amendments to be approved, assented by the president and gazetted. Alternatively, either opposition party can abstain to allow government to use its 32-seats to pass the amendments with a ‘Yes’ vote.  APNU has 26 seats and AFC seven.

The result is that the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) could blacklist the country on May 27 at a meeting in Nicaragua for its failure to tighten the legislative screws on money laundering

Now, Granger says his opposition coalition will not support the raft of changes because the Donald Ramotar administration has deliberately withheld information despite request by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) that government should share information with him (Granger).

“We found it difficult to cooperate with the government which has been so clearly ignoring the opposition on this matter,” he said. Granger observed that the amendments to the AML/CFT and the functioning of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) were the subject of reports during the past three years without the opposition’s knowledge.

“We seem to be completely left out of the loop and we were just being asked to examine some amendments to the money laundering bill and at this point in time APNU has found it impossible to actually agree to support the amendments without further detailed deliberations,” he added.

Granger insisted that the amount of information was too much for APNU to reasonably and adequately consider between now and Thursday when a Parliamentary Select Committee established on May 8 reports to the Assembly.

The APNU Chairman said he wrote President Ramotar on Monday expressing concern the absence of timely information until last week when government provided a report.

The Chairman of the opposition coalition questioned whether government was serious about having the amendments passed.

Asked what he would say to the ordinary Guyanese whose wire transfers of monies could be affected, Granger said it was time to get a government that would be serious about the fight against financial crimes.

The AFC has said that it would only support the amendments in exchange for, aming other concessions, government naming members to the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) which is in gestation for several years now. The PPC is seen in some quarters as critical in the fight against corruption involving multimillion dollar contracts.

Government and the business community fear that if the AML/CFT amendments are not passed, Guyana can lose its international credit worthiness, investors will find it difficult to do business here, Western financial aid can dry up and there can be greater scrutiny and delays in the transfer of funds via commercial banks and money transfer agencies.


2 Piece of Counce...caught lieing again

it is not as Counce or Councie said.....

not as Gina, Prime-News or Chronicle seh....

not what Anil or Taxeira seh.....

Yu cant Believe any aaa the News from De Latrin....

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
However, when contacted, Attorney General [AG] Anil Nandlall, who also sits on the special select committee, told iNews that Ms. Backer informed the Chairperson that she was instructed by Mr. Granger that APNU will not participate in the discussionsfor the amendment Bill until they receive a satisfactory response from the President.


“They abruptly left. They did not even wait for the chairperson to explain that the President responded,” Mr. Nandlall said.


He added that the leader of the Alliance for Change [AFC, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan also walked into the meeting, picked up his documents and left.

AFC obediently adhering with the PNC's actions. 

Y dis ole Fart always lie.....see the truth below


APNU joins AFC in opposing changes to financial crimes legislation



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