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Former Member

Ok folks


It appears that the AFC's political burial is happening sooner than expected.


Talks between the AFC and PNC broke down after the PNC refused Moses as a major part of their ticket. Moses is not trusted within the PNC ranks.


All of a sudden, it appears as if Rumjhaat is seeking the Prime Ministerial position with the PNC. He has settled as second fiddle to Granger.


This has angered the senior rank and file of the AFC and the knives and forks are now out as the AFC becomes a dog eat dog party. The decision to form a coalition with the PNC has created anger among the foreign based AFC supporters.


Berbicians who suffered immensely under the PNC and who now admit to committing the gravest mistake by voting for the AFC the first time around have vowed to ensure that they never commit the same mistake again and have now thrown their support in favour of the PPP.


The dog eats dog AFC party has reduced themselves to a fish market party and will now self destruct.


Sit back relax and enjoy as the AFC implodes.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yugi don't know how to sink AFC only last

night AFC had meeting at Bush Lot i follow

MN on FB.




AFC wants Unity Government: At a public meeting in Bush Lot, West Berbice, and on DTV last night, party Vice-Chairman Moses Nagamootoo assured that the AFC in government will not pursue vengeance if the Ramotar government is replaced, but will invite the PPP to share in the new government with other patriotic parties and social forces. "We will not interfere with any police or judicial processes against officials who are accused with crimes against the people, but we will offer the PPP three places in the new Cabinet so they can sit down and observe how an honest government works; how the wealth of our country is shared equally and how genuine development for all is planned and executed," the former top aide to Cheddi Jagan and minister under four presidents said.
Mr. Nagamootoo said that under a new government there would be no discrimination against section of the society based on race, and the AFC will put an end to the destructive politics where half of the population are not included or involved in the governance of their country. "All of us are Guyanese. We are all proud Guyanese, and Guyana belongs to all of us! We must dream that one day my grandchildren could hold hands with other children and walk together not as Indians, Africans, Amerindians, Chinese and Portuguese, but as Guyanese!"
Nagamootoo, a veteran journalist and parliamentarian, said that the AFC had placed unity of our people as its major priority. "Even if the talks with APNU go no where in this short span of time, history must say that the AFC made a bold effort at a time when Guyana was in danger, to have a new government built on the alternative model of unity and inclusion."
He asked the mostly Indo-Guyanese audience to vote on May 11 not on the basic of race, but after looking into the eyes of their children, and promising them change for the better under a new leadership that could re-work the economy, restore profitability to the rice and sugar industries, revamp the MMA scheme and give lands to genuine farmers, and re-organize the regional democratic system to serve the people's interest. "This election is about your children and their future well being, and not about whether your hair is straight or curly."



Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ow Bhai,


AFC has no support left. They are Guyana's laughing stock.





I've heard a lot of pro-PPP/C arguments from you over the years bai but I must say, this one is the most intellectual, most academically constructed, well reasoned, and designed to appeal to your target demographic


If that fails you can always go with Nelson's backup to that argument:


"I said ha ha"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ow Bhai,


AFC has no support left. They are Guyana's laughing stock.





I've heard a lot of pro-PPP/C arguments from you over the years bai but I must say, this one is the most intellectual, most academically constructed, well reasoned, and designed to appeal to your target demographic


If that fails you can always go with Nelson's backup to that argument:


"I said ha ha"




As long as we can all have a good laugh and not take each other's political position personally, we can all have a good time.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Moses said "We must dream that one day my grandchildren could hold hands with other children and walk together not as Indians, Africans, Amerindians, Chinese and Portuguese, but as Guyanese!"


Does Moses think he is like a Martin Luther King? 


Moses is no MLK. There will NEVER be another MLK in our lifetime.


Moses is quite eloquent in playing the race card politically.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by TK:

I don't see why the big brouhaha is needed since AFC will pick up at least 10% again.

PPP scared bhai.


AFC cork duck in Berbice. They have support base left.

Ha Ha you confirmed they have.


Yea. You wan skin de man alive for not using the word No Support base left ? 

Goodnight, we live to see another day tomorrow.


Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

This should be sent to every PPP supporter who thinks that voting PPP guarantees their safety.


Of course they will want to know how come this growth didn't benefit them.  Why does the PPP not disclose unemployment numbers?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

Several PPP supporters dead, and yet a man who was part of the Fineman gang is walking free.  Why is that?


Why did Jagdeo scream that he knew who ordered the murder of Sat Sawh and yet no one likely to have ordered such a high powered hit was arrested.  Why?


Why was the PPP minister of health caught helping a known criminal, wanted by US authorities, to get advanced telecommunications equipment?  Why was this wanted criminal only deported to the USA when the governments of Suriname and Trinidad intervened? Why did Jagdeo scream and call them traitors for participation in a US rendition of a Guyanese "citizen"?


Why are known PNC criminals from the Burnham era now helping the PPP?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

Several PPP supporters dead, and yet a man who was part of the Fineman gang is walking free.  Why is that?


Why did Jagdeo scream that he knew who ordered the murder of Sat Sawh and yet no one likely to have ordered such a high powered hit was arrested.  Why?


Why was the PPP minister of health caught helping a known criminal, wanted by US authorities, to get advanced telecommunications equipment?  Why was this wanted criminal only deported to the USA when the governments of Suriname and Trinidad intervened? Why did Jagdeo scream and call them traitors for participation in a US rendition of a Guyanese "citizen"?


Why are known PNC criminals from the Burnham era now helping the PPP?

This shameless dawg Nigel defends known criminals. The AFC has no shame to have this dawg on their side.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

Several PPP supporters dead, and yet a man who was part of the Fineman gang is walking free.  Why is that?


Why did Jagdeo scream that he knew who ordered the murder of Sat Sawh and yet no one likely to have ordered such a high powered hit was arrested.  Why?


Why was the PPP minister of health caught helping a known criminal, wanted by US authorities, to get advanced telecommunications equipment?  Why was this wanted criminal only deported to the USA when the governments of Suriname and Trinidad intervened? Why did Jagdeo scream and call them traitors for participation in a US rendition of a Guyanese "citizen"?


Why are known PNC criminals from the Burnham era now helping the PPP?

There are more questions than answers. Don't expect satisfactory and honest answers.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

Several PPP supporters dead, and yet a man who was part of the Fineman gang is walking free.  Why is that?


Why did Jagdeo scream that he knew who ordered the murder of Sat Sawh and yet no one likely to have ordered such a high powered hit was arrested.  Why?


Why was the PPP minister of health caught helping a known criminal, wanted by US authorities, to get advanced telecommunications equipment?  Why was this wanted criminal only deported to the USA when the governments of Suriname and Trinidad intervened? Why did Jagdeo scream and call them traitors for participation in a US rendition of a Guyanese "citizen"?


Why are known PNC criminals from the Burnham era now helping the PPP?

This shameless dawg Nigel defends known criminals. The AFC has no shame to have this dawg on their side.

In a democratic society every one is entitled to legal representation so that is not the point.


The point that you evade is that the PPP has criminals within their ranks.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

Several PPP supporters dead, and yet a man who was part of the Fineman gang is walking free.  Why is that?


Why did Jagdeo scream that he knew who ordered the murder of Sat Sawh and yet no one likely to have ordered such a high powered hit was arrested.  Why?


Why was the PPP minister of health caught helping a known criminal, wanted by US authorities, to get advanced telecommunications equipment?  Why was this wanted criminal only deported to the USA when the governments of Suriname and Trinidad intervened? Why did Jagdeo scream and call them traitors for participation in a US rendition of a Guyanese "citizen"?


Why are known PNC criminals from the Burnham era now helping the PPP?

This shameless dawg Nigel defends known criminals. The AFC has no shame to have this dawg on their side.

fool you call this justice,every man is entitle to a defence,the ppp AG DEFEND criminals when he was a private lawyer but i must admit he was no good at it he is what you call a quack  

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses thinks he is chedi Jagan.

He wants to form a national Government with him as the Leader just like Chedi had wanted.

i do not know if MOSES is like jagan or not what i do know MOSES will right all of jagan wrong and the people he put in charge to rob the guyanese people.every time evil get unbearable there will be somebody like MOSES

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


It appears that the AFC's political burial is happening sooner than expected.


Talks between the AFC and PNC broke down after the PNC refused Moses as a major part of their ticket. Moses is not trusted within the PNC ranks.


All of a sudden, it appears as if Rumjhaat is seeking the Prime Ministerial position with the PNC. He has settled as second fiddle to Granger.


This has angered the senior rank and file of the AFC and the knives and forks are now out as the AFC becomes a dog eat dog party. The decision to form a coalition with the PNC has created anger among the foreign based AFC supporters.


Berbicians who suffered immensely under the PNC and who now admit to committing the gravest mistake by voting for the AFC the first time around have vowed to ensure that they never commit the same mistake again and have now thrown their support in favour of the PPP.


The dog eats dog AFC party has reduced themselves to a fish market party and will now self destruct.


Sit back relax and enjoy as the AFC implodes.

OK, now we know this was just more PPP propaganda.  AFC is solid and strong as one team under Ramjattan.  ALL who need to be on board are on board.  


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