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Trump: “I will build a wall!”

          Crowd cheers

Trump: “And I will make Mexico pay for it!!!!!”

          Crowd goes crazy whooping it up!

 Trump goes home: “Man these people must be really stupid to believe the shit I say”

 Like really man how can people actually think Trump can do that, are people really that stupid?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

These kak-rass posters come here with their lame-brain postings, sounding like  they are still in diapers.

Some sound like the young woman in a mini bus. When asked the make of her cell phone, replied 'Me naa noo, me bai frend gee mee amm, because he say mee nice to amm'. How nice ?    

Tola posted:

These kak-rass posters come here with their lame-brain postings, sounding like  they are still in diapers.

Some sound like the young woman in a mini bus. When asked the make of her cell phone, replied 'Me naa noo, me bai frend gee mee amm, because he say mee nice to amm'. How nice ?    

Bai, stick to your Guyana suicide missions and show us something.  You stretching yourself too thin!

baseman posted:
Tola posted:

These kak-rass posters come here with their lame-brain postings, sounding like  they are still in diapers.

Some sound like the young woman in a mini bus. When asked the make of her cell phone, replied 'Me naa noo, me bai frend gee mee amm, because he say mee nice to amm'. How nice ?    

Bai, stick to your Guyana suicide missions and show us something.  You stretching yourself too thin!

At least we try with challenging conditions under the PPP, wha you doing...running after women ?


I think non-whites are getting scared of the new found white power gathering under Donald Trump. Atleast, he tells his audience what he proposes to do. For too long, white people lost the grip of their country, starting with Bill Clinton.

I await for Trump make the pact with Afro-Americans to get to the White House. I doan think he can do it with the white votes alone.

The Democrats have no credible candidate. Bernie Saunders scaring away the people who have old money. He wants to take away their money. He is more scary than Trump.

The way it shows, the Democratic establishment wants Clinton and Republican establishmet wants Bush. And, they may try to engineer that way.

Interesting to see what Trump and Saunders do about that drama.


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