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Former senior Trump administration official endorses Joe Biden


Miles Taylor, a former senior Trump administration official, endorsed Joe Biden's presidential campaign on Monday, becoming one of the highest-ranking former Trump administration officials to do so.

Taylor, who served as chief of staff to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, also accused President Donald Trump of repeatedly using his office for political purposes, including directing officials to cut wildfire relief funding to California because voters there overwhelmingly opposed him in 2016.
Taylor, a longtime Republican and political appointee at DHS from 2017 to 2019, endorsed the former vice president in a video produced by the group Republican Voters Against Trump in which he also made several allegations about Trump's conduct. He also wrote an op-ed published in The Washington Post calling the President "dangerous" for America.
"What we saw week in and week out, for me, after two and a half years in that administration, was terrifying. We would go in to try to talk to him about a pressing national security issue -- cyberattack, terrorism threat -- he wasn't interested in those things. To him, they weren't priorities," Taylor says in the video.
"Given what I have experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for president and even though I am not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country and I'm confident that he won't make the same mistakes as this President."
White House adviser Jared Kushner dismissed Taylor as "a nice kid" in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" and claimed he wasn't up to the job.
"It makes a lot of sense to me that he's endorsing Joe Biden because when he was working at the Department of Homeland Security, no wall was built and the border was wide open. That's why the President changed up the team there," Kushner, who is Trump's son-in-law, said.
In the video, Taylor accuses Trump of directing FEMA to withhold disaster funding to California following devastating wildfires in that state because voters in that state had not voted for him for President.
"He told us to stop giving money to people whose houses had burned down from a wildfire because he was so rageful that people in the state of California didn't support him and that politically it wasn't a base for him," Taylor says in the video.
Taylor also accused Trump of wanting to reapply the "zero-tolerance" immigration policy that separated migrant children from their families in a more draconian fashion in order to deter illegal immigration.
"He said he wanted to go further and have a deliberate policy of ripping children away from their parents to show those parents that they shouldn't come to the border in the first place," Taylor said in the video.
And when officials pushed back on many of Trump's demands because they were illegal or unfeasible, Taylor said Trump responded by citing "magical authorities" he claimed to have as President.
"He was one of the most unfocused and undisciplined senior executives I have ever encountered," Taylor said. "I came away completely equipped based on firsthand experience that the President was ill-equipped and wouldn't become equipped to do his job effectively -- and what's worse, was actively doing damage to our national security."
Taylor also said in his Washington Post op-ed that when Trump moved to close a section of the US-Mexico border in March 2019, he told officials that he opted for a section of the California-Mexico border -- rather than Texas or Arizona -- "because it would be better for him politically."
Taylor has worked at Google's public policy arm since leaving the Trump administration as its US lead for advanced technology and security strategy, but a source familiar with the matter said he took a leave of absence last week until Election Day in order to engage more publicly in the 2020 presidential campaign.
Taylor has not had any conversations with the Biden campaign, the source said, but decided to approach the Republican Voters Against Trump group in order to speak out.
Other former senior Trump administration officials -- including most recently former national security adviser John Bolton -- have also spoken out against Trump, but few have taken the step of publicly endorsing Biden. Anthony Scaramucci, who briefly served as Trump's communications director, has also voiced his support for Biden.
Last edited by Former Member
@Tola posted:

IF, as long as they keep Priya away from the American Embassy social gatherings and stop insulting the host. One thing for sure about the PPP, its hard to take away their untrained attitude.  

She guh shut shi mouth.  Untrained, fine stick with your trained gangsters. 

Good thing PNC lost. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

She guh shut shi mouth.  Untrained, fine stick with your trained gangsters. 

Shut she mouth is not good enough, maybe not on another guest list, including she side kick. 

Are there orientation and training for new government ministers in Guyana, or they just give dem the key and say, okay do you bes ?

Rass, a guy can be a barber, campaign for a party that wins and he is given a ministerial position. Two years later he is living off the trough, in a mansion, while the people who voted for him remain the same.  


@Tola posted:

IF, as long as they keep Priya away from the American Embassy social gatherings and stop insulting the host. One thing for sure about the PPP, its hard to take away their untrained attitude.  

The PPP had some set back and what Priya did was regrettably wrong. I am sure she realized her mistakes. We also see some regrets from the now opposition to the Americans, but we can't hold that against the entire party.


@Former Member posted:

The PPP had some set back and what Priya did was regrettably wrong. I am sure she realized her mistakes. We also see some regrets from the now opposition to the Americans, but we can't hold that against the entire party.


I agree. Individually, we all make mistakes that we are sorry about afterwards.  But a person with a higher representation of others should be more careful, with their words and behaviour. They not only represent their party, they also represent their country.

I have a friend who is a government official, he drinks normally at social gatherings and while fishing. But when he is at a foreign government social gathering, he drinks ginger ale in a wine glass. Because, as he says, that is where relationships between governments are formed.     

@Tola posted:

Jagdeo gun get another belly wuk,  when the Americans start crawling all over Guyana.  Granger did not give a broadcast licence, but if the PPP give, it will be the start of payback time. 

If Jagdeo is serious about the free enterprise system, he will give that licence to the Americans. There is a need for someone to stop the Venezuelans. We cannot have a hostile country on our border. 

@Former Member posted:

The PPP had some set back and what Priya did was regrettably wrong. I am sure she realized her mistakes. We also see some regrets from the now opposition to the Americans, but we can't hold that against the entire party.


Ambassador Sarah seems to be on friendly terms with dem PPP Gyals. Jackass Granger gave her a hard time when she presented her credentials as ambassador. It came back to haunt him. 

@Former Member posted:

Ambassador Sarah seems to be on friendly terms with dem PPP Gyals. Jackass Granger gave her a hard time when she presented her credentials as ambassador. It came back to haunt him. 

SEAN CONNERY, LAST year some American politicians circulated news about Sara & PPP GOD.HE has secret wife & kids,but presents himself to the world as SINGLE,is that to woo powerful women to get what he wants,to get female votes,etc?tHINGS that you go HMMM

@Former Member posted:

SEAN CONNERY, LAST year some American politicians circulated news about Sara & PPP GOD.HE has secret wife & kids,but presents himself to the world as SINGLE,is that to woo powerful women to get what he wants,to get female votes,etc?tHINGS that you go HMMM

Also, I heard our prophet raised 20,000 dead and took his flock to the promise land.  And Elvis was with them. 


What Supporting Democracy in Venezuela Spells for Guyana

18th of August, 2020. Georgetown, Guyana, South America

Last updated: August 18, 2020, at 13:23 pm


The Trump Administration is growing increasingly desperate to oust Nicolas Maduro from power and restore, as they put it, “democracy” in Venezuela. Nicolas Maduro is perceived internationally to be a dictator who had rigged elections over the years in Venezuela. This resulted in sanctions that brought the Venezuelan economy to its knees. But the Chavista, Nicolas Maduro, backed by the powerful Venezuelan military, stands tall. There is no food shortage among the elites in Venezuela.

The closest ally of the United States in this power struggle in Colombia and Trump’s most fearsome adversary was Russia – which repeatedly stood in the way of a military invasion in Venezuela over the last 5 years.

But even if Russia eases off its stance on Venezuela – which is what it seems to be doing now – the United States still has a lot of hurdles to overcome ahead of launching a military invasion into Venezuela. To begin with, Venezuela’s superior surface-to-air defense system will make an aerial operation a daunting task even for the United States. Secondly, a ground invasion would prove disastrous with the scores of armed gangs loyal to Maduro in Venezuela. And for this same reason, an occupation would be a daily suicide mission.

In 2019, the United States felt sure it was on the verge of toppling Maduro. American troops took up positions at the Venezuelan/Colombian border and Juan Guiado urged the Venezuelan military to cross over to avoid a military disaster. But this event only proved the unwavering loyalty that the Venezuelan military has for Maduro. What compounded the matter was that Brazil refused to let US Troops into Roraima. Without military backing from Brazil, and without having access to Guyana, a military invasion to topple Maduro would be disastrous if not impossible. The showdown winded down a no-show. The Venezuelan military stood by Maduro and Juan Guiado subsequently fled to Colombia.

While the Venezuelan military is no match for the Brazilian military, it is still a force to be reckoned with – even for a country as large as Brazil, and the Brazil Defense Minister quoted that they would not allow US troops into Brazil for fears that it could provoke an all-out war between Brazil and Venezuela. Indeed, Brazil pursues a policy of peace and would only engage the military as a last resort. Further, Venezuela and Brazil are sister nations and Brazil has helped more Venezuelan refugees than any other country in the world.

But Brazil’s stance on Venezuela could change. With Donald Trump forging closer and friendlier ties with Bolsonaro, it is not impossible that Brazil could eventually allow US forces into the State of Roraima. Bolsonaro has already said that he sees Donald Trump as a “role model.” Nevertheless, it is the Brazilian Defense Ministry who has the final say in the matter, and not the president.

The previous APNU/AFC government in Guyana had stated a position that Venezuela’s problems should be resolved internally without foreign interference, but the new PPP/C government has given the green light to the United States that it “supports democratic transition in Venezuela.” A statement as simple as that has huge implications for Guyana. For one, it implies the tacit acceptance of US troops into Guyana as a vantage point for the US if the showdown actually develops into a military operation.

The United States has already moved warships to the Caribbean Sea in a show of power to the Maduro Regime. Trump seems to have already won the favor of the Russian president and Colombia offers full support to the United States against Maduro who they see as a “threat to peace and stability in the entire region.” It appears as though it is only a matter of time before the United States sends troops and military equipment to the border of Venezuela and Guyana.

But would the Guyana government allow it? By all indications, yes. First of all, it is the United States military which is silently protecting Guyana from the Venezuelan threat over the Essequibo. Secondly, the United States had recently played a pivotal role in helping to remove the David Granger Administration which was attempting to hold on to power by all means possible after losing the 2020 elections in Guyana, South America.

The only thing left then would be Brazil’s support for allowing US troops into Roraima. After that, Trump would say to Maduro, “we’ve got you covered.” But we all know what Maduro’s response would be: “bring it on,” as he rallies his forces – air, land, and sea.

Guyana has a vested interest in supporting US actions in Venezuela. After all, the only thing preventing Venezuela from taking the Essequibo by force is the fear of the US military. However, we all need to hope and pray that the United States and its allies succeed in removing Maduro through diplomatic means and pressure instead of a military operation, or that if that happens, the United States makes it a quick one.

A poorly planned military operation into Venezuela would put the city of Georgetown in grave danger. One thing you can be sure about: GDF forces would not be going to the frontlines of this war – if, God forbid, it ever comes to that. The bottom line: one wrong move in this game of chess and Guyana joins the long list of “oil ruined nations.”


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