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Baseman posted:

Black unemployment is the lowest in history,

Thanks to the economic recovery that began under President Obama. we had a 6 year recovery under Obama which continued under Trump.

The overall labor force participation rate of working age Americans is still just around 62% meaning that over 1/3 of them are still not working.

We also haven't seen a full term of Trump.  Even his own fellow rich white tycoons are worried about a possible recession next year or the year after.

Where will blacks be when we get a Trump recession?

What is unique to Trump was seeing the KKK marching through the streets of a US city in the daylight, killing a white woman, and then Trump praising them as "fine people".

Trump was using Omarosa as he couldn't find black people to like him.  Even Michael Steele, a Republican, calls him repugnant.  Senator Scott, a black GOP official claims that Trump is tone deaf when it comes to blacks.

Last edited by Former Member

BTW I don't consider lifting boxes to be a jobs that an American should have. Have you stopped to think about what kind of jobs these blacks have?  Real wages are still not rising and Trump's buddies are using their tax windfall for share buy backs and NOT to invest to build high paying jobs.

caribny posted:

BTW I don't consider lifting boxes to be a jobs that an American should have. Have you stopped to think about what kind of jobs these blacks have?  Real wages are still not rising and Trump's buddies are using their tax windfall for share buy backs and NOT to invest to build high paying jobs.

You are telling me that all those Blacks with college education actually lifting boxes? Education is the way out, regardless of who is in power. Stop with the excuses and overtures for entitlement.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Black unemployment is the lowest in history,

Thanks to the economic recovery that began under President Obama. we had a 6 year recovery under Obama which continued under Trump.

The overall labor force participation rate of working age Americans is still just around 62% meaning that over 1/3 of them are still not working.

We also haven't seen a full term of Trump.  Even his own fellow rich white tycoons are worried about a possible recession next year or the year after.

Where will blacks be when we get a Trump recession?

What is unique to Trump was seeing the KKK marching through the streets of a US city in the daylight, killing a white woman, and then Trump praising them as "fine people".

Trump was using Omarosa as he couldn't find black people to like him.  Even Michael Steele, a Republican, calls him repugnant.  Senator Scott, a black GOP official claims that Trump is tone deaf when it comes to blacks.

Banna, you are a hopeless dummy.  I met a young Afro Guyanese (nephew of a friend) who migrated six months ago and quickly landed a decent paying job.  Guess what, he attended Mahaicony TI (established by the PPP) and became a certified welder, Acetylene, Arc, Mig, Alu, etc. 

You sit there are shout sh1t all day and night, the young Afros moving on and leaving you pounding your chest.

If they have no/little skills what do they do for a living.  Hey, don't give me a history lesson now, get over it!  You are only slightly dumber than Don Lemon!

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

BTW I don't consider lifting boxes to be a jobs that an American should have. Have you stopped to think about what kind of jobs these blacks have?  Real wages are still not rising and Trump's buddies are using their tax windfall for share buy backs and NOT to invest to build high paying jobs.

You are telling me that all those Blacks with college education actually lifting boxes? Education is the way out, regardless of who is in power. Stop with the excuses and overtures for entitlement.

That banna is a real jackass!!

Baseman posted:

Black unemployment is the lowest in history, he has an initiative to free many Blacks from prisons and a plan to fund skills training so they become employable!

Omarosa always was in this for fame and now she hoping to get fortune.  Trump's weakness, he likes helping out pretty women, part of his Type A persona and end up getting burned.



Omarosa might be in some legal trouble taping a conversation without notifying the other party, then publishing it.


Anyway, Trump should not refer to her as a "dog" as she seems more like a Witch with a capital "B!"



Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

BTW I don't consider lifting boxes to be a jobs that an American should have. Have you stopped to think about what kind of jobs these blacks have?  Real wages are still not rising and Trump's buddies are using their tax windfall for share buy backs and NOT to invest to build high paying jobs.

You are telling me that all those Blacks with college education actually lifting boxes? Education is the way out, regardless of who is in power. Stop with the excuses and overtures for entitlement.

You lost your IT job to an H1B and were last seen lifting boxes.

Baseman posted:

Banna, you are a hopeless dummy.  I met a young Afro Guyanese (nephew of a friend) who migrated six months ago 

And had he arrived under Obama he would have also gotten that job.

Now that we have the KKK marching in the streets threatening to kill blacks and Trump calling them fine people I can only wonder why you think that suddenly life got better for us.  We have Trump supporters harassing blacks in condos where they live, in colleges where they attend and feeling quite entitled about that.

At least prior to Trump they kept their white supremacy under cover.  As soon as Trump came in they boast.

Even the despicable Omarosa finally got the message.  You should too.  When they scream that they must "protect" the USA from immigrants from "shit hole countries" they mean people like YOU.


caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Banna, you are a hopeless dummy.  I met a young Afro Guyanese (nephew of a friend) who migrated six months ago 

And had he arrived under Obama he would have also gotten that job. 

Banna, think before you post shit.  Where did I say he wouldn’t have gotten a job pre-Trump?   That was not the point.  The point is, while millions of jobs went unfilled under both Obama and Trump, 10s of thousands of young Blacks languish in prisons for non-violent infractions.   

While Obama did let many out, there was little follow up to get them into the workforce.  So they scrounge on the streets.  

Turmp might become the messiah and Van Jones helping angel. 

You are too racist to acknowledge/see anyone being beneficial to blacks.  This is your same attitude regarding Guyana politics.


There are lots of follow up to get them off the streets like in NY and some other education... healthcare

and I know taxpayers paying for it (and that's ok)


Ray posted:

There are lots of follow up to get them off the streets like in NY and some other education... healthcare

and I know taxpayers paying for it (and that's ok)


Talk to Andrew Cuomo!  He taking care of nuff illegals while the citizens go homeless!


Omarosa!!! She is the Frankenstein that The Donald created. She learned from the best. Now the student has outsmarted the teacher. Way to go Omarosa. I hope she releases more recordings.

Baseman posted:

Banna, think before you post shit.  Where did I say he wouldn’t have gotten a job pre-Trump?  

So if Trump had nothing to do with whether he would have gotten a job or not why mention it?

Furthermore under Trump blatant bigotry has become open and racist attacks against nonwhites has increased.  This due to Trump's OPEN support for white supremacy.  When white man marched through the streets of Charlottesville screaming anti black, anti Jewish, and anti immigrant nonsense, and wailing that the USA belongs to whites how much benefit did this do for blacks........or for YOU!  He called these people "fine people".

A highly successful black man resigned from one of the commissions dealing with economic affairs.  This because he was angry about Trump's behavior and as a black man he recalls stories from his parents about the days and white supremacy, thought those days had ended and was shocked to see the role that Trump is now playing in bringing it back!


if the rate of increase of jobs under Trump remains the SAME as under Obama (150k-200k/month) then why does Trump get the credit? 

What we have is an economy which began to recover under Obama and continues to grow.  So what concerns blacks is the fear that this open season on nonwhites begins to impact their ability to have a decent quality of life!


Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Talk to Andrew Cuomo!  He taking care of nuff illegals while the citizens go homeless! 

Do you object to what he has done which is to house 2 year old infants who were ripped away from their parents, while sleeping, then waking up in a strange place with their parents no where around?

You cannot have a safe society where a victim of, or a witness to a crime,  is afraid to speak to the authorities.  its the responsibility of the FEDS to deport people.  Local jurisdictions have NO role in this!

Ray posted: healthcare

and I know taxpayers paying for it (and that's ok)


If NYS has a single payer YOUR state and local taxes will DOUBLE.  If you are OK with that then its fine.  I am NOT!

Some people have employer based plans and I see no reason why they cannot continue to do so.  The rest can buy insurance through the health exchanges.

Baseman posted:

While Obama did let many out, there was little follow up to get them into the workforce.  So they scrounge on the streets.  


How is Trump helping them. He gave himself and his rich real estate buddies a big tax cut, paid by upper middle class people who can no longer deduct state and local and property taxes above $10k.  

His sleepy buddy is also busy throwing people out of public housing so more will end up homeless.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Banna, think before you post shit.  Where did I say he wouldn’t have gotten a job pre-Trump?  

So if Trump had nothing to do with whether he would have gotten a job or not why mention it?


Dummy, I never said Obama or Trump got him his job, my reference was to the skills he acquired in Guyana.

My point, Obama let them out of prison and left them on the street to scrougne, mission accomplished.  Trump (with Van Jones) will tie their release to skills training which makes them employable!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Talk to Andrew Cuomo!  He taking care of nuff illegals while the citizens go homeless! 

Do you object to what he has done which is to house 2 year old infants who were ripped away from their parents, while sleeping, then waking up in a strange place with their parents no where around?

You cannot have a safe society where a victim of, or a witness to a crime,  is afraid to speak to the authorities.  its the responsibility of the FEDS to deport people.  Local jurisdictions have NO role in this!

Dummy, I was never referencing to kids!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

While Obama did let many out, there was little follow up to get them into the workforce.  So they scrounge on the streets.  


How is Trump helping them. He gave himself and his rich real estate buddies a big tax cut, paid by upper middle class people who can no longer deduct state and local and property taxes above $10k.  

His sleepy buddy is also busy throwing people out of public housing so more will end up homeless.

Dummy, he engaged Van Jones and other Blacks to help him come up with a plan for skills training.  Stop talking shyte which has no impact on the average Black youth's future.  You are not their ally!  You are an apologist!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

While Obama did let many out, there was little follow up to get them into the workforce.  So they scrounge on the streets.  


How is Trump helping them. He gave himself and his rich real estate buddies a big tax cut, paid by upper middle class people who can no longer deduct state and local and property taxes above $10k.  

His sleepy buddy is also busy throwing people out of public housing so more will end up homeless.

Dummy, he engaged Van Jones and other Blacks to help him come up with a plan for skills training.  Stop talking shyte which has no impact on the average Black youth's future.  You are not their ally!  You are an apologist!

It is not proper manners to call another poster "Dummy", even if deservedly so. Trump has actually been good for me in my stock portfolio.   In addition he has done no real harm other than to ruffle a few feathers of those who disagree with his brash behavior. 


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