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Reeper posted:
Baseman posted:

Dummy, he engaged Van Jones and other Blacks to help him come up with a plan for skills training.  Stop talking shyte which has no impact on the average Black youth's future.  You are not their ally!  You are an apologist!

It is not proper manners to call another poster "Dummy", even if deservedly so. Trump has actually been good for me in my stock portfolio.   In addition he has done no real harm other than to ruffle a few feathers of those who disagree with his brash behavior. 

I understand but Caribj has a way of taking one sentence out of an entire post, placing it out of context, and try to say you meant something totally opposite to what you actually said.  He is known for this, then much later throwing it back at you. 

He is a wicked manipulator and liar, as the say, Gas lighter!  Leaving out his racism!

Baseman posted:

Dummy, I never said Obama or Trump got him his job, my reference was to the skills he acquired in Guyana.

My point, Obama let them out of prison and left them on the street to scrougne, mission accomplished.  Trump (with Van Jones) will tie their release to skills training which makes them employable!

Who the hell knows or cares who Van Jones is.  The man will sell his soul to the highest bidder just as Omarosa did.

As to your rant about Obama letting people out of prison to starve.  Please enlighten me with plans of Trump/Sessions to;

1.  reduce the numbers of people arrested for petty crimes like negligible amounts of marijuana.

2. programs in jails to reduce levels of recidivism.

3. programs to allow long term prisoners to reintegrate into society, given that their families have probably abandoned them in the interim.

Given that Trump/Sessions are even more wedded to irrational arrests of little boys of color your ramblings are irrelevant.  In fact Sessions wants to accelerate the prison industrial complex so that his boys can earn even more through arresting poor black boys for nonsense, like being rude to a cop.

Baseman posted:

Dummy, he engaged Van Jones and other Blacks to help him come up with a plan for skills training.  Stop talking shyte which has no impact on the average Black youth's future.  You are not their ally!  You are an apologist!

Trump can help blacks best by telling his KKK white supremacists that the USA becomes to ALL Americans and not to whites alone.  When he calls them "good people" when they scream this bigotry he is telling cops to do as they wish with them.  So when they have an arrest record because they were "rude" to a cop then no one will hire them, even if they have the skills.  A black man with a prison record is unemployable.


Trump needs to stop selecting blacks who flatter him regardless as to their competence and start listening to those who are doing things. 

There are already community based groups and educational institutions which try to align the hard and soft skills of "at risk" black boys with job opportunities available as well as to expose those with a better mindset to opportunities that the larger world offers.  Does he talk to these people?  No!

There are many community based programs targeting black males who aren't in school or working.  Is he talking to them? No! 

There are community based programs that aim to reduce violence by anticipating where it will occur and then PROACTIVELY taking measures to stop it.  Does he talk to these people? NO!

There are community groups engaged in anti gang activity, aiming to connect "at risk" boys to productive activities so that gang life loses its attraction.  Is he speaking to these people?  NO!

And is Trump speaking to those community groups who are trying to remove illegal guns off the streets and to reduce gun trafficking.  Of course not as his bosses in the NRA don't allow him to do so.

So cease with your babble that Trump is trying to help.  Trump and the ENTIRE GOP scoff at these communities groups and ridicule everything that they stand for.

Now what does a pretty boy like Van Jones know how to do except to run his mouth to get a consulting assignment to do NOTHING!

Last edited by Former Member
Reeper posted:
. Trump has actually been good for me in my stock portfolio. 

Let us see if you feel the same in a year or two.  Clinton was also good and then Bush made a huge train wreck of the economy and Trump is heading the same way.  Already his massive tax cuts aren't being used to grow the economy.  Its use is mainly for stock buybacks. 

Already the deficit is growing more than anticipated as the revenues are not being generated to offset tax savings.  Will this ultimately spike interest rates when China refuses to buy treasury bills?  After all China isn't happy with the tariff that Trump is imposing on them. 

What if his tariffs against Chinese imports backfires with US manufacturers forced to pass on the higher cost of inputs to the already beleaguered consumer who is still not seeing real increased wages?  What if more companies follow Harley and move some of their production overseas to bypass the retaliatory tariffs that other countries now impose on US imports?

And this growth cycle is long of tooth as the recovery began in 2009 and so is already longer than most recoveries?

Most economist anticipate a recession by 2020 and wonder as to what instruments the Feds are going to use to head it off?   We are already seeing that tax cuts isn't generating increased business investment as Trump promised us. What we are seeing is a one off impact of tax cuts on earnings.   Stocks have a "what did you do for me last" so if in 2020 earnings growth is no longer buoyed by tax cuts then what happens?

So many ifs so please put away the bubbly.  I fear that the Trump meltdown will be even worse than the Bush implosion of 2008.  And the ultimate result will be wild haired proud communists like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders creating havoc.  Americans aren't going to allow their tax dollars to be used to bail out rich guys as happened a scant 10 years ago!

Baseman posted:

I understand but Caribj has a way of taking one sentence out of an entire post, placing it out of context,

You are accustomed to dealing with simple people like Nehru, yuji and druggie.  What you talk to me come better. A condescending attitude from you motivates me to attack.

You bray about what Trump has being doing for blacks and yet cannot offer evidence.  There are enough examples of what needs to be done so he just needs to do it.  Obama couldn't because all of you black hating folks already screamed that he cared only for blacks.

Baseman posted:

Caribj, I used to take you seriously, but you lack objectivity and, as such, credibility!

You talk nuff, but you talk in circles!

You scream that Trump is the "best thing for blacks".  He them embarrasses you by his condoning white supremacist behavior and celebrating statues and flags that were there to oppress blacks.

You cannot respond to this so you chat this nonsensical reply.

Listen baseman what you and other haters of blacks need to know is that there are many things that community based groups are doing to fix the problems of the bottom 30% of the black population.  Neither you nor Trump takes these groups seriously so you fall for people like Omarosa and now maybe Van Jones is rushing to fill that role, for a good 7 figure fee of course.  BOTH of you are very IGNORANT of blacks because BOTH of you view us as an inferior and helpless species.

NONE of this impresses blacks because we all recall how he retweeted a white supremacist pile of manure that "most whites in the USA are murdered by blacks".  This reminding me of Jagdeo and his similar racist attacks on blacks. A fully grown white man whose father was a KKK member claimed that he didn't know what the KKK was, this when asked about what he thought of David Duke's support of him.

Jagdeo=Trump, both being a disaster for blacks.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Caribj, I used to take you seriously, but you lack objectivity and, as such, credibility!

You talk nuff, but you talk in circles!

You scream that Trump is the "best thing for blacks".  He them embarrasses you by his condoning white supremacist behavior and celebrating statues and flags that were there to oppress blacks.

You cannot respond to this so you chat this nonsensical reply.

Listen baseman what you and other haters of blacks need to know is that there are many things that community based groups are doing to fix the problems of the bottom 30% of the black population.  Neither you nor Trump takes these groups seriously so you fall for people like Omarosa and now maybe Van Jones is rushing to fill that role, for a good 7 figure fee of course.  BOTH of you are very IGNORANT of blacks because BOTH of you view us as an inferior and helpless species.

NONE of this impresses blacks because we all recall how he retweeted a white supremacist pile of manure that "most whites in the USA are murdered by blacks".  This reminding me of Jagdeo and his similar racist attacks on blacks. A fully grown white man whose father was a KKK member claimed that he didn't know what the KKK was, this when asked about what he thought of David Duke's support of him.

Jagdeo=Trump, both being a disaster for blacks.

I have concluded over the years, responding to you is like throwing water on a duck!

That last comment sums it up, so what's there to discuss!

You need therapy!

Baseman posted:

Jagdeo=Trump, both being a disaster for blacks.

I have concluded over the years, responding to you is like throwing water on a duck!

That last comment sums it up, so what's there to discuss!

You need therapy!

Given that you love both men I can see why you are so enraged. Fact is that both men are very hostile to blacks which is why blacks are also hostile to them.  They both champion ethnic triumphalism with blacks being forced to be subordinated.  Now why should blacks in Guyana and the USA endorse their own imprisonment?

But then you are hostile to blacks so I can see why you think the way that you do.  Now figure out proper response to me or consider yourself exposed. 

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo=Trump, both being a disaster for blacks.

I have concluded over the years, responding to you is like throwing water on a duck!

That last comment sums it up, so what's there to discuss!

You need therapy!

Given that you love both men I can see why you are so enraged. Fact is that both men are very hostile to blacks which is why blacks are also hostile to them.  They both champion ethnic triumphalism with blacks being forced to be subordinated.  Now why should blacks in Guyana and the USA endorse their own imprisonment?

But then you are hostile to blacks so I can see why you think the way that you do.  Now figure out proper response to me or consider yourself exposed. 

You are useless to discuss anything. Now you denigrating Van Jones because he working with Trump on prison reform and ways to help disadvantaged blacks.  

Banna you are way out in left field. You cuss Indians in Guyana, you cuss whites here.  You cuss burnham, now you cussing blacks working with the admin.  

You are useless!

Drugb posted:

Carib junk is actually an indo with an appetite for big bigan. Somehow he hold on to the hope that there is a conspiracy to hold back the black man. 

Druggie that's quite an infatuation or love for the black man bigan. That's quite an appetite too.

Drugb posted:

Carib junk is actually an indo with an appetite for big bigan. Somehow he hold on to the hope that there is a conspiracy to hold back the black man. 

You are actually speaking of yourself.  Apparently you know of its intoxicating qualities and wish other Indians to partake of it.


Baseman YOU are the idiot. Trump's biggest black stooge calls him a racist so Trump gets a black political consultant who is hungry for fees in a PR stunt.  This is Trump using a PR stunt to hide the fact that his daddy was a member of the KKK and he himself likes to play around with white supremacists. 

I note that you refuse to discuss the strong ties between Trump and groups who have displayed hatred towards blacks.  Now how do you think that blacks in the South feel when they feel the sting of the same Confederate flag lovers that Trumps wants to embrace?

If Trump wanted to resolve the prison reform issue he would tell Jeff Sessions to cooperate with Eric Holder.  When Holder was AG he began to work on prison reform. When Trump came in he threatened to remove all aspects of it.

Trump is doing the same PR nonsense that he did with the black colleges. Omarosa got the HBCU presidents to show up and they did. What ended up happening?  Trump cut subsidies to these colleges as well as PELL grants to the students who help these colleges.

Trump is a racist and Van Jones is an opportunist.   What has Van Jones done on this issue other than talk about it? Why not work with people like Eric Holder who as the former AG has tremendous knowledge on this issue and who has done a tremendous amount of work to resolve this.

So disrespectful you are to black people that you refuse to listen to those who know more about their issues than you do.  Trump doesn't give a damn about blacks, nor more than Jagdeo does. BOTH like to engage in PR stunts to pretend otherwise and this thing with Van Jones has Omarosa damage control all over it.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:

Carib junk is actually an indo with an appetite for big bigan. Somehow he hold on to the hope that there is a conspiracy to hold back the black man. 

Druggie that's quite an infatuation or love for the black man bigan. That's quite an appetite too.

He talks about this endlessly. One can wonder how many seconds pass before he pines for BBG again.  He most likely had an orgasm when he typed that out. 

In fact I realized that it isnt that he hates blacks. He loves their body parts so much so that he has to pretend to hate blacks to disguise his open lust for them.


Katrina Pearson stated that Omorosa was fired after she verbally abused another African American White House employee in a conference call which everyone heard. Trump gave the woman three jobs. One being at the Whitehouse. This is the thanks that he gets. She may be desperate for money so she wrote the book. Those people who support her should hire her. Trump should have hired Don King instead for African American outreach.

Last edited by Prashad

Piers Morgan Says Omarosa Manigault Offered Him Sex to Win ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ 

Omarosa Manigault recently traded the White House for the Celebrity Big Brother house, but Piers Morgan is accusing her of offering him sex to win a different competition: The Celebrity Apprentice.

Get to Know the Cast of ‘Celebrity Big Brother’

“I’ve met a lot of vile human beings in my life, from dictators and terrorists to sex abusers and wicked conmen,” Morgan wrote in a piece for the DailyMail on Tuesday, February 13. “But I’ve never met anyone quite so relentlessly loathsome as Omarosa; a vicious, duplicitous, lying, conniving, backstabbing piece of work.”

“Which beggars the question: what the hell was she doing inside the world’s most powerful building for 12 months? The answer, as we can now see, was amassing a whole mass of damaging information to now use against President Trump and his administration on Celebrity Big Brother,” Morgan continued, referencing Manigault opening up about Donald Trump and Mike Pence on the CBS reality show on Monday, February 12.

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The Good Morning Britain host went on to detail his own experience with Manigault on The Celebrity Apprentice in 2008 when the pair competed against one another on Trump’s reality show.

“Omarosa sidled up to me at the New York Mercantile Exchange and said, quite seriously: ‘Piers, do you want a showmance?’ ‘A what?’ I replied. ‘A showmance. You know, a romance on the show — we get it on together. Happens all the time on Apprentice. Everyone has sex together. Then we can make lots of money out of it,’” Morgan wrote. “I stared at her grasping, ferociously ambitious little eyes, and laughed: ‘You must be joking, you deluded woman.’ She didn’t take it well. ‘What are you? Gay?’” 

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“Because I’d rejected her revolting sex plot, she decided the best line of attack was to repeatedly question my sexuality in the most crude and offensive manner imaginable,” Morgan’s op-ed continued. “On another occasion, in front of boxing champion Lennox Lewis, she said: ‘Hey Piers, I hear you got caught sucking a gay waiter’s cock in a hotel pool?’ This was a lie. I’m not gay and she hadn’t heard that about me. She’d just made it up to smear me and to provoke me into a confrontation.

Morgan added, “Beneath the laughs though lay a less savoury truth: Omarosa is a reprehensible human being, prepared to offer sex to win a reality TV show and use the most vile homophobic slurs against rival contestants.”

Us Weekly reached out to Manigault’s team for a comment. 


Prashad was just at Trump Tower. He saw several African Americans working there. Trump daddy may have been a typical racist German but if Trump can make payroll to pay African Americans he is indirectly helping African American families to pay their bills. Unlike tricky sweet talking Obama the only coloured man in the room when he was President and his Obama minime sidekick Holder.


Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Prashad was just at Trump Tower. He saw several African Americans working there. Trump daddy may have been a typical racist German but if Trump can make payroll to pay African Americans he is indirectly helping African American families to pay their bills. Unlike tricky sweet talking Obama the only coloured man in the room when he was President and his Obama minime sidekick Holder.


Describe what type of jobs did you see blacks doing at the Trump Tower?

The Attorney General under Obama was black as was the UN Ambassador as were many others in senior positions.

Please don't make yourself look stupid by claiming that Trump has more blacks in senior positions than Obama did.  Aside from Sleepy Ben who is more interested in wasting money furnishing his office than dealing with the housing crisis in the large cities, who else does he have with any decision making capabilities?

During Jim Crow and under apartheid blacks had jobs too!  Usually very bad ones.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad was just at Trump Tower. He saw several African Americans working there. Trump daddy may have been a typical racist German but if Trump can make payroll to pay African Americans he is indirectly helping African American families to pay their bills. Unlike tricky sweet talking Obama the only coloured man in the room when he was President and his Obama minime sidekick Holder.


Describe what type of jobs did you see blacks doing at the Trump Tower?

The Attorney General under Obama was black as was the UN Ambassador as were many others in senior positions.

Please don't make yourself look stupid by claiming that Trump has more blacks in senior positions than Obama did.  Aside from Sleepy Ben who is more interested in wasting money furnishing his office than dealing with the housing crisis in the large cities, who else does he have with any decision making capabilities?

During Jim Crow and under apartheid blacks had jobs too!  Usually very bad ones.

Like who?  Tell me who was black in Obama cabinet?.  Obama did absolutely nothing for black people in America.  They had unemployment numbers similar to the great depression when he was President.  He turned Libya from a very progressive country to a country that now returns the black man to Arab slavery.    

Last edited by Prashad

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