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And here was I thinking that you were going to offer names of all of the high powered blacks with top level positions working for Trump.  We see Jesse and Al Sharpton in that picture.   What point are you trying to make.

An AG is a very powerful position as is the UN Ambassador and then there was the head of the EPA and also Trade.  That is FOUR.  Holder was very aggressive and dealing with the prison industry complex that is used to entrap many young black many.

Now tell me what is Carson doing to assist anyone in this country other than the person who tried to furnish is office at excessive tax payers' expense.  

I have said many times that Obama didn't do much FOR blacks.  That is better than Trump who is doing something TO blacks, resurrecting the KKK.  I rather the man who leaves me alone than the other who tries to kill me.


Prashad posted:

I said Trump has black people on his payroll. How many black people you ever employed?

I have employed plenty black people...……………………….And.

You have still to name all of his senior blacks. When he was running for president he stated that he thought that blacks were lazy.

White racists have long employed blacks, NEVER in senior positions though.

Trump was quoted as saying "black guys counting my money, I hate it".

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:
caribny posted:

Also Gaddaffy was no friend of black people.

The thousands of blacks that got Gaddafi scholarships and grants would disagree with that statement.

And the hundreds of thousands who faced genocidal attacks under Gaddafy would want to know what the hell you are talking about. He offered scholarships to bribe African countries.  PR stunt.  Libyan blacks faced a whole different scenario as did African immigrants living there.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:
caribny posted:

Also Gaddaffy was no friend of black people.

The thousands of blacks that got Gaddafi scholarships and grants would disagree with that statement.

And the hundreds of thousands who faced genocidal attacks under Gaddafy would want to know what the hell you are talking about. He offered scholarships to bribe African countries.  PR stunt.  Libyan blacks faced a whole different scenario as did African immigrants living there.

You’re a liar and con.  Nelson Mandela is on record saying gadaffi was a friend of Africans. This is why he refused to join in on an embargo.  

You are an ungrateful bitter old man.  

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:
caribny posted:

Also Gaddaffy was no friend of black people.

The thousands of blacks that got Gaddafi scholarships and grants would disagree with that statement.

And the hundreds of thousands who faced genocidal attacks under Gaddafy would want to know what the hell you are talking about. He offered scholarships to bribe African countries.  PR stunt.  Libyan blacks faced a whole different scenario as did African immigrants living there.

Carib is an ungrateful non-white. Gaddafi help to bankroll the anti apartheid struggle. 

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:
caribny posted:

Also Gaddaffy was no friend of black people.

The thousands of blacks that got Gaddafi scholarships and grants would disagree with that statement.

And the hundreds of thousands who faced genocidal attacks under Gaddafy would want to know what the hell you are talking about. He offered scholarships to bribe African countries.  PR stunt.  Libyan blacks faced a whole different scenario as did African immigrants living there.

You’re a liar and con.  Nelson Mandela is on record saying gadaffi was a friend of Africans. This is why he refused to join in on an embargo.  

You are an ungrateful bitter old man.  

Don't worry with the Carib. He needs to spend two weeks with Omorosa. She will skin his balls.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

BTW I don't consider lifting boxes to be a jobs that an American should have. Have you stopped to think about what kind of jobs these blacks have?  Real wages are still not rising and Trump's buddies are using their tax windfall for share buy backs and NOT to invest to build high paying jobs.

You are telling me that all those Blacks with college education actually lifting boxes? Education is the way out, regardless of who is in power. Stop with the excuses and overtures for entitlement.

You lost your IT job to an H1B and were last seen lifting boxes.

Druggy, Ok now I understand why you want to hook up with me on LinkedIn. Best of luck on your job search and food stamp trading.

Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

BTW I don't consider lifting boxes to be a jobs that an American should have. Have you stopped to think about what kind of jobs these blacks have?  Real wages are still not rising and Trump's buddies are using their tax windfall for share buy backs and NOT to invest to build high paying jobs.

You are telling me that all those Blacks with college education actually lifting boxes? Education is the way out, regardless of who is in power. Stop with the excuses and overtures for entitlement.

You lost your IT job to an H1B and were last seen lifting boxes.

Druggy, Ok now I understand why you want to hook up with me on LinkedIn. Best of luck on your job search and food stamp trading.

No food stamps these days. You get an Electronic Benefit Transaction card. Just like a credit card. The only way you can scam it is when you go the mom and pop store and buy nonfood items(cigs) and the dishonest owner accepts it for payment.


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