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Former Member

Trump calls on CNN to fire Chris Cuomo over leaked audio: 'Fredo must go!'

'Cuomo Prime Time' host was heard denying apparent sexual misconduct allegations

President Trump on Wednesday morning called on CNN to fire its most popular host, Chris Cuomo, after the anchor was heard denying apparent sexual-misconduct allegations on a secretly recorded audiotape amid a conversation with former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

In the audio recording obtained by "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Cuomo told the now-former personal attorney to President Trump about how reporters allegedly were investigating claims against him while he was an anchor for ABC News.

The president took to Twitter to declare that the CNN host "must go" because of the conversation with Cohen.

President Trump called for CNN to fire its most popular host, Chris Cuomo.

President Trump called for CNN to fire its most popular host, Chris Cuomo.

"Will Fredo be fired by Fake News @CNN? He speaks with great disrespect about women, and it will only get worse," Trump tweeted. "Fredo's Ratings are bad, so this is the time. Always terrible to speak to sleazebags, especially when you are being recorded. CNN has no choice, Fredo must go!"

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@cain posted:

What a stupid thread about a stupid joke for a president.

Trump reminds me of that crybaby guy Yuji who used to post here and worshiped Trump as his Mahatma. They can't take criticism. They pretend that they are tough and when push comes to shove they whine like little wimps. Cuomo gon dash some more lash in he backside tonight. Watch for him to be tweeting all night and all day tomorrow in a fit of rage.

Last edited by Mars
@Mars posted:

Trump reminds me of that crybaby guy Yuji who used to post here and worshiped Trump as his Mahatma. They can't take criticism. They pretend that they are tough and when push comes to shove they whine like little wimps. Cuomo gon dash some more lash in he backside tonight. Watch for him to be tweeting all night and all day tomorrow in a fit of rage.

What a president! He has done nothing in the nearly four years of taking office , nothing except bitch and complain about other presidents before him, complain about tv stations, reporters, the intelligent american people and the reason for this is because the a-hole doesn't have a clue how to run a business nor a club so how can he be expected to run a country...he's a lost cause. Perhaps Sean should show him how to build a toilet because all that he(trump) touches turns to crap.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

What a president! He has done nothing in the nearly four years of taking office , nothing except bitch and complain about other presidents before him, complain about tv stations, reporters, the intelligent american people and the reason for this is because the a-hole doesn't have a clue how to run a business nor a club so how can he be expected to run a country...he's a lost cause. Perhaps Sean should show him how to build a toilet because all that he(trump) touches turns to crap.

Nothing in office. You sound like my wife. The man tax China and prevented those Latins from jumping over the border. He also prevented a racially based dictatorship in Guyana.

Last edited by Prashad
@kp posted:


Tucker Carlson totally misconstrued what Cuomo was saying on the tape. Cuomo said that they were reporters calling up ABC, trying to dig up dirt on him. Making up stories that do not exist, something that Trump and the Fox News crowd are very good at doing. He never said that women were making accusations against him but rather that reporters were trying to manufacture that story. I dare him to report on the stories about all the cover ups that Cohen did for Trump. All the ho's he was paying off and the other women who accused him of rape including a thirteen year old that Trump and his pal Epstein were competing for her cherry.

Michael Cuomo

Photo credit: MEGA



Cuomo was allegedly venting out about the incident.

Leaked audio shows Chris Cuomo telling his friend Michael Cohen that he was accused of touching a woman in an elevator.


Host Tucker Carlson revealed the leaked tape of the alleged conversation between the two Tuesday night during his Fox News show.



The tape reveals the alleged voice of Cuomo telling the lawyer: “I’m always careful when I talk to media, you know.


“Do you know how many f**king phone calls I’ve gotten from people at ABC who say that reporters are calling and lying about me and trying to get stories about me when I was at ABC?

“Guys calling and saying, ‘I heard he was the Charlie Rose of ABC, he used to invite women to his hotel and open his bathrobe.’

“Do I look like the kind of f**king guy who’s gotta do that?”

Cohen allegedly responded, “Sure, why not?”

In the leaked tape, Cuomo allegedly went on to vent out his anger: “Women who do work there saying ‘Oh yeah some of these men’ – naming me with other guys – ‘you know we bumped into each other once in the elevator and he put his hand on my shoulder and made me really uncomfortable,’ I mean what the f**k.”


Cohen allegedly reassured him, saying that it was a problem.

“I’m careful with the media always, I’ve always told you the media is not your friend,” Cuomo concluded.


However, it has not yet been made clear how and when the video was recorded.

Carlson commented on the clip, saying: “When you’re talking to Chris Cuomo you don’t actually get to talk much.

“So unfortunately we never get to learn who are all these women who claim they have been sexually harassed by Chris Cuomo?

“What are their names? Have they received financial settlements from CNN or ABC?”

Carlson added that he allegedly sent the tape to CNN and asked questions to a spokesperson, but to no avail.

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

Nothing in office. You sound like my wife. The man tax China and prevented those Latins from jumping over the border. He also prevented a racially based dictatorship in Guyana.

I know Trump like to say he is taxing China by collecting tariff revenue. This just reflects his ignorance on trade economics. Tariffs are not paid by China but by the US consumer. Its a tax on the US consumer because the consumer is paying a higher price for a good produced in China. So when you are paying a higher price for an imported good that is subject to one of his tariffs, please send Trump a thank you note.

@Locutus posted:

I know Trump like to say he is taxing China by collecting tariff revenue. This just reflects his ignorance on trade economics. Tariffs are not paid by China but by the US consumer. Its a tax on the US consumer because the consumer is paying a higher price for a good produced in China. So when you are paying a higher price for an imported good that is subject to one of his tariffs, please send Trump a thank you note.

Trump has an advantage. His supporters  are too dumb to understand  tariffs imposed on China. 

@Tola posted:

Trump has an advantage. His supporters  are too dumb to understand  tariffs imposed on China. 

What’s always amazing is how these supporters don’t understand how much the policies are against them. For instance, iPhones were going to get slapped with a 15% tariff at the end of last year. However, after lobbying by the CEO of Apple and no doubt due to the importance of Apple's stock in the index, the company was able to avoid the tariffs. That is how this administration works. Depending on who you know you can avoid everything from prison to tariffs. However if you are a single parent, doing shift work with no exposure to the stock market because you likely don’t have a 401k, and your washing machine happens to break just as you are trying to get your kids ready for the school year, you are paying on average 12% sometimes as high as 17% more for a new washing machine because of tariffs. And if you don’t think that is a meaningful amount then you don’t have an appreciation for how many Americans are living in a liquidity crunch. ( ). MAGA!


@Locutus posted:

What’s always amazing is how these supporters don’t understand how much the policies are against them. For instance, iPhones were going to get slapped with a 15% tariff at the end of last year. However, after lobbying by the CEO of Apple and no doubt due to the importance of Apple's stock in the index, the company was able to avoid the tariffs. That is how this administration works. Depending on who you know you can avoid everything from prison to tariffs. However if you are a single parent, doing shift work with no exposure to the stock market because you likely don’t have a 401k, and your washing machine happens to break just as you are trying to get your kids ready for the school year, you are paying on average 12% sometimes as high as 17% more for a new washing machine because of tariffs. And if you don’t think that is a meaningful amount then you don’t have an appreciation for how many Americans are living in a liquidity crunch. ( ). MAGA!


You are an intelligent person. I have a few questions:

Why have American workers’ wage been stagnant for the past 30 years?

Who are the biggest beneficiaries of low labor costs?

@Former Member posted:

You are an intelligent person. I have a few questions:

Why have American workers’ wage been stagnant for the past 30 years?

Who are the biggest beneficiaries of low labor costs?

Why have American workers’ wage been stagnant for the past 30 years?

Actually wage growth has been slowing since the early 70’s and the reasons are complex. So the problem of declining wages is not just as simple as manufacturing moved to China. The real economic competition with China only began in the mid 90’s. Of course globalization has an impact but it is by far not the only reason in a very complex problem.

Economist have been struggling with this question for many years with countless papers written but key causes that most agree on are:

  1. Decline in worker productivity - workers have been producing less or at best a stagnant amount on an hourly basis over the years. Employers will only pay more per hour if the worker produces more per hour. That just makes business sense. A key reason that has been identified for stagnating productivity is that the digital revolution has not been all that it is chalked up to be. Theory is that workers just lack the proper tools and A couple of computer screens just does not cut it. Ironically, while we have all this technology, companies are not investing enough in R&D to drive productivity growth. Remember the Trump tax cuts that was going to drive further investments, well the majority went to stock repurchases and dividends.
  2. Monopsony – this is where you have the vast market power vested in just a few companies. They essentially dominate their markets and as a result dominate the market for workers. As a result they are able to depress wages. Think of Walmart and Amazon in online ecommerce.
  3. Automation – has had a real impact but it is early days yet and the impact of this will only get worse.
  4. Globalisation – the one that gets the headlines. The ability to develop global supply chains exploiting low wages and comparative advantages in various countries has allowed companies to reduce the demand for labour in their home markets. In addition, companies have move operations overseas allowing the few remaining companies to grow in size and exercise their Monopsony power. One cannot ignore the power of the financial markets in driving the globalization trend.
  5. Erosion in the position of Unions. Unions for decades have been a major means to mitigate the advantageous position of employers in the market for labour. However a concerted political effort and corruption within Unions has dramatically reduced the bargaining power of unions in the labour markets.


Who are the biggest beneficiaries of low labor costs?

The biggest beneficiaries of low wages have no doubt been the owners of capital. By the way, as consumers and shareholders we are culpable as well. As a result, hopefully you see the need for a mandatory minimum wage which the Republicans are against. This will help to minimize many of the issues above. Or maybe you see the need for better worker safety and not the erosion of those safeguards. However, raising tariffs hoping that all those manufacturing jobs are going to come back is a pipe dream. This is a multi-decade problem that spans a number of administrations. It will take a federal and state policy to prepare the workers for today and tomorrow. In my opinion this is the equivalent of building the interstate highway times 10.

Apologies for the lengthy response.

@Locutus posted:

Why have American workers’ wage been stagnant for the past 30 years?

Actually wage growth has been slowing since the early 70’s and the reasons are complex. So the problem of declining wages is not just as simple as manufacturing moved to China. The real economic competition with China only began in the mid 90’s. Of course globalization has an impact but it is by far not the only reason in a very complex problem.

Economist have been struggling with this question for many years with countless papers written but key causes that most agree on are:

  1. Decline in worker productivity - workers have been producing less or at best a stagnant amount on an hourly basis over the years. Employers will only pay more per hour if the worker produces more per hour. That just makes business sense. A key reason that has been identified for stagnating productivity is that the digital revolution has not been all that it is chalked up to be. Theory is that workers just lack the proper tools and A couple of computer screens just does not cut it. Ironically, while we have all this technology, companies are not investing enough in R&D to drive productivity growth. Remember the Trump tax cuts that was going to drive further investments, well the majority went to stock repurchases and dividends.
  2. Monopsony – this is where you have the vast market power vested in just a few companies. They essentially dominate their markets and as a result dominate the market for workers. As a result they are able to depress wages. Think of Walmart and Amazon in online ecommerce.
  3. Automation – has had a real impact but it is early days yet and the impact of this will only get worse.
  4. Globalisation – the one that gets the headlines. The ability to develop global supply chains exploiting low wages and comparative advantages in various countries has allowed companies to reduce the demand for labour in their home markets. In addition, companies have move operations overseas allowing the few remaining companies to grow in size and exercise their Monopsony power. One cannot ignore the power of the financial markets in driving the globalization trend.
  5. Erosion in the position of Unions. Unions for decades have been a major means to mitigate the advantageous position of employers in the market for labour. However a concerted political effort and corruption within Unions has dramatically reduced the bargaining power of unions in the labour markets.


Who are the biggest beneficiaries of low labor costs?

The biggest beneficiaries of low wages have no doubt been the owners of capital. By the way, as consumers and shareholders we are culpable as well. As a result, hopefully you see the need for a mandatory minimum wage which the Republicans are against. This will help to minimize many of the issues above. Or maybe you see the need for better worker safety and not the erosion of those safeguards. However, raising tariffs hoping that all those manufacturing jobs are going to come back is a pipe dream. This is a multi-decade problem that spans a number of administrations. It will take a federal and state policy to prepare the workers for today and tomorrow. In my opinion this is the equivalent of building the interstate highway times 10.

Apologies for the lengthy response.

No apologies. Thanks for the educated response.  I like your style.  I will respond but I need a time slot. Came in late last night so didn’t feel like.


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