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@Former Member posted:

Bai Skelly, since when you are cussing up and burning like Antifa ?

Trump Pence are winning this as Biden falls like a wara tree.  Hillary will look like a star gyal after they are done with Sleepy Joe.

Let we conservatives enjoy we music video there bai.

I have said that the BLM movement had every right to protest and raise their voices and concerns about the murders of blacks by white policemen. I did not agree with the violence, burning, and looting. You must realize that there were elements from the far-right who started the violence and burning. This just got escalated by the BLM. Once the violence started, even whites and foreigners joined in. Saw a Somali lady in a Target shopping cart with two TVs on her way with Mexicans and Somali youths joining in also.

@singh posted:

Minorities are normally conservatives.they left their homeland in search of a better life(mostly socialist countries)but somehow managed to fall for the liberal nonsence.

Hogwash!!! If helping your fellow man in unfortunate situations is liberalism or socialism, then I am one of them. I have no reservations saying or doing it.


Django!!! weh you deh now, Sean by some trench stinking up the place with irrelevant Photos, over and over again, using up computer storage. Remember you cautioned Dave not so long ago.

 I suggest to have one heading for all US election so that Sean can do FOXY news reporting. He is contaminating too many threads at a time.

 He is posting too much FAKE NEWS about American politics, yet living in remote Canada. Maybe he is the Russian Affair working for Dumb Trump.


There are a few critical states and demographics in play.  Let’s see.

I believe Democrats underestimate how discernment Blacks are. I can see many staying at home. They put together a lame ticket and tell Blacks if you ain’t voting fuh we, you ain’t Black. What an insult.  Don’t they have brains to think for themselves.  Democrats are closet racist.

@Former Member posted:

Trump Country !!!

Trump Country

In the heart of Trump Country, his base’s faith is unshaken

December 27, 2017, Source -

SANDY HOOK, Ky. (AP) — The regulars amble in before dawn and claim their usual table, the one next to an old box television playing the news on mute.

Steven Whitt fires up the coffee pot and flips on the fluorescent sign in the window of the Frosty Freeze, his diner that looks and sounds and smells about the same as it did when it opened a half-century ago. Coffee is 50 cents a cup, refills 25 cents. The pot sits on the counter, and payment is based on the honor system.


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