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Trump fires FBI director James Comey

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired FBI Director James Comey, sweeping away the man who is responsible for an investigation into whether members of Trump's campaign team colluded with Russia in its interference in last year's election.

Comey was once seen as an unimpeachable and nonpartisan ideal of how a law enforcement officer should behave. But he saw his reputation tarnished when he was dragged into the toxic politics of the 2016 campaign. In recent days, he again came under fire for his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server that many Democrats believe cost the former secretary of state the presidency.
The White House said that Comey was fired based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions has recused himself from the Russia investigation because he was a member of Trump's campaign team.
In a signed letter, Trump informed Comey that he was "hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately," explaining that he reached the conclusion that Comey is "not able to effectively lead the bureau."
"It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission," Trump told Comey in the letter. "I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors."
In a separate letter, rich in irony, Rosenstein laid out the reasons for Comey's firing, arguing that it was his transgressions over the Clinton email investigation that were the cause of his dismissal.
At the center of Rosenstein's rationale for recommending Comey's firing was the director's handling of the investigation into Clinton's private server, namely his decision to recommend no charges be filed and the news conference he held to explain his reasoning.
Rosenstein accused Comey of attempting to "usurp the attorney general's authority" by publicly announcing why he felt the case should be closed without prosecution.
"Compounding the error, the director ignored another longstanding principle: We do not hold press conferences to release derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal investigation," Rosenstein argued in his memo.
"We should reject the departure and return to the traditions (of the bureau)," Rosenstein said. "The way the director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them."
CNN's Senior Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin, however, was not buying the idea that Comey was sacked over the Clinton investigation, saying it was "absurd."
Toobin branded the move a "grotesque abuse of power by the President of the United States."
"This is the kind of thing that goes on in non-democracies," Toobin said, referring to the fact that Comey was dismissed while leading an investigation that "reaches near" the President. "We do not fire FBI directors when they are closing in on the White House."
"This is not something that is within the American political tradition," Toobin said, comparing the sacking of Comey to President Richard Nixon's firing of special prospector Archibald Cox during the Watergate scandal.
"This is not normal. This is not politics as usual," Toobin said though added that Trump did have the legal authority to fire an FBI director.
Senior Justice and FBI officials say they were unaware of the Comey decision until the announcement. Officials who spoke to CNN said they are shocked by the development.
Comey's term was due to run until 2023. The decade-long tenure was introduced to shield FBI directors from being drawn into politics.
The firing of Comey sent shockwaves through Capitol Hill.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, who is leading one of four investigations into Russia's interference in the election, said he supported Trump's decision.
"Given the recent controversies surrounding the director, I believe a fresh start will serve the FBI and the nation well," Graham said in a statement Tuesday. "I encourage the President to select the most qualified professional available who will serve our nation's interests."
But Democrats, like Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey blasted the move.
"This is Nixonian. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein must immediately appoint a special counsel to continue the Trump/Russia investigation," he said.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer said shortly before 6 p.m. ET on Tuesday that Comey was "notified a short time ago," but declined to say how Comey was told. Comey's dismissal took effect immediately.
The White House said it will immediately launch the search for a new FBI director.
Comey was appointed FBI director by President Barack Obama in 2013.
In so doing, he elevated a Republican law enforcement veteran who had been critical of the Justice Department under former President George W. Bush to the top domestic investigative and surveillance organization, among the most powerful posts in the world.
In the decades since former FBI Director J Edgar Hoover, the controversial director who brought FBI into the modern era, law enforcement has avoided the appearance of influencing politics the way Hoover did.
But Comey's decision to thrust himself repeatedly into the 2016 election, put him at odds with the FBI's general decision to stay away from the political spotlight.
Comey made the decision in July to go public with his recommendation that the Justice Department not pursue any charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or her former staffers over her email practices as secretary of state. However, he also took the opportunity to rebuke Clinton at length as being "extremely careless" with sensitive information.
Then-candidate Trump had talked up the investigation until this point, at which time he and his campaign derided Comey for the "political" decision.
Just days away from the election, Comey jumped into the race again. He informed Congress, via letter, that the FBI had re-opened its investigation into Clinton. The decision was made because of its investigation into former Rep. Anthony Weiner, who is married to Clinton confidant Huma Abedin. Comey followed up days later with another letter, informing Congress that the FBI didn't find anything and continued to believe Clinton's practices did not merit the pursuance of any criminal charges.
After Clinton's loss, former President Bill Clinton blamed Comey for it, as have many Clinton staffers, at least in part.
After taking office, Trump met with Comey at the White House.
He offered a cryptic remark to the FBI chief.
"Oh, here's Jim," Trump said in January. "He's become more famous than me."


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cobra posted:

Comey should have been fired a long time. Hillary Clinton wanted him gone when he came out the email news that may have caused her to lose the election. Chuck Shumer said today that Trump made a big mistake to fire Comey. Let's wait and see how this latest episode unfolds.

Your observations about this man is accurate. The only problem is that he forgot that with any job, you have to respect your boss and he broke that cardinal rule.

Look at how how Moses is loyal to his Massa Grainjaw. He even carries Grainjaw's Posey without complaining.

The truth is that the Russian investigation was getting closer to Trump and he made this move early in order to protect himself.

yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Comey should have been fired a long time. Hillary Clinton wanted him gone when he came out the email news that may have caused her to lose the election. Chuck Shumer said today that Trump made a big mistake to fire Comey. Let's wait and see how this latest episode unfolds.

Your observations about this man is accurate. The only problem is that he forgot that with any job, you have to respect your boss and he broke that cardinal rule.

Look at how how Moses is loyal to his Massa Grainjaw. He even carries Grainjaw's Posey without complaining.

The truth is that the Russian investigation was getting closer to Trump and he made this move early in order to protect himself.

Respect for individuals and the focus on the issues of a matter are two separate and distinct aspects.

Interesting times and issues ahead.

Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Comey should have been fired a long time. Hillary Clinton wanted him gone when he came out the email news that may have caused her to lose the election. Chuck Shumer said today that Trump made a big mistake to fire Comey. Let's wait and see how this latest episode unfolds.

Your observations about this man is accurate. The only problem is that he forgot that with any job, you have to respect your boss and he broke that cardinal rule.

Look at how how Moses is loyal to his Massa Grainjaw. He even carries Grainjaw's Posey without complaining.

The truth is that the Russian investigation was getting closer to Trump and he made this move early in order to protect himself.

Respect for individuals and the focus on the issues of a matter are two separate and distinct aspects.

Interesting times and issues ahead.


I am not in anyway defending Trump's decision. I was stating the obvious. This is a political move by Trump to protect himself as the Russian investigation was closing in on him.

Interesting times and issues are ahead. The Democrats have to move swiftly before this gets stalled and Trump walks away.

Looks like Comey's deputy stabbed him in the back. This is politics.

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Oh Skont, we thought Joseph Stallin died but he is now the President of The United States.


I understand Kellyann and Jeffrey Lord are paid big bucks to be shameless but so are also PROSTITUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How much can you pay her for lil bit?

With a bag over her face or straight up?????????????

Vish M posted:

It is only a matter of time for an impeachment

A Black American Writer was on Hard Talk. Asked about the election of Trump, he replied, " A man less suited as the President of United States defied all odds, he is elected for a reason. We have to see what is the reason. Maybe, America is into a transition of a new world governing system."

Trump certainly not going by the book.


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