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Trump holds large rally in Alabama, touts tough immigration stance

Rally held in 40,000-seat football stadium

Reuters, First posted: Friday, August 21, 2015 10:37 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, August 22, 2015 12:51 AM EDT, Source


Donald Trump told a rally at an Alabama football stadium on Friday that he would crack down on illegal immigration if elected president, a familiar theme for the real estate mogul as he seeks the Republican nomination.


Trump, who has rocketed to the top of the Republican presidential pack in opinion polls, told the crowd he wanted to change the constitutional amendment that allows children born to illegal immigrants in the United States to automatically become American citizens.


"Very few places do it. We're the only place just about that's stupid enough to do it," Trump said.


He also reiterated his vow to build a wall along the southern border to stop illegal immigration from Mexico.


The former reality TV star moved his rally in Mobile from its scheduled venue in a hotel ballroom to a more than 40,000-seat football stadium to accommodate the anticipated crowds.


The campaign and local officials had said they expected more than 30,000 people, but media estimates put the crowd at closer to 20,000.


About an hour before the event, Trump's Boeing 757 jet emblazoned with "Trump" in gold letters, flew over the stadium, CNN reported.


Trump's immigration stance was endorsed by Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who told the crowd, "I'm really impressed with your plan."


Trump has made immigration a central plank of his campaign to win the White House in the November 2016 election. He has said he would deport all undocumented immigrants and rescind U.S. President Barack Obama's executive orders on immigration.


The billionaire businessman began his campaign in June by saying Mexico is sending its criminals and rapists to the United States. The comment sparked outrage from Hispanic civil rights groups and others.


Trump widened his lead over his closest rivals in the past week, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Friday. Nearly 32% of Republicans surveyed online said they backed Trump, up from 24% a week earlier, the opinion poll found.


Trump had nearly double the support of his closest competitor, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who got 16%.


Alabama is one of several Southern states receiving greater attention than usual from the Republican candidates because they will host a joint Southern primary on March 1. Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas are among the states also slated to hold primaries that day.


The first Southern primary is scheduled for Feb. 20 in South Carolina.

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Trump wanted Princess Diana as 'trophy wife': Newscaster

Postmedia Network, First posted: Monday, August 17, 2015 11:24 AM EDT | Updated: Monday, August 17, 2015 11:36 AM EDT, Source


Donald Trump was reportedly on the hunt for "the ultimate trophy wife" when he turned his sights on Princess Di in 1992, after she split with Prince Charles.


British newscaster Selina Scott told the U.K. Sunday Times that Diana was creeped out when Trump sent her massive bouquets of flowers.


"As the roses and orchids piled up at her apartment she became increasingly concerned about what she should do. It had begun to feel as if Trump was stalking her," she told the newspaper. "Trump clearly saw Diana as the ultimate trophy wife."


Diana had apparently asked Scott for advice on how to handle the mogul's flowery attention.


"'Just throw them in the bin,' I advised. Diana laughed."


Scott herself has been the target of Trump's attention, but not in a romantic way. He's threatened her with lawsuits, called her "obnoxious," "not at all very smart," "a loser," and "sleazy."


A spokesman for Trump would only comment that the presidential candidate and Diana had "a great relationship, liked each other a lot, but nothing ever came of it."

Originally Posted by caribny:

I do recall Alabama chased out all the undocumenteds, their crops rotted in the fields, as neither black or white Americans wanted that work.


Apparently some people "hard ears".

Actually you are correct.  I was just in Macon Ga where the illegals were driven out.  The housing sector has flat-lined and Auto Zone and similar businesses suffered declines and lay offs.


Truth of the matter, illegals are embedded in the economy and the economy is dependent on them.  They are actually hardworking and productive.  One builder brought in unemployed Blacks and Whites but the did the minimum and many got "hurt" as soon at they were eligible for disability.

Originally Posted by baseman:
. . . I was just in Macon Ga where the illegals were driven out.  The housing sector has flat-lined and Auto Zone and similar businesses suffered declines and lay offs.


Truth of the matter, illegals are embedded in the economy and the economy is dependent on them.  They are actually hardworking and productive.  One builder brought in unemployed Blacks and Whites but the did the minimum and many got "hurt" as soon at they were eligible for disability.

uh huh . . . and all this informs your just-off-de-boat prediction that yuh man Trump will be the next US president


idiot parade continues

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
. . . I was just in Macon Ga where the illegals were driven out.  The housing sector has flat-lined and Auto Zone and similar businesses suffered declines and lay offs.


Truth of the matter, illegals are embedded in the economy and the economy is dependent on them.  They are actually hardworking and productive.  One builder brought in unemployed Blacks and Whites but the did the minimum and many got "hurt" as soon at they were eligible for disability.

uh huh . . . and all this informs your just-off-de-boat prediction that yuh man Trump will be the next US president


idiot parade continues

Nuh, he could be and will"evolve" on the whole immigration issue.  Right now, it's about red meat politics.  Hillary already feeling his draft.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
. . . I was just in Macon Ga where the illegals were driven out.  The housing sector has flat-lined and Auto Zone and similar businesses suffered declines and lay offs.


Truth of the matter, illegals are embedded in the economy and the economy is dependent on them.  They are actually hardworking and productive.  One builder brought in unemployed Blacks and Whites but the did the minimum and many got "hurt" as soon at they were eligible for disability.

uh huh . . . and all this informs your just-off-de-boat prediction that yuh man Trump will be the next US president


idiot parade continues

Nuh, he could be and will"evolve" on the whole immigration issue.  Right now, it's about red meat politics.  Hillary already feeling his draft.

you are and will remain a prancing moron poser


just-off-de-boat fits u to a tee

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
. . . I was just in Macon Ga where the illegals were driven out.  The housing sector has flat-lined and Auto Zone and similar businesses suffered declines and lay offs.


Truth of the matter, illegals are embedded in the economy and the economy is dependent on them.  They are actually hardworking and productive.  One builder brought in unemployed Blacks and Whites but the did the minimum and many got "hurt" as soon at they were eligible for disability.

uh huh . . . and all this informs your just-off-de-boat prediction that yuh man Trump will be the next US president


idiot parade continues

Nuh, he could be and will"evolve" on the whole immigration issue.  Right now, it's about red meat politics.  Hillary already feeling his draft.

you are and will remain a prancing moron poser


just-off-de-boat fits u to a tee

Boy, you are a desperate rat on a sinking ship!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
. . . I was just in Macon Ga where the illegals were driven out.  The housing sector has flat-lined and Auto Zone and similar businesses suffered declines and lay offs.


Truth of the matter, illegals are embedded in the economy and the economy is dependent on them.  They are actually hardworking and productive.  One builder brought in unemployed Blacks and Whites but the did the minimum and many got "hurt" as soon at they were eligible for disability.

uh huh . . . and all this informs your just-off-de-boat prediction that yuh man Trump will be the next US president


idiot parade continues

Nuh, he could be and will"evolve" on the whole immigration issue.  Right now, it's about red meat politics.  Hillary already feeling his draft.

you are and will remain a prancing moron poser


just-off-de-boat fits u to a tee

Boy, you are a desperate rat on a sinking ship!

not sure what u mean


what metaphorical "sinking ship" are you talking about?


i warned u already about braying stuff you think is pithy/profound without engaging yuh brain fuss


take a deep breath banna and try curb this avalanche of stupid

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Do you think DG would like him to be president? Lol

Trump likes Canada, so DG should not be overly bothered.  In a perverse way, he is drawing the crowds for the same reason Obama was, an outsider with bold ideas.  If he wins, he will also learn that things are not as simple as it seems.  He will get the wall, that's the easy part.  Mexico paying, trade deals, etc will not be a cake walk.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Do you think DG would like him to be president? Lol

Trump likes Canada, so DG should not be overly bothered.  In a perverse way, he is drawing the crowds for the same reason Obama was, an outsider with bold ideas.  If he wins, he will also learn that things are not as simple as it seems.  He will get the wall, that's the easy part.  Mexico paying, trade deals, etc will not be a cake walk.

Trump will end up similar to billionaire Ross Perot, the former presidential candidate in 1992.


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